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Is this the worst time ever to be a GnR fan?


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I actually agree with you. I'd add the time between '95 - '99 as well. There was no Twitter, no Facebook, no shows, the band members were rarely seen or spoke, and Axl was no where to be found. There were literally less than a handful of actual photos of him that surfaced during those years. I remember threads of people even speculating if he was still alive, or at the very least had retired, and was there even a band anymore. The anticipation of an album wasn't a good thing either, because the longer the wait, the more people lost interest and gave up. Lots of false hope and unfounded rumors made it much worse than not having any idea if a possible album existed at all.

I can see that. Personally I skipped those years. Honestly, I had not listened to or cared about GnR since the mid 90s, before I suddenly rediscovered them in 2011. I did this by listening to AFD and getting surprised how good it still sounded. It took a long time before I started liking CD though. At first I thought it was really disappointing, then getting better and better. Even today I still find the album improving. I think thats one of the biggest qualities of CD. Sure, its different than all those old records of GnR, but then again we dont know how they would sound by now had the original members still been together.

When GnR were at their peak it was a totally different time from now, in terms of the music business. You could make a lot of money from cd's and music videos were important as we had MTV. Now the music business is rather dead to me. Oasis IMO were the last band to experience this golden age

Im almost looking forward more to discovering old music than anything new. With the exception of a CD2 album, Im not really looking forward to other releases.

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It is the worst time to be a GNR fan for the pure and simple fact that Axl's getting worst performance wise. He wasted so much time and now he can't get it back. More terrible is the fact that he doesn't even give a fuck. He keeps drinking, gaining weight, not improving his voice and worst of all

Doing NOTHING to move the band forward and to take it out of the old band's shadow. If you want to make your living off of AFD / UYI at least be open to doing it with the guys that helped you create it. Its almost sickening that Axl calls the man who helped make him famous a Cancer. Yes Slash owes a lot to Axl but it also works the other way around and no God Damn Emo Wannabe is going to ever make people forget about who really played those solos.

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It is the worst time to be a GNR fan for the pure and simple fact that Axl's getting worst performance wise.

He's not any worse now than he was at most of the shows in 2002. Back then people were saying he was done, his voice was shot, etc. and he came back strong in 2006 and 2010. His voice has always been finnicky. His physical conditioning on the most recent tour has been less than ideal. It seems he's enjoying life on the road, partying a lot and obviously at 50+ that takes a larger toll than it used to. I haven't watched any clips from the most recent tour, but the Governor's Ball seems to have gotten rave reviews.

I would guess that if he drops another new album (the remaining stuff from the CD sessions) he'll be more focused when he hits the road again.

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It is the worst time to be a GNR fan for the pure and simple fact that Axl's getting worst performance wise.

He's not any worse now than he was at most of the shows in 2002. Back then people were saying he was done, his voice was shot, etc. and he came back strong in 2006 and 2010. His voice has always been finnicky. His physical conditioning on the most recent tour has been less than ideal. It seems he's enjoying life on the road, partying a lot and obviously at 50+ that takes a larger toll than it used to. I haven't watched any clips from the most recent tour, but the Governor's Ball seems to have gotten rave reviews.

I would guess that if he drops another new album (the remaining stuff from the CD sessions) he'll be more focused when he hits the road again.

I seen him in 2002 and 2012 and in between. He is way worst than he was performance wise than he was in 2002. At least then he had a lot more stamina and could hold notes for longer. He put on some amazing shows in 2002 if you could get around the fact that he didn't use his rasp or hadn't built it up. His weight effects his performance greatly as does his excessive drinking.

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2002 >>>> 2011-2013

At the MSG show and a few others, sure. The 2002 MSG show was amazing. But he had some pretty bad nights during that era (particularly the 2002 VMA show)

I agree. It's not like 2002 was incredible either, he had some terrible nights but overall (as a band) I'd say that the 2002 era was better than whatever he's doing now.

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-Last image of the band in the public eye was 2002 VMAs (although some might argue this never changed)

-Tour that ended in disaster...rumors of Axl checking into a mental facility, band members quitting, and Axl cancelling Philadelphia show over a fur coat and/or basketball game

-Yes Chinese Democracy was still "in the works," but we had absolutely NO news about if it was actually being worked on, or had been put on indefinite hiatus.

-No tours or even shows. The one hope we had (Rock in Rio) was shattered by the Buckethead situation.

As someone else said: end thread. We have a band that tours frequently (some might say too much but at least they're active) and an album to listen to.

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Although many would disagree, I'd have to say that 2001-2002 was the worst. I remember being genuinely shocked at how bad Axl's "Mickey" vocals sounded; it just sounded like he had irreparably damaged his voice. The roller coaster of full-mickey to almost-full-rasp to mostly-mickey has been mind boggling.

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Damn, nothing is happening with this band at the moment!

