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Count Drugcula

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Three questions:

1) What is guitar shredding exactly? I mean from a technical perspective or whatever...The word is bandied about a lot, even by me, but I've never quite understood what defines it exactly

2) If you dislike shredding, why do you dislike it?

3) Can anyone list some early (like pre 1985 let's say) examples of shredding in a band or song or record? It seems to have been an '80s invention.

Much appreciated <3.

Edited by Count Drugcula
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Three questions:

1) What is guitar shredding exactly? I mean from a technical perspective or whatever...The word is bandied about a lot, even by me, but I've never quite understood what defines it exactly

2) If you dislike shredding, why do you dislike it?

3) Can anyone list some early (like pre 1985 let's say) examples of shredding in a band or song or record? It seems to have been an '80s invention.

Much appreciated <3.

sup indigo :thumbsdown:

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its a general term that describes fast guitar playing.

More specifically, I'd say it refers to notably fast fretwork. No one ever calls Dick Dale a shredder, yet he's one of the fastest picking guitarists out there.

I like some shredders to an extent. I think any guitarist should have a healthy blend of technical skill and emotion. Everyone throws around the word "emotion" like they coined the term, but it's all in the eye of the beholder. So many people say EVH has no emotion, but to me, Cathedral has plenty of emotion for example.

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Guest Len B'stard

i dont dislike it as such, it's something that can be utilised with effect within certain passages of music, i just don't think it is something that should carry a particular guitarist and unfortunately in many cases this is how shit goes down. it's a technique and it's as good as the song or the guitarist that utilises it. For some reason it's considered a form of prowess and hey, maybe to some it is but to me music is about feeling which can be both expressed or drained by shredding.

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No one ever calls Dick Dale a shredder, yet he's one of the fastest picking guitarists out there.

That's a good point, the distinction should be made that Dale was a tremolo picker.

To me, Shredding is synonymous with two-hand tapping, which as a technique, gets redundant within a few seconds.

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No one ever calls Dick Dale a shredder, yet he's one of the fastest picking guitarists out there.

That's a good point, the distinction should be made that Dale was a tremolo picker.

To me, Shredding is synonymous with two-hand tapping, which as a technique, gets redundant within a few seconds.

Fair enough. I do think it's a shame Dick Dale doesn't get more credit; he really was the original rock virtuoso. I credit a lot of the innovations of the instrument throughout the later half of the 20th century to him.

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Guitar is essentially the only instrument where you can ever be "too good." Anything else, piano, violin, trombone, hell even other rock instruments like drums, technical ability is recognised as an achievement. But because of guitar's place in popular culture and because there are a hell of a lot of lazy guitarists out there, there's a movement made to disparage anyone over a particular level who plays in a particularly musically advanced style as "having no emotion" or some shit like that. I don't know how one quantifies "emotion" in relation to musical skill but I wouldn't say pulling faces while playing a slow bend really qualifies.

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Guitar is essentially the only instrument where you can ever be "too good." Anything else, piano, violin, trombone, hell even other rock instruments like drums, technical ability is recognised as an achievement. But because of guitar's place in popular culture and because there are a hell of a lot of lazy guitarists out there, there's a movement made to disparage anyone over a particular level who plays in a particularly musically advanced style as "having no emotion" or some shit like that. I don't know how one quantifies "emotion" in relation to musical skill but I wouldn't say pulling faces while playing a slow bend really qualifies.


Some really fast guitarists are just boring and unimaginative, but there's plenty of rock guitarists that fit that bill too. It's just another style of music, and either it makes you feel something or it doesn't.

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