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The "5 Questions with Axl Rose" campaign

Guest NGOG

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We need to shape the questions in a way to avoid Axl's meaningless TMS-Interview-Style answers.

1. Axl, when are we going to hear new music? This can be answered like "don't know" or "within the near future" like downliner said. We don't want that. I think it could be reformulated to "Axl, do you have any plans on releasing, playing or recording new music anytime soon?" or something like that.

2. Axl, you mentioned an autobiography the last time we spoke to you, do you plan on releasing that? That's a fine question but I think we could encourage him to release it, like "Axl, since you mentioned an autobiography last time we spoke to you, we have been dying to hear your thoughts, your side of the story and what goes on in your creative mind. Do you plan on releasing that?"

3. Axl, do you still intend to release Chinese Democracy II... or have you shifted mentally towards a record capturing the talents of the current line-up? Excellent question but maybe we should specify what we mean by "Chinese Democracy II" like "Axl, do you plan on releasing the other songs written previously to Chinese Democracy's release or do you think a new album would consist on material written by the current line-up?"

4. Axl, will you ever debut new material live again or did Chinese Democracy sour that idea? Not sure we should treat Chinese Democracy in a negative way like that. Maybe it should be formulated like "Axl, will you ever debut new material live again or will we only hear new songs after an album release?"

!5. Axl, GNR has always released new music by way of albums, would you ever consider releasing new songs individually? This one's fine as it is, IMO.

Yes this is how to phrase them! As Axll always tends to be vague in his answers e.g. with "soon" or "maybe" keep in mind every question has to be totally specific and straight to the point.

Edited by Janis
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So.... when is this getting sent out?

It's been sent. Touch wood!

what were the exact questions?

In the end they were very close to the OP.

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Let me explain: After a long process we voted for the five questions we wanted Axl to answer the most, keeping in mind that we have to be very respectful and avoid polemic issues. We sent an email to Team Brazil with the questions and a letter saying why they should reconsider their point of views regarding MyGNR and why they should consider doing this.

Guns N' Roses has two official twitter accounts: @gunsnroses and @paradisecity. The second one tweeted about this project telling the followers to come and vote. Now we're expecting their good will (:

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Let me explain: After a long process we voted for the five questions we wanted Axl to answer the most, keeping in mind that we have to be very respectful and avoid polemic issues. We sent an email to Team Brazil with the questions and a letter saying why they should reconsider their point of views regarding MyGNR and why they should consider doing this.

Guns N' Roses has two official twitter accounts: @gunsnroses and @paradisecity. The second one tweeted about this project telling the followers to come and vote. Now we're expecting their good will (:

Oh, that's actually cool.

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Let me explain: After a long process we voted for the five questions we wanted Axl to answer the most, keeping in mind that we have to be very respectful and avoid polemic issues. We sent an email to Team Brazil with the questions and a letter saying why they should reconsider their point of views regarding MyGNR and why they should consider doing this.

Guns N' Roses has two official twitter accounts: @gunsnroses and @paradisecity. The second one tweeted about this project telling the followers to come and vote. Now we're expecting their good will (:

I doubt Axl will come through, but I gotta say, I didn't even expect paradisecity to give you the time of day. Good luck man.

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Hope nobody is holding their breath until this gaggle of inquiries gets answered.

That said, dontcha think the "manets" person has more than used up his 15 minutes of Fame?

What? You think I'm doing this for "fame"? hahaha

Nope, was referring to an Andy Warhol quote, says everyone has 15 minutes of Fame. Interpret that as you see fit.

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Good luck. If we can support you in some way, let me know.

Great to officially have the forum's backing. :)

Let me explain: After a long process we voted for the five questions we wanted Axl to answer the most, keeping in mind that we have to be very respectful and avoid polemic issues. We sent an email to Team Brazil with the questions and a letter saying why they should reconsider their point of views regarding MyGNR and why they should consider doing this.

Guns N' Roses has two official twitter accounts: @gunsnroses and @paradisecity. The second one tweeted about this project telling the followers to come and vote. Now we're expecting their good will (:

I doubt Axl will come through, but I gotta say, I didn't even expect paradisecity to give you the time of day. Good luck man.

I arranged the paradisecity thing and I have to be honest, it wasn't that a big deal. They've retweeted this forum in the past, the real uphill battle is securing the interest of GNR management.

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Good luck. If we can support you in some way, let me know.

Great to officially have the forum's backing. :)

Let me explain: After a long process we voted for the five questions we wanted Axl to answer the most, keeping in mind that we have to be very respectful and avoid polemic issues. We sent an email to Team Brazil with the questions and a letter saying why they should reconsider their point of views regarding MyGNR and why they should consider doing this.

Guns N' Roses has two official twitter accounts: @gunsnroses and @paradisecity. The second one tweeted about this project telling the followers to come and vote. Now we're expecting their good will (:

I doubt Axl will come through, but I gotta say, I didn't even expect paradisecity to give you the time of day. Good luck man.

I arranged the paradisecity thing and I have to be honest, it wasn't that a big deal. They've retweeted this forum in the past, the real uphill battle is securing the interest of GNR management.
Thanks for organizing. Good luck!
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