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Everything posted by JimiRose

  1. Too cheesy. The song is better than a throwaway halloween gesture. I kow halloween is big in the US but make the song feel more like a cheesy halloween grab rather than the best song GnR have left since 2008. Release it tomorrow, let it stand on its own as a genuine fully fledged song.
  2. The new Beatles song isn't 'AI generated' it's a john lennon recording that was too grainy to use in a released piece. The remaining beatles then recorded all their studio parts (like slash and duff on axl songs) and the AI tech became good enough to isolate johns vocal and not all the background crap. Kind of like what we dream someone will use on the general phone clip. It's incredible extraction technology, not an ai song. So it appears the only person to fall for anything have been those that think that new beatles song is an AI song. It isnt. Whether you like the song or not, that is truly subjective and your own choice. And yes this is clearly a half assed, 7 week later video to the general. No idea why they couldnt release this when the song dropped. ahh appears someone beat me to the explanation!
  3. Pretty sure the version we have is the official mixed and mastered version, just not officially released. The drums and vocals are definitely on purpose, and slash has been sloppy for years, maybe too on purpose to give it more of a live feel or energy. I'd like the orchestra higher in the mix, but the sound is very similar to the official released version of the general. I think what gives it the 'unfinished' sound is more likely the vocal layers and the fact that they're not all in the same time and that he's singing slightly different things under the main lead vocal, it gives it a messy feel but thats clearly what he's looking for, compared to say the massive clean crisp over produced vocal on hardskool.
  4. We still talking on their heads..? ah who am I kidding, I'm happy all ways
  5. I think the weight loss makes him look better, but if his hair was long combined with the much better physique, he'd still be hot. Long hair is just better on all men. Let that be a lesson to you all!
  6. That's how bad i feel his short hair is. grow it out Axl. Maybe he is like Samson. ever noticed how shit his voice has been since his hair got shorter... Think we've finally cracked the case
  7. I don't think we can include anything post 2010 (unless of course it was released or first played after that). There's no way any original GnR material would have been played better after that. For example 'this I love' you have vegas 2016. Reading 2010 was poor by 2010 standards yet it was 1000x better than 2016 and beyond. 2014 was generally very poor vocally. 2011/12 hit and miss. but 2006 and 2010 were two really incredible years vocally for axl, competing with 85-93 era.
  8. It's unbelievable how much better he looks with long hair. I'm a straight man, but he is so much better looking with long hair. And badass. Axls made some bad career moves, but cutting the hair short was his worst.
  9. £20 for a 2 song CD!??? what the fuck! full albums are £10. What absolute rip off con artists
  10. Someone on YouTube has a couple isolated tracks the this i love orchestra thing is so good Lenny Maidana
  11. The question is why? They're actually really good as reference for recording your own stuff, how you can enhance sound different ways. Some were just totally weird though.
  12. Hidden tracks was what they were called on YT. They are effectively isolated recordings of single stems of instruments or vocal layers on all the CD songs. Axl did like 50 vocal layers for some songs on CD. Different accents, whispers, high and low vocals etc and about 45 of them are turned right down to thicken the final piece. On TWAT he did this weird demonic 'LONG TIME' thing you can hear if you really listen on good sound system in the 'long time for you' bit. The orchestra under TIL, random guitar licks that sound so out of place on the final mix yet are left in, just really buried. Probably find some more frogs too like in the general
  13. They were really interesting, gutted they got taken down. Can't think why they would have been taken down either tbh
  14. They are definitely far superior when together. the izzy base foundation of the songs, Axl's epicness with piano/orchestra and vocal delivery the slash lead and the duff punky bass. All their solo stuff sounds exactly how they sounded indiviually in GnR, and lacks the others input. But there's still some great stuff. Slash Anastasia is as good as anything the band has done since 93. Twat is the Axl one. Duff did Chip away and shuffle it all by izzy. There's obv more good songs. Band wasted themselves.
  15. I can hear it like a bomb going off in one bit, but can't really identify it anywhere else. It's not the end of the world, but i think coz this song is well over 20 years old and was recorded with sluff about 3-4 years ago AND it was delayed last minute for quality issues, you'd think they'd not have this sort of thing.
  16. Listening to Monsters, I can hear what sounds like Axl high pitching more lyrics quietly in the background as well as lots of different woo hoos and other non distinguishable vocals. This made me remember the CD hidden tracks that were on Youtube for a while but I can no longer find. They were a collection of things that were buried in the mix or barely discernible in the final song, I can only assume they were taken from the rock band stems or by some crazy advanced Ai of it's time. It was random guitar licks, random axl vocals, hidden orchestras, whispers and atmospherics. Does anyone know where I can find them or were one of you the one putting them on YT? Anyone else remember these?
  17. if the world is a great song aside from the corny simplistic lyrics in the verses. the vocal performance is one of his best and the music is totally unique in the gnr catalogue. should have been a bond theme.
  18. The extra long KOHD and RQ are most likely for Axls benefit. gives him 5 minutes of water, oxygen and a towel down. It depends if you care more for trimming the fat or for quality of the show. the extended jams could easily be replaced by some audience interaction, like talking to the audience, an anecdote, a story. very rare at GnR shows these days. Someone said earlier the long shows are great if you can accept the massive dips in quality (mainly axl) but tbh i don't think Axls vocals will be better if its a 90 minute show anyway. he cannot sing anything in that mid range and his rasp when he does bring it out is weak and rough. so you might as well have 3 hours of shit than 90 minutes of shit in GnRs case. get drunk, singalong and tune axl out that way.
  19. RHCP are a joke. 90/95 minute sets. 3x in 10 years ive seen them and they've been the same length always cut out half the hits. they usually learn two sets and alternate each show so it's different which is good, but it shows they know a 3 hour set and just choose to play half.
  20. Living the dream shagging multiple 20 year olds every week, eating take out food. Yes. Works on music not related to guns? Don't be ridiculous!
  21. You lose all credibility here. Giving a guy that has released 1 original album in 33 years (and fucked that up) enough credit to suggest he had a plan, or even gave a fuck is absurd.
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