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The Real McCoy's life issues and style advice thread


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My semi-vacation in Nashville next week will do wonders to recharge my batteries. I came back from there last year more inspired and motivated than I've ever been in my life. It'll be good to capture that feeling again!

Who knows, maybe you'll get some of this while you're down there ...


I see what you did there.

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Love is supposed to be fun...and simple...y'know ?

And quite the opposite when one is trying to force it to happen.

In other words McCoy, just chill out and let it happen. It will happen when you least expect it and it will take you by surprise. That's the awesome thing about it. :)

I'm trying to get better at that! :) I'm working on it!


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So McCoy, what did you finally decide to do? Date both girls or just the one?

Just the one. It was a very tough call to make, but it's just easier this way for me without less anxiety. The other girl appreciated that I gave her a fair amount of notice, so that helped me feel a bit better about it.

I'm going out with the friend of a friend tonight, so we'll see how it goes!

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Just the one. It was a very tough call to make, but it's just easier this way for me without less anxiety. The other girl appreciated that I gave her a fair amount of notice, so that helped me feel a bit better about it.

I'm going out with the friend of a friend tonight, so we'll see how it goes!

That was good that you gave the other gal notice and she took it well. :thumbsup:

Wish you the best of luck! Just be yourself and I'm sure it'll go great!

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So McCoy, what did you finally decide to do? Date both girls or just the one?

Just the one. It was a very tough call to make, but it's just easier this way for me without less anxiety. The other girl appreciated that I gave her a fair amount of notice, so that helped me feel a bit better about it.

I'm going out with the friend of a friend tonight, so we'll see how it goes!


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So McCoy, what did you finally decide to do? Date both girls or just the one?

Just the one. It was a very tough call to make, but it's just easier this way for me without less anxiety. The other girl appreciated that I gave her a fair amount of notice, so that helped me feel a bit better about it.

I'm going out with the friend of a friend tonight, so we'll see how it goes!


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Friend of the friend texted me this morning. She's not interested.

I'm going to keep my word here and not dwell about this and whine about it. Nothing that I can do about it anyway, right?

I'm going to give myself a break. I'm going to enjoy the week in Nashville, and then reevaluate things when I get back.

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Friend of the friend texted me this morning. She's not interested.

I'm going to keep my word here and not dwell about this and whine about it. Nothing that I can do about it anyway, right?

I'm going to give myself a break. I'm going to enjoy the week in Nashville, and then reevaluate things when I get back.

Well at least you didn't jump the gun and cancel your other date on Valentine's Day eh?

Oh hang on ...............

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Yep. I take full blame for that. It's all on me.

I'll use this as a learning experience. I will say that it wasn't a situation that I felt comfortable in regardless because I've never been in that spot before, so my anxiety was flaring up regardless.

But, yep. I'll fully accept the responsibility and blame here. It's all on me. All that I can do is try not to put myself in that situation ever again.

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Yep. I take full blame for that. It's all on me.

I'll use this as a learning experience. I will say that it wasn't a situation that I felt comfortable in regardless because I've never been in that spot before, so my anxiety was flaring up regardless.

But, yep. I'll fully accept the responsibility and blame here. It's all on me. All that I can do is try not to put myself in that situation ever again.

No, the point is that you should put yourself in that position again but next time go on both dates. The thing is you made your mind up to early again and made it into a bigger thing than it was.
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Yep. I take full blame for that. It's all on me.

I'll use this as a learning experience. I will say that it wasn't a situation that I felt comfortable in regardless because I've never been in that spot before, so my anxiety was flaring up regardless.

But, yep. I'll fully accept the responsibility and blame here. It's all on me. All that I can do is try not to put myself in that situation ever again.

No, the point is that you should put yourself in that position again but next time go on both dates. The thing is you made your mind up to early again and made it into a bigger thing than it was.

That is also true.

In hindsight you should have waited to see how this date went before cancelling the other one. Live and learn though.

Totally. Not gonna sugarcoat this one. I know what not to do next time, if nothing else.

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Question do you want a second date?

Is that what most of you guys do when the first date doesn't go well? Give up.

First dates are almost always sh*t.

I would text back jokingly saying something to that extinct, and ask her to go for a cup of coffee or lunch (nothing that seems like a big obligation).

Yep. I take full blame for that. It's all on me.

I'll use this as a learning experience. I will say that it wasn't a situation that I felt comfortable in regardless because I've never been in that spot before, so my anxiety was flaring up regardless.

But, yep. I'll fully accept the responsibility and blame here. It's all on me. All that I can do is try not to put myself in that situation ever again.

No, the point is that you should put yourself in that position again but next time go on both dates. The thing is you made your mind up to early again and made it into a bigger thing than it was.

That is also true.

In hindsight you should have waited to see how this date went before cancelling the other one. Live and learn though.

Totally. Not gonna sugarcoat this one. I know what not to do next time, if nothing else.

Why not call the other girl up and see if has plans for VD yet?
Just apologize. Make up a little white lie, and I bet she'll forgive you.

Call her.

And if she has made other plans, ask her about the day after - this will make her believe you really are sorry.

You guys give up too easy.

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