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2/10 - New York (Roseland Ballroom) updates

Tyler Drama

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I would love to offer my 2 cents on this concert as me and my bro were there front row. The concert was bloody great. I don't get all this Axl sounds like Mickey Mouse bs. He sounded great. Yea maybe he didn't add the rasp as much but he did it enough and he sounds fucking great. The band was on fire the whole night. Yea they didn't play any new songs but when you are there you just lose yourself. Don't even notice shit like that. And I fully believe that new shit from this band will come sooner rather than later.

Other cool stuff from the show: I got a pic from Bumblefoot, my bro got DJ's cig when he asked for it and DJ threw it to him. Then he took a smoke out of it, was freaking awesome(said it was menthol). I got to shake Axl's hand, play Bumble's guitar. I asked Bumble how his back was he said horrible, then said it's okay :) I have some cool videos but don't have my cable to upload them but will soon.

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Thank you Kill Devil Hill. Coming from a fan who has a rational view of the entire music industry and how it works, I appreciate your response.

Rabia. Really?

You are hilarious. GnR has improved their communication with the fans - yes, without a doubt. But compared to other bands, we are still at a D-.

Ok. Since they are communicating with us and I'm ignorant and can't understand, will u please be so kind to answer these simple questions for me, as I seem to have missed the answers.

When is the new album coming out?

Will it feature all new songs created by this band?

What happened to the trilogy of albums?

Why haven't the old songs come out?

Band members and those close have talked about songs like atlas and general and soul monster and thyme....can u tell is about some of these songs?

How do the new guys feel about possibly releasing "new" music that was created by the newer older guys?

Is Axl performing at the rnr hall of fame?

Why have we only gotten one album from GnR since Axl decided to keep the name?

Some fans blame the lack of new music on the label issues....what exactly is the problem?

Did CD get rushed out without Axls approval?

How did the cd booklet get released with mistakes in it?

Did all the leaks determine the songs that were put in CD?

What happened to the better video?

What really happened in Philly?

Why do u go through so many producers?

Why did u fight so hard to keep the GnR name, if you are just going to live off the old bands work?

I could go on, but I suppose that is good for now. I thank you in advance for the answers.

I think what's hilarious is the wild over-reaction that you're having in this thread which seems to be going in a lot of different confusing directions. You still cant seem to answer why you're having a meltdown about lack of a new album or inadequate updates in a thread about a live show which I would imagine is meant simply for discussing that show and not for lamenting assorted broken dreams.

It seems that the need for a new album has become a ticking time bomb for you as if the only acceptable attitude from a fan is to be rolled up into a ball hyperventilating right now. Once again, WHO is saying that having new music is a bad thing? But why should that goal make it imperative to indulge in constant hand-wringing rather than actually taking in the new shows? The people who were at the show don't seem to be having fits of depression here, infact I've seen posts saying they had a good enough time.

I dont think there's a requisite figure for number of interviews, tweets etc that a band needs to fulfill every year. Some people seem to put every waking thought on Twitter, I dont think that necessarily makes for deeper communication. But if the band doesnt have firm plans ready to go, what do they achieve from random chatter?

Some of questions you drew up have already been discussed in previous interviews directly or indirectly. Many of your other seems to jump the gun. When the new album hasnt been released yet, what's the point of declaring to the world what the band members feel about releasing music by the "newer older guys"? What do you expect? A thesis drawn up by the band about such feelings? What's stopping interviewers from asking Bumblefoot or Tommy or any of the guys about these feelings? Better yet, why dont you ask them on twitter?

The band doesn't seem to have the requisite deals in place to release the new album so what dates do you expect to be given out? Or do you expect them to throw out a date which might lapse later so that people can beat their chests and cry that Axl hates his fans, hence he delays albums?

Why should the band announce whether it wants a mix of old and new songs or just record new songs before the album comes out? Why give up the element of surprise which seems so highly valued in this very thread?

The band might expand on the trilogy by mixing in new songs or might simply add in DJ's voice to the existing mix of voices on those recordings. But again, why should they announce all this right now when there's so indication that any breakthrough with the business end of things in imminent? Axl's latest print interview suggested that he is plenty frustrated in this regard. So what is to be gained by announcing detailed plans which might have to change as time and tide changes things?

Axl and Tommy have already spoken about difficulties with producers and with the record company. Answers are already embedded in those interviews but it is just plain illogical to expect them to dilate at length on the dynamics of this relationship because there are legal issues involved and there's nothing to be gained from needless animosity with the record company.