After the HOF all hopes of a reunion seems to be gone and we are still waiting for anything exciting to happen with the current band. Meanwhile, Axl's voice is getting worse, he is out of shape and there are still no new album. Not even a few new songs.

Is this how it will continue to be? Its boring! If nothing new happens the litte relevance still left in the band will be gone pretty soon.

A new album is what really could give new life to this band

It hasn't been 15 years yet, so no. On top of that, while I know a lot of people love "Oh My God" I hated it and when I heard it, I thought it was over for GnR as far as good music is concerned, so no. They are touring and it's been a measly 5 years since the last record.

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Yes Chinese Democracy was still "in the works," but we had absolutely NO news about if it was actually being worked on, or had been put on indefinite hiatus.

Not true...







There were always, small pieces of information coming through at least every two-three months, stuff which raised excitement levels such as a band member saying ''he is finishing up the mixes''.

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No. The second half of the 90s was. At least today we have easy access to video/audio of basically every show from 2001-2013 and a on of stuff from AFD and UYI days. Back in 1993, you basically had no way of getting those recordings. Now they're all up on Youtube.

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In the era when no one knew what nuGnr and Cd was going to be there was a sustained wonder and speculation about the "comeback" I think we all envisioned GNR reclaiming the fervor and might that had been left off in 93.

2013 and a portion of us probably have a measure of hope that theres something to look forward to -but the evidence in not there as far as GNR doing anything more or less than what they are doing at the moment. Cd isnt a failure but it didnt set the world on fire as well...and touring it repeatedly for a period of 10 years isnt getting the message across. For me, personally , I find that the longer it goes on im less inclined to invest any more energy in believing that there is going to be at some point in the near future a huge turn around in the way GNR2013 as it is- is being presented.

No this is not the worst time to be a GNR fan by any means but i sense a growing dread that there is nothing on the horizon in the near future that says new music is going to be delivered and GNR will continue to grow as a unit . Without new music to showcase the current bands ability- I lose respect for them .Im curious to see if this band is really a band at all or just what we know of them and that is a cover band. ..I know for myself I would hate to forever be associated with playing someone elses music and to use up vital time in my career only to have that career being buried or constantly shadowed behind the legacy comparisons that are still prevailing to this day. Think Fink and Buckethead and the massive amount of time it took to get ANYTHING out there.

THe odd silence around anything in GNR whereas there is no promotion of GNR being this badass rock band entity isnt mysterious or even productive anymore...it screams FUCK YOU to people that love and adore this band ...or this bands legacy as per se.

Sure- Ill go to the show, drinks some beers have a good time and leave the future to the future while I listen to music of my youth being showcased by a group of fellows who obviously have talent but certainly none of the personality or charisma of what GNR was or will ever be again. At some point im sure it wil become obvious to many that a copy of a copy of a copy does not make this band anything more than just that.

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No. The second half of the 90s was. At least today we have easy access to video/audio of basically every show from 2001-2013 and a on of stuff from AFD and UYI days. Back in 1993, you basically had no way of getting those recordings. Now they're all up on Youtube.

In my opinion Youtube has removed all of the enjoyment out of bootleg collecting. I actually used to enjoy being part of a elite band of traders who traded cdrs and vhs through the post.

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Yes Chinese Democracy was still "in the works," but we had absolutely NO news about if it was actually being worked on, or had been put on indefinite hiatus.

Not true...







There were always, small pieces of information coming through at least every two-three months, stuff which raised excitement levels such as a band member saying ''he is finishing up the mixes''.

LOL, its the same story as now. Bandmembers hinting of a new album, then nothing happens, new hinting etc etc

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Yeah I would say from a fan's perspective 2003-2005 was the worst.

But in terms of of the band realizing its full potential I would say that in 2013 it is the worst, because there are so many "what could've beens" that there is no way the band can really reach what they could have already done by now

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Atleast during 2003-2005 you had Chinese Democracy still lurking in the background, being tinkered on or whatnot, but it was still there and it added interest. Plus, you had the new song's like Chinese Democracy, Madagascar, Street of Dreams, and Oh My God, so you have new music. And there were also the leaks too, so you knew there was new music out there. Than, they came back in 2006 with 3 new songs (Better, IRS and There Was A Time). Now, we don't have any new album to look forward to and no new music on the tours, their just going through the motion's. Sure, it's good to know the band I active, but I highly think a few members like Bumblefoot and DJ are going to want to be in a cover band for the rest of their career. Eventually they'll probably want to try other ventures. Sure, it's good money, but someone like Bumblefoot seems like he's more passionate for making his own music than playing for money. The longer Axl goes without releasing new music, the more chance he has of losing another band member because of his stubbornness and perfectionism.

And we still don't have any clear cut news we'll be getting new music anytime soon. Everyone say's something different, Axl doesn't seem serious about it, and their not playing any new music live. It's just tour, tour, tour, with the same set-list's. It's not the worst time to be a GN'R fan, but it is when it comes new music and this band moving forward.

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