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What do you hope for from the next album?


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Songs with long instrumental parts, like breakdown, locomotive, coma etc.

A "fun" song at least.

And if there is a chance, an accoustic one.

There will be rockers for sure, its GnR.

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Im hoping for 5 rockers and two ballads per side.

With glossy and gritty production. Like Sixx AM meets The White Album.

hello wasted. i'm glad you asked. i'm hoping for the continued work of robin, bucket, and brain on the next album. on songs like soulmonster, blood in the water, and the general

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Box Set compiling everything from 97-08 that wasn't released. Everything. It doesn't have to be finished. No overdubs. Just release whatever's recorded. Also, include the various forms of the songs on CD.

After that, put out an album with the current band. Don't really care what it is.

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Im hoping for 5 rockers and two ballads per side.

With glossy and gritty production. Like Sixx AM meets The White Album.

hello wasted. i'm glad you asked. i'm hoping for the continued work of robin, bucket, and brain on the next album. on songs like soulmonster, blood in the water, and the general

I think we could get that mixed up with other stuff.

I'm sort of hoping for a UYI style blood letting. A double album with no title. A red cover.

Then CD II and an album of new songs all mixed together in a sort of GNR White Album.

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That it's dark and heavy with less ballads, they better include the general.

the general is robin, bucket, and brain. so the general better be on it

Yes so do I, the only concern I have, is that this, as well as "Soul Monster", "Thyme", "Atlas Shrugged" etc don't get re-recorded or reworked with the presence of "current members".

I want to hear this music in its original form otherwise they are better off just writing new songs with current lineup.

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That it's dark and heavy with less ballads, they better include the general.

The General is the sequel to Estranged? Might be good idea.

I think if they bring the CD fans and the Dj/Ron era fans together. Team Brazil should be taking notes cos I'm right again.

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I don't understand why fans don't think the new band should overdub the old songs. CD is full of overdubs, Ron replacing BH parts, Frank replacing Brain's parts etc. I'm 99.9% certain that if any unreleased CD-era tracks turn up on the next album, they will overdub Finck and BH's solos. And rightfully so IMO. If Bucket or Finck wanted to be on the next GNR album then they should've stuck around. It may be an unpopular opinion around here, but DJ, Ron and Richard deserve to take centre stage on the next record.

Edited by Towelie
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They probably should but would it be smart to keep the Bucket/Finck fans on board?

bucket/brain/robin fans boost CD 2 u.s. sales

as for "you snooze you lose" ... robin/brain/bucket unreleased songs should be on the next record. out of general respect 2 the hard work they did writing and recording them in the studio. before anybody knew who dj, ron, and frank were in music industry

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I don't understand why fans don't think the new band should overdub the old songs. CD is full of overdubs, Ron replacing BH parts, Frank replacing Brain's parts etc. I'm 99.9% certain that if any unreleased CD-era tracks turn up on the next album, they will overdub Finck and BH's solos. And rightfully so IMO. If Bucket or Finck wanted to be on the next GNR album then they should've stuck around. It may be an unpopular opinion around here, but DJ, Ron and Richard deserve to take centre stage on the next record.

Yeah, probably. Whoever wrote the song should have the right to be in it but in the other hand, you can't partially leave a band. I hope CD II has 14 songs, from which 7 are the best CD leftovers and 7 are new songs from this band.

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