Again, AFD, GN'R Lies, UYI are all AXL'S hard work too. He can live off his hard work as long as he wants, your attempts to divest him from his own musical legacy wont change the fact that he has a right to it.

Ya, that is exactly what I'm tying to do. Divest him from his musical legacy. Are you for real? That is what you got out of my post? I thought you were just a nutter, but apparently you are a moron as well.

But sure. It is everybody in the worlds fault that Axl can't release an album. And sure, communicating with your fans is something we shouldn't expect. Because no other bands actually talk with their fans about upcoming albums and songs.

Axl fought so hard to keep the name, so he could strengthen his "legacy" by just living off the work of his band from 20 years ago.

The point you miss, is that YOUR ideal situation completely establishes this current band as a cover band. While Duff, Izzy and Slash create and play new music and refuse to milk the old songs for profit.....Axl refuses to do the same. Maybe YOU enjoy an album every ten years, endless CD and greatest hits tours to 6-7000 people a night. I prefer to see me favorite singer create music, and think this current band would put out an amazing album.

Hey....maybe the rumor of the band rerecording appetite is true!!!!! Maybe Axl will release that!!!! That would make your year!!!!!

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I would love to offer my 2 cents on this concert as me and my bro were there front row. The concert was bloody great. I don't get all this Axl sounds like Mickey Mouse bs. He sounded great. Yea maybe he didn't add the rasp as much but he did it enough and he sounds fucking great. The band was on fire the whole night. Yea they didn't play any new songs but when you are there you just lose yourself. Don't even notice shit like that. And I fully believe that new shit from this band will come sooner rather than later.

Other cool stuff from the show: I got a pic from Bumblefoot, my bro got DJ's cig when he asked for it and DJ threw it to him. Then he took a smoke out of it, was freaking awesome(said it was menthol). I got to shake Axl's hand, play Bumble's guitar. I asked Bumble how his back was he said horrible, then said it's okay :) I have some cool videos but don't have my cable to upload them but will soon.

Glad you had a great time :)

Did you have Gold VIPs?

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Thank you Kill Devil Hill. Coming from a fan who has a rational view of the entire music industry and how it works, I appreciate your response.

Rabia. Really?

You are hilarious. GnR has improved their communication with the fans - yes, without a doubt. But compared to other bands, we are still at a D-.

Ok. Since they are communicating with us and I'm ignorant and can't understand, will u please be so kind to answer these simple questions for me, as I seem to have missed the answers.

When is the new album coming out?

Will it feature all new songs created by this band?

What happened to the trilogy of albums?

Why haven't the old songs come out?

Band members and those close have talked about songs like atlas and general and soul monster and thyme....can u tell is about some of these songs?

How do the new guys feel about possibly releasing "new" music that was created by the newer older guys?

Is Axl performing at the rnr hall of fame?

Why have we only gotten one album from GnR since Axl decided to keep the name?

Some fans blame the lack of new music on the label issues....what exactly is the problem?

Did CD get rushed out without Axls approval?

How did the cd booklet get released with mistakes in it?

Did all the leaks determine the songs that were put in CD?

What happened to the better video?

What really happened in Philly?

Why do u go through so many producers?

Why did u fight so hard to keep the GnR name, if you are just going to live off the old bands work?

I could go on, but I suppose that is good for now. I thank you in advance for the answers.

I think what's hilarious is the wild over-reaction that you're having in this thread which seems to be going in a lot of different confusing directions. You still cant seem to answer why you're having a meltdown about lack of a new album or inadequate updates in a thread about a live show which I would imagine is meant simply for discussing that show and not for lamenting assorted broken dreams.

It seems that the need for a new album has become a ticking time bomb for you as if the only acceptable attitude from a fan is to be rolled up into a ball hyperventilating right now. Once again, WHO is saying that having new music is a bad thing? But why should that goal make it imperative to indulge in constant hand-wringing rather than actually taking in the new shows? The people who were at the show don't seem to be having fits of depression here, infact I've seen posts saying they had a good enough time.

I dont think there's a requisite figure for number of interviews, tweets etc that a band needs to fulfill every year. Some people seem to put every waking thought on Twitter, I dont think that necessarily makes for deeper communication. But if the band doesnt have firm plans ready to go, what do they achieve from random chatter?

