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Everything posted by Lio

  1. Exactlt. I forgot who it was, but you're right. Slash2Baz and he is 100% reliable. And Slash is too, as long as it comes to his solo stuff
  2. I find the idea of a cover album exciting. Slash has enough albums that he composes himself. Now if it was Axl coming with a cover album, THAT would be disappointing to me I hope there's a few unexpected guests. Always nice to have some crossovers and Slash guests on so many things it must be easy for him to find people eager to sing or do a song with him.
  3. Odd. I didn't read it as that at all. What Israel is doing now, is a disgrace and only produces more hate and antisemitism sadly. It is possible to condemn what Israel is doing (how could you not?), without supporting Hamas. What Hamas did/does, is horrible too. In the end, it's always the innocent who pay. Innocent Palestinians getting shot while trying to get some food, or innocent jews who are targeted for no other reason than being jews. We have Hamas and Netanyahu and his colonists to thank for that. As for your original post, I don't like violent protests either. If you protest anything, don't hide your face and don't demolish stuff. It won't get you any support and you should be punished for it. It reminds me of those climate activists. Who are you going to win for your cause by demolishing art that is dear to so many people, or by annoying people just trying to get to their work or wanting to go on a much deserved holiday bly glueing yourself to the asphalt? Seems like they're all shooting themselves in the foot by being obnoxious assholes.
  4. Eight years later neither of the parties have found a candidate. Very depressing and scary. Two very old men are all they can offer to lead a super power. I remember when Kamala Harris would take over two years into the presidency. Now all these years later Biden will be running for a second term? Are we supposed to forget he's in his 80s? In the newspaper here a geriatrist compared it to having an 80 year old drive a F1 car. Of course not all old people are senile, but to have the job of president of the US you should be in your peak, right? I think no one can say with a straight face anyone could ever be in their peak at 80. (Unless Cocoon is real.) Isn't there any other Democrat candidate? Have the Democrats simply given up looking for anyone? And was Kamala really that bad? (I don't remember what she did wrong, I vaguely remember her stuffing up soon after she became VP.) At least here in the press, we don't read anything about other Democrats, only Biden. Of course all of this goes for the Republicans too, but there were at least a few other candidates.
  5. 159 EUR to see them on a festival field in Belgium. I think I saw them for half that in 2016 with Axl.
  6. Happy birthday to my favourite frontman ever! I wish you many more healthy, happy years
  7. Happy birthday, Duff 🥳 60 already. I hope you have a great day and hope to see you again soon 😊
  8. As a Swiftie's mum I have the feeling Taylor releases an album twice a month But it makes my daughter very happy and excited every time, so that's fine for me. I don't understand her appeal myself, but she's only 34 now and she seems very prolific and everything she does seems very professional. I would bet she can have a great career for many many decades. Sometimes I wish I was a fan of a musician who loved working and worked with only professionals. Sadly, I'm stuck with Axl. I could probably name a few songs, but only because of my daughter. I doubt my parents could name Madonna songs back in the day though. They weren't into that music, so I don't think it says a lot that many GNR fans don't know her songs. But maybe streaming makees it worse? I mean, we used to listen to the radio and you would always have to listen to some songs you didn't like or would normally listen to. You'd discover more songs in more genres. Now you put on the things you like or the things your friends pointed out. Or things the algorithm shows you?
  9. It's a very questionable story. If this ruins GNR, then we might as well call it quits on most (if not all) bands. They all have similar (or worse) stories. I think most people who were around back in the day would be surprised there aren't more/worse stories coming to light. This sort of behaviour was expected with those rock stars. Living on the edge, bad boys. It doesn't really scream respectful behaviour, does it?
  10. Maybe they (whoever wrote that) see it more as the GNR writing than Axl writing per se. Like used in the Estranged video.
  11. What territorialism here, jeez. I for one would never have expected that people would get so emotional about The General video. I would say 'we need new music', but last year has shown that doesn't really help. Mostly the same people will invariably be unhappy with it. We've gotten two music videos in the past year and some unheard songs, we've gotten lots of completely unexpected deepcuts in shows. Still it's being called predictable and the band is lazy I'm not saying it's a revolution, but I would bet one year ago all those people complaining endlessly now, would have never even dreamed of getting all we got in the past year. It is too bad if it's not to your liking (which is fine), but don't make it out as if we never get anything.
  12. True they used to explain the videos themselves on a separate video you could buy And I still don't get them
  13. But this is not what they wanted to make as a video. It's like using an abstract painting of a dog and saying you can draw a better dog. That's not the point.
  14. But this is the Slash show, he does what he wants and he did DDM in a soundcheck for GNR, so I would assume he's motivated enough to do it. I'm going with someone on here saying he made a mistake and didn't succeed in getting it back on track and chose to just go for anything (I'm paraphrasing). This can't be a solo he's tired with either. We could be led to think Axl doesn't even like singing, from decades of experience we've had, but guitar playing seems to be Slash's life. I don't believe he's phoning it in.
  15. Oh, I missed that. There is a LOT going on for my little brain to follow, of course.
  16. That is what I find annoying. It looks like letters, but they're not really real letters. That enhances the idea you've had some kind of stroke.
  17. I appreciate there are no strippers nor AFD skeletons in this.
  18. I like the morphing into band members. And I like Axl pointing his fingers to the music just before the 3 minute mark. The AI stuff is the stuff of nightmares, I suppose. It's nice to see a video, even if it's not really my cup of tea. I still love The General.
  19. Besides waiting for the GNR surprise today, I've been waiting on an update in the Love/sex/relationship thread all day, but I see I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up in that department either I guess you've sobered up too much, @Eric Cantona
  20. I really hope we get a full video of it. I thought I remembered someone saying it was impossible to do live, and so I checked A4D, and funny, it's Slash who said it was impossible
  21. Some people here seem unfamiliar with marketing terminology. A BMW doesn't actually give you freedom and women don't actually throw themselves at you for using AXE deodorant. 'Fans, on January 24 we're planning on giving you a little surprise, but don't hold your breath, it's nothing special, so don't get your hopes up and don't stay home for it. It might also be postponed or canceled, due to things that are out of our control.'
  22. This is a longer snippet: https://www.instagram.com/stories/gnrnewsbrasil/3287151414173351669/?igsh=emxuYnJpeDBxNXd6 Sounds great to me.
  23. Don't Damn Me being played and Always on the Run... Makes me think I should go try and watch a show. I would love to see those two.
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