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Rock and roll is supposed to be fun.

DJ has fun on stage.

Concerts sound great.

Axl likes him for the band.

Yes, he dresses like a complete douche.

But I go to concerts to listen to rock music....and not to judge people on their looks, weight, personalities, etc.

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I'm just checking if this bashing has any substance to it. Any examples or facts?

My main qualm with him is that he can't play the intermediate(even though for a professional they should be easy) solos written by Slash and Robin. He skips ALOT of the faster notes and anyone who has played these solos or even knows the records in and out by ear notices. Great showman though.

The way he plays the solo in Dont Cry comes to mind...he skips a lot of notes towards the end...I can play it a lot better than DJ to be honest.


This is the latest example I noticed. But it ranges from SOD, TIL, November Rain, Don't cry etc etc. I don't care what a guitarist looks like(Buckethead is one of my favorite guitarists) but play the parts correctly.

It's one thing to have your own 'interpretation' but to follow the solo and miss the faster notes... That's just lack of skill and/or practice.

Edited by Young_Gun
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I don't see how anyone can dislike DJ Ashba...he drinks Jager. He has such a cavalier attitude and is a rock and roll hero has no qualms mutilating great guitar solos, and he drinks Jager. He attaches his name to every cheap piece of crap he can, and drinks Jager. He acts like a teenage boy who just discovered Facebook and Twitter and likes to post pictures of all the crazy Jager-inspired things he's done. A true rock and roll icon.

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Dj is a great guitarist and perfect fit for the band IMHO. It has been my experience that he by far commands the most attention on-stage after Axl and the two times I've seen him live with casual fans he is by far the player mentioned most post-show and 95% of the time positively. Furthermore- as mentioned many times- the ladies fucking adore him... and that's GOOD for the band. Old Guns had many different things working in its favor- and one of them without question was a little old-fashioned "sex appeal". They would NOT have had the same cultural impact if they were a bunch of geeks who wore yellow rain coats and played with their Star Wars toys in their parents' basements- no matter if they were all virtuosos (which they weren't).

Meanwhile- Dj's look is a little "derivative" of Slash- sure- but only slightly IMHO. I frankly consider it much more of a modern day take on Alice Cooper and Mötley Crüe than a straight-up parroting of Slash's look (which is more classic rock as opposed to the "sunset strip" meets goth/emo thing Dj's got going on). Most of all it's a look he's been using well-before he got the call to join Guns...

Anyway- I understand folks who REALLY know their guitar playing taking some issues with Dj's (and any of the other Guns guitarists') weaknesses (such as they are). We certainly have some folks on these boards clearly qualified to do so. That said- big picture- I think that level of technical analysis is really really pretty "inside baseball" type stuff though as it seems to me the "general" reaction to Dj's playing from the audience is quite positive and nothing like some of the negative mumblings I (and perhaps many others here) used to hear when Finck would solo at times (for example- and I love Finck).

Lastly- and perhaps best of all with this band- if Dj comes up a little short for you- merely cast your eyes a few feet over to the left and enjoy one of the truly most gifted guitarists in history in the form of Bumblefoot. Or- check out Fortus who's got an awesome style and incredible chops in his own right. Something for everybody- and that's a tremendous asset...

Edited by AXL_N_DIZZY
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I don't see how anyone can dislike DJ Ashba...he drinks Jager. He has such a cavalier attitude and is a rock and roll hero has no qualms mutilating great guitar solos, and he drinks Jager. He attaches his name to every cheap piece of crap he can, and drinks Jager. He acts like a teenage boy who just discovered Facebook and Twitter and likes to post pictures of all the crazy Jager-inspired things he's done. A true rock and roll icon.

Please tell me that was a typo? A true rock and roll icon? Wow. That is messed up shit right there. So what is it: Page, Clapton, Beck, Perry, Slash and DJ Ashba??? Rolling on the fking floor laughing.

:rofl-lol: :rofl-lol: :rofl-lol:

I think he said that sarcastically though.

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BTW, Ballad of Death and Mi Amor are just a collection of cliches and his repetitive licks. He probably wrote both in 5 minutes.

Sweet child of mine was actually slash practicing moving up and down scales and exercises he does for practice, when axl overheard it, wrote lyrics for it, and had to convince him to make it into a song. It is still their only #1 on the mainstream billboard charts I believe of everything gnr have released.