Some of questions you drew up have already been discussed in previous interviews directly or indirectly. Many of your other seems to jump the gun. When the new album hasnt been released yet, what's the point of declaring to the world what the band members feel about releasing music by the "newer older guys"? What do you expect? A thesis drawn up by the band about such feelings? What's stopping interviewers from asking Bumblefoot or Tommy or any of the guys about these feelings? Better yet, why dont you ask them on twitter?

The band doesn't seem to have the requisite deals in place to release the new album so what dates do you expect to be given out? Or do you expect them to throw out a date which might lapse later so that people can beat their chests and cry that Axl hates his fans, hence he delays albums?

Why should the band announce whether it wants a mix of old and new songs or just record new songs before the album comes out? Why give up the element of surprise which seems so highly valued in this very thread?

The band might expand on the trilogy by mixing in new songs or might simply add in DJ's voice to the existing mix of voices on those recordings. But again, why should they announce all this right now when there's so indication that any breakthrough with the business end of things in imminent? Axl's latest print interview suggested that he is plenty frustrated in this regard. So what is to be gained by announcing detailed plans which might have to change as time and tide changes things?

Axl and Tommy have already spoken about difficulties with producers and with the record company. Answers are already embedded in those interviews but it is just plain illogical to expect them to dilate at length on the dynamics of this relationship because there are legal issues involved and there's nothing to be gained from needless animosity with the record company.

Again, AFD, GN'R Lies, UYI are all AXL'S hard work too. He can live off his hard work as long as he wants, your attempts to divest him from his own musical legacy wont change the fact that he has a right to it.

Ya, that is exactly what I'm tying to do. Divest him from his musical legacy. Are you for real? That is what you got out of my post? I thought you were just a nutter, but apparently you are a moron as well.

But sure. It is everybody in the worlds fault that Axl can't release an album. And sure, communicating with your fans is something we shouldn't expect. Because no other bands actually talk with their fans about upcoming albums and songs.

Axl fought so hard to keep the name, so he could strengthen his "legacy" by just living off the work of his band from 20 years ago.

The point you miss, is that YOUR ideal situation completely establishes this current band as a cover band. While Duff, Izzy and Slash create and play new music and refuse to milk the old songs for profit.....Axl refuses to do the same. Maybe YOU enjoy an album every ten years, endless CD and greatest hits tours to 6-7000 people a night. I prefer to see me favorite singer create music, and think this current band would put out an amazing album.

Hey....maybe the rumor of the band rerecording appetite is true!!!!! Maybe Axl will release that!!!! That would make your year!!!!!

Haha! You're expressing outrage that the band is not moving forward by asking for "updates" about events that happened in 2002 (Philly) and I'M the moron! Yeah, thanks for the entertainment. :rofl-lol:

Here's a reality check for you- you HAVE REPEATEDLY said that Axl is "sucking at the teat" of Slash, Duff and Izzy. I simply reminded you that these albums are Axl's albums too- he can play them from here to kingdom come and there's no grounds for your whining on this score. Like I said, Matt and Gilby covered material written by others too and nobody had a heart-attack about "cover bands" sucking at anybody's teat. Once again, most members in GNR today played on Chinese Democracy and they DO play CD songs on these shows too- another fact that squashes your "cover band" claims. But since you're ranting wildly about everything under the sun, you probably forgot what you had said earlier as now you're pretending you didnt act as if GN'R now isnt entitled to play the old songs. It is AXL'S OWN WORK too that he's living off of. You can keep denying this simple fact and I'll keep throwing it back at ya.

Slash/ Duff refuse to profit off the old songs? :confused: Please enlighten me, have they stopped receiving royalties for the old album? Or stated firmly that they will never ever play any of the old songs? They HAVE played some GN'R songs with VR and Slash has played some with Fergie and Myles Kennedy as well - he even released a new version of Paradise City. Are shows and album songs meant for profit? Or does Slash give every every last cent to famine stricken populations in the third world? It is hilarious how detached you are from reality. :)

Umm, who said anything about it being "everybody else's fault" etc? Kids are taught about your pathetic technique of "argumentation" - identifying your methods as the Strawman fallacy- you cant answer the opposition's ACTUAL arguments, so you make up things and try to put words in their mouth so that you can rail against this false argument instead. Its the way out that cowards often take. :) I expressed no burning desire for a re-released AFD or any antipathy against a new album but since you're pretty much fighting the demons in your own head, so its no surprise that you bubbled forth with these ideas.

