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Everything posted by Voodoochild

  1. Oh, I think I remember this one. He did something similar with me on YouTube some time ago, crying that I was doing something against Robin because I liked something Slash did? I don't remember that well, I assumed he was a troll and just blocked him on my comments. Guess I should do the same thing on Instagram. Ashba probably blocked every guitar player better than him on Instagram. Which means he has no guitar player on his Instagram. Haha, but I do like Robin's wah tone, especially on Ghost of Mars OST.
  2. To be fair, even Axls shitty guitar in Madagascar and TWAT demos were professionally recorded. That Eye on You thing wasn’t.
  3. There’s a guy on my Instagram post arguing that I got it all wrong and that it’s actually Robin playing on The General. Really, I can’t even
  4. They’ve could at least address it stating how the legal team would look into it. Really, anything. I understand the legal implications, but the statement is also a PR matter. Then it was the duty of the reporter to follow up with questions about it. For sure.
  5. They could address it with something like what they used already: “we take this accusations very seriously bla bla bla”. It works against them to not even say a word about it (and Rolling Stone should’ve made this very obvious, but that wasn’t very well written anyways).
  6. The xenophobia doesn’t need an excuse though. Even if they didn’t use the name, people would still be idiotic about their nationality.
  7. For the people who said nobody outside the forum would cared about it: https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/guns-n-roses-manager-sued-sexual-harassment-copyright-claims-1234877430/amp/ This is obviously newsworthy, and it has all the right to be. Curiously enough, the band didn’t say a thing about the sexual abuse allegations on its statement to RS.
  8. Like I said in the other thread, I totally believe in Kat's allegations based on the very little I've seen of him. And I agree, Fernando has to go. Now.
  9. I believe in her 100%. From the very little experience I had with him, he acted with others in a disrespectful manner. I can totally see him being exactly how Kat described. And of course I agree, Fernando has to go.
  10. It is very handy indeed. But for when you know you’ll have bad cellular coverage (or in an airplane) just download the songs to listen offline. It’s easy: just click on the arrow.
  11. I understand what you said, but just to be clear, it's not just the drums, though. The guitars are not professionally recorded, and the tone and style are nothing like any of GNR guitar players that we know of. Also, a pretty strong indication is that both are pasted on top of the demo we have, the mix of those parts (synth, bass, FX, Axl's voice and drums) are exactly the same as the Village leak. If it was real, the mix would be certainly different to make room for the new guitars, even if it used the exact same layers as the Village demo.
  12. Sure I do. Spotify's algorithm is pretty good in finding related new artists that I might like it and there's always a playlist just for new recommendations. From those suggestions, I may try to listen to new albums. This is a challenge though, because while I listen to Guns N' Roses, may main preference is to alternative rock and indie artists, mostly female singers.
  13. Then I use mp3. You can download music player apps that function just as you expect. Or you can upload for personal use on your Spotify or Apple account
  14. I just download the tunes I want to listen offline on Apple Music or Spotify. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  15. I know, bad writing by me. I meant that he was looking for another partnership to have a signature amp out there. Are any of his signature amps still being sold? I mean, brand new ones. The last one wasn't the AFD100?
  16. It sure is. Maybe he's going to another company because Marshall is not reissuing his amp?
  17. Thank you! Not sure why, maybe we have a different take of it indeed, but there's also the possibility of him doing just whatever he feels like, kind of what he did with Absurd. If they ever perform Monsters live, I believe this would sound a lot closer to the leak.
  18. This is fine. I just wonder how Magnatone would sell it. I mean, if it's just a Marshall clone indeed.
  19. In Brazil, there's no info about the vinyl availability at all. https://www.umusicstore.com/vinil-guns-n-roses-perhaps-7-importado-4727/p
  20. I think it will happen eventually. And it will be a mix of new stuff and some CD era stuff (maybe with reworked vocals if Axl is smart enough to adjust to his current capability). I mean, Slash said that (about the "no new material") quite some time ago. That jam that we all thought was The General could be some stuff they already bounced off during the last couple of years. Since they were willing to work on those last few tracks, there's no reason to believe they wouldn't want to do something new. I know people think it's unlikely because of this band's history, but they do not follow any pattern.
  21. But Marshall's new management does seem to be more interested in expand the brand to non-guitar speakers, new business models and all that marketing bullshit about new revenue streams. They could use Slash for all this, of course, but maybe he's not needed? Not sure. They could relaunch some of his signature models, maybe go with a Marshall-in-a-box pedal or try to venture in the IRs stuff like Fender did. I'm curious about this new Magnatone signature model, though. Would this be just like his Marshall amps? I mean, if it's the same (or too close), what's the point?
  22. Thanks! About the bass, the last chorus isn't 100% true to the original because I had a hard time trying to hear it. And also because, for some reason, I'm unable to play everything on the bass in a single take - I just forget what I'm supposed to play lol. I edited 3 takes on this video because of that.
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