It's easy to over compensate for a lack of good music writing ability with overly technical maneuvers. It's very tough to write a simple, good song.

Sash himself on more than one occasion has said he's not the kind of guitarist who can pick up any guitar and make it sound great, he said he needs a guitar with just the right sound and feel, and he himself said he's not really a technical whiz like Hendrix zeppelin etc. that can make any guitar sound great.

You are arguing from the position of fantasy land and your own made up reality, defending a man (slash) who himself has said the opposite of what you are arguing. Go look up some things before posting that kind of tripe. It's impossible for any of us to know the whole truth of these people, we are not them, but there are tons of interviews and videos that are not hearsay, in their own words, that counter the points you are making to try to make him into a god.

What the hell are you talking about? And who said I'm defending Slash?

First, I'm very aware of how the SCOM intro came up, I couldn't be a fan for more than 20 years without knowing that. But I wasn't even talking about it, but rather the main solo of the song. It was pretty clear, in fact.

Second, to play a guitar is very much like telling a story. You can tell it with few words instead of a complex vocabulary, but it needs to be at least well chosen words otherwise you would get a lot of "yeah, lol, cool story bro" and that isn't telling much.

Um, who said you're defending slash? Didnt you just post and tell someone to do the math and when comparing slash to ashba? Didn't you just say the ashba songs sounded like he came up with them in 5 minutes? Didn't you say that dj's stuff is easy like doing scales? Do you even comprehend what you write, or do you put random words together, not read it, and forget about it the second you post? If so, forget about 1000000 monkeys and 1000000 typewriters, you are more impressive than that.

SPOILER ALERT: this guy does not play guitar

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Wow some of the lyrics from Sixx AM songs are awful. Axl wouldn't allow that shit on his record.

but DJ Cashba is a great guitarist eeh...

I like your posts, you little postcount hunter :tongue2:

Well he is. Wasn't Nikki the main songwriting for the band anyway? Plus James voice does not help, Ashba is really the only highlight of that band.

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So in one thread you have people bitching and crying that Axl has too much control, but then those same people in this thread don't want DJ Ashba to have any influence. Well which is it? Annoying Slasholes like pi2loc, it makes me wish Slash got the name so people could annoy them about Myles Kennedy not sounding like Axl. Of course, it eats at him what a media whoring chump Slash has shown himself to be. You guys can talk all the shit you want about DJ Ashba and his endorsements, but Slash has done even worse things. At least Ashba never did a commercial for a Volkswagen. Or show up to the super bowl with the black eyed peas (who forgot the autotune for fergie).

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So in one thread you have people bitching and crying that Axl has too much control, but then those same people in this thread don't want DJ Ashba to have any influence. Well which is it? Annoying Slasholes like pi2loc, it makes me wish Slash got the name so people could annoy them about Myles Kennedy not sounding like Axl. Of course, it eats at him what a media whoring chump Slash has shown himself to be. You guys can talk all the shit you want about DJ Ashba and his endorsements, but Slash has done even worse things. At least Ashba never did a commercial for a Volkswagen. Or show up to the super bowl with the black eyed peas (who forgot the autotune for fergie).

Relax dude. You're acting like a whiny ex-girlfriend. I don't even know who the fuck you are and I don't really care. I ignored your ass and now you're just being a crybaby. Don't you cry tonight.

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What I'm saying is, if Slash wants to sell his excrement on Ebay, he has the right. He's an icon and been around forever. Ashba has done nothing and is pumping out the merch/products like he's actually someone.

In decades to come, Slash will be remembered by all as a true icon. DJ Ashba will be remembered by the unfortunate few as the n00b that he is.

This. So this.

Slash is a fucking legend so he can be as cheesy as he wants. Today Slash's name is worth a LOT more than Ashba's so comparing the two in that context is a moot point.

Edited by KiraMPD
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BTW, Ballad of Death and Mi Amor are just a collection of cliches and his repetitive licks. He probably wrote both in 5 minutes.

...you mean like Slash did with SCOM? Right.

Are you comparing Ashba's solos with SCOM solo?


I dont know put pictures,but ill use yours.WTF! we need the old band to reunite now just to refresh concepts of mighty legends and wannabes.

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