It is good that other bands release many albums but the fact of the matter is that art is not factory work which should be judged by how many products are on the supply line. It would be incredible to have a new album and there's nothing I'd like more but the simple undeniable truth is that the band has a very fractious relationship with the label and unless these issues are sorted out, the album cant come out. Your pretending that your heart bleeds for the band while Axl himself whose life and legacy depends on it, doesnt care an iota is laughable. You think it hasnt occured to him or to the band members that they should release a new album? You demand absurdly that the band should give you a sworn affidavit detailing the intricacies of the business issues but the fact is that when Axl talked about industry figures and his conflicts with them, LA Times had to leave those statements out for fear of libel. Perhaps you want Axl to invite such lawsuits but its hard to see how this would squares off with your unbearably intense desire for a new album RIGHT NOW!

Who says GN'R HAVENT talked about the next album? Axl has shared song names and details. Ashba has talked about the recorded material, so has Sebastian Bach. Why should they keep spilling more and more details? As I said earlier, people are attacking them in this thread for the LACK of an element of surprise. Some members here said that CD wasnt very exciting to them because they knew the songs already from the leaks etc. Some expressed boredom with the Eddie Trunk interview because they said the interesting material came out in the early clips and there was no big surprise from the interview itself. So why should GN'R give up the element of surprise by giving more info about the new album?

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And Mickey Mouse voice again.Very sad

And with it goes the (ridiculous) theory that Axl was saving his voice in 2011 for a mighty 2012 "take the world" tour... :shrugs:

But we gotta see the positives too and at least Axl seems to be in considerable better shape than in RIR 11 and his vocals, still a far-cry from 2010, ain't that bad either. :thumbsup:

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I would love to offer my 2 cents on this concert as me and my bro were there front row. The concert was bloody great. I don't get all this Axl sounds like Mickey Mouse bs. He sounded great. Yea maybe he didn't add the rasp as much but he did it enough and he sounds fucking great. The band was on fire the whole night. Yea they didn't play any new songs but when you are there you just lose yourself. Don't even notice shit like that. And I fully believe that new shit from this band will come sooner rather than later.

Other cool stuff from the show: I got a pic from Bumblefoot, my bro got DJ's cig when he asked for it and DJ threw it to him. Then he took a smoke out of it, was freaking awesome(said it was menthol). I got to shake Axl's hand, play Bumble's guitar. I asked Bumble how his back was he said horrible, then said it's okay :) I have some cool videos but don't have my cable to upload them but will soon.

Very great review, people bassed his comentaries in youtube vids, but they don't understand that a phone, or compact camara, can record all the Axl's vocal range, seing live them is really better than some youtube videos.

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wtf about micky mouse voice?

i listened every fucking video avaiable form last night and Axl sounds nice!!!

No mickey mouse at all. :shrugs:

Yeah I agree completely,been watching vids myself and think it was a great show. I was at the halifax show in 2010,and this to me vocally is no different.

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wtf about micky mouse voice?

i listened every fucking video avaiable form last night and Axl sounds nice!!!

No mickey mouse at all. :shrugs:

All you have to do is listen to a quality bootleg from 2010 then listen to anything from 2011 or the Roseland show. His voice is significantly weaker now.

Weaker =/= mickey mouse...

He sound good, not powerfull like 2010 but miles away from mickey 2001/2002

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They're tough songs for anyone to do, but even a diminished Axl live is still going to be better than anyone else singing them. It's the same thing going on with Mariah - she hits those super high notes, but her mid range is a struggle for her. Neither one is hiding it with studio tricks the way other singers might be doing. The only people who know the truth are either the bootleggers who are picking it up somehow - someone's bound to get busted on it, or the ones mixing behind the soundboard. I don't care if Madonna does it, but I do think some singers should be honest and say they are. There would be a lot of complaints about getting ripped off, but no one went to see The Beatles live to actually hear them except the Japanese.

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Guns N Roses - A Whole Lot Of Rosie Live 2/10/12 New York Roseland complete multicam HD show

and? What's the point?

2010 voice is Axl best voice ever... But 2011 is good enough for me.

Edited by bumblecool
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Anyone know about the merch the other night? Any details would be cool; what shirts they have, prices, availability after the show, etc.

Just walked by but saw alot of designs from 2011the tour and they were 40.

Did you see any shirts for the Up Close And Personal tour?

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