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Why don't blacks ever get taped saying racist things?


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Blacks keeping blacks in the ghettos? Might want to look up the dichotomy of federally guaranteed mortgages only offered to white neighbourhoods while predominantly black neighbourhoods redlined for ghettos.

stop it right there because anything further you say on the subject is stuck in the mud of this^^^bullshit.

I believe the federal Government went way out of their way to provide mortgages to not only blacks but many other people of all races who were not qualified to pay back these mortgages in the 90's. Hence leading to our recession, the recession that the left seems to want to still blame on "Bushs two unfunded wars"

If you qualify for a mortgage there are plenty of banks here that will be more than happy to loan you money regardless of your race. If there is scrutiny based on these properties being in undesirable locations or the financial plight of the borrower I would think the lenders discretion should be and would be warranted.

quoting David Simon is baiting the same race argument you pretend you want the mods to shut down.

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Blacks keeping blacks in the ghettos? Might want to look up the dichotomy of federally guaranteed mortgages only offered to white neighbourhoods while predominantly black neighbourhoods redlined for ghettos.

stop it right there because anything further you say on the subject is stuck in the mud of this^^^bullshit.

I believe the federal Government went way out of their way to provide mortgages to not only blacks but many other people of all races who were not qualified to pay back these mortgages in the 90's. Hence leading to our recession, the recession that the left seems to want to still blame on "Bushs two unfunded wars"

If you qualify for a mortgage there are plenty of banks here that will be more than happy to loan you money regardless of your race. If there is scrutiny based on these properties being in undesirable locations or the financial plight of the borrower I would think the lenders discretion should be and would be warranted.

quoting David Simon is baiting the same race argument you pretend you want the mods to shut down.


Once again Shades, you're consistency is applaudable...

Anyone else want to take a crack at this nonsense (i.e. the blacks unable to pay for their houses caused the great recession of 2008)? I've got to run (work interfering with my Internet rants!), but Shades has teed it up pretty well for anyone who wants to knock it out of the park...

Edited by downzy
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Blacks keeping blacks in the ghettos? Might want to look up the dichotomy of federally guaranteed mortgages only offered to white neighbourhoods while predominantly black neighbourhoods redlined for ghettos.

stop it right there because anything further you say on the subject is stuck in the mud of this^^^bullshit.

I believe the federal Government went way out of their way to provide mortgages to not only blacks but many other people of all races who were not qualified to pay back these mortgages in the 90's. Hence leading to our recession, the recession that the left seems to want to still blame on "Bushs two unfunded wars"

If you qualify for a mortgage there are plenty of banks here that will be more than happy to loan you money regardless of your race. If there is scrutiny based on these properties being in undesirable locations or the financial plight of the borrower I would think the lenders discretion should be and would be warranted.

quoting David Simon is baiting the same race argument you pretend you want the mods to shut down.


Once again Shades, you're consistency is applaudable...

Anyone else want to take a crack at this nonsense (i.e. the blacks unable to pay for their houses caused the great recession of 2008)? I've got to run (work interfering with my Internet rants!), but Shades has teed it up pretty well for anyone who wants to knock it out of the park...

You're the only one that said "blacks" caused anything, racist are you? And a closet racist, which is like the lowest form of life.

If you somehow don't believe that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac didnt contribute more to the housing crisis and thereby the recession than any other single problem, then you need to read another book,

Wikipedia "United Staes Housing Bubble" then come back with an adult conversation instead of crying racism like the rest of your whiny ilk, ya goof

Edited by shades
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I wholeheartedly disagree with your train of thought, my friend, though I can understand it. That's why there will never be equality, neither anything remotely resembling peace in this world. 2 wrongs don't make a right. Never. Not in the slightest.

That's just a blatantly false statement. We, as a society, have progressed. A little over 50 years ago, blacks (and other minorities) were segregated in the U.S. (and other countries). It's just a matter of time before we look back and wonder what the entire "racist" fuss was about.

Because only blacks have suffered injustice and discrimination in this world. Ok.

Nice to know I have free reign to be an asshole because my lot was mistreated in the past... and here I was trying to be reasonable :lol:

Not as recent as 50 years ago in the U.S. and even more recently in other parts of the world. And no one is advocating anyone to have "free reign" as an asshole....as a matter of fact, most black people don't have that attitude and you stating that is racist within itself.

If you somehow don't believe that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac didnt contribute more to the housing crisis and thereby the recession than any other single problem, then you need to read another book,

Wikipedia "United Staes Housing Bubble" then come back with an adult conversation instead of crying racism like the rest of your whiny ilk, ya goof

I don't think he's debating that. I think he's saying that not every loan given out by Freddie Mac or Fannie May was given out to black people.

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I don't think he's debating that. I think he's saying that not every loan given out by Freddie Mac or Fannie May was given out to black people.

thanks captain obvious,

who said only blacks got Fannie and Freddie loans? maybe the fact that he was thinking I said that.. never mind, some people just need to race bait to prop up their thoughts

wtf do I bother, you guys have fun with the racist angle

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thanks captain obvious,

who said only blacks got Fannie and Freddie loans? maybe the fact that he was thinking I said that.. never mind, some people just need to race bait to prop up their thoughts

wtf do I bother, you guys have fun with the racist angle


Easy now....I was just trying to help....but I get what you're saying.

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And no one is advocating anyone to have "free reign" as an asshole....

Wrong. A couple of people have basically said that it is "ok" for black to be a little hard every now and then on whites because shit happened before we were born. As an example:

Therefore, I believe black people ought to be cut some slack if they're a little ornery when it comes to white people. It's a matter of power dynamics. By and large, white people are still in control of a system which still inherently discriminates against minorities. For the oppressed to take issue with the oppressor, that's a difficult thing to argue against. Their anger is justified.

And I simply disagree with that.

Btw, dude, I don't think I would be accepted in the KKK, if you read again my posts here you might realize why. :lol:

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And no one is advocating anyone to have "free reign" as an asshole....

Wrong. A couple of people have basically said that it is "ok" for black to be a little hard every now and then on whites because shit happened before we were born. As an example:

Therefore, I believe black people ought to be cut some slack if they're a little ornery when it comes to white people. It's a matter of power dynamics. By and large, white people are still in control of a system which still inherently discriminates against minorities. For the oppressed to take issue with the oppressor, that's a difficult thing to argue against. Their anger is justified.

And I simply disagree with that.

Btw, dude, I don't think I would be accepted in the KKK, if you read again my posts here you might realize why. :lol:


I don't think it gives anyone the "right"....but a lot of the racial remarks (examples in this thread) were said in jest. Big difference between that and what Sterling said.

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You guys seriously don't want me to start making, "why don't white people..," threads.

Everything is for you.

You know who the people are that are the most angry at Sterling's comments? Other white people.

These threads really do show who the "closet" ones are (Hi, AxlisOld and Val..but I already knew).

Everything, really is for "you". "You" determine what is PC or not PC.


Anyway, the reason it isn't made a big deal of is because any black guy saying racist things on tape already have a record deal and go on tour.

I edited my post. I apologize to you and Val.

Race is just one of those issues that gets people riled up. I'm no exception. Didn't help when I posted, I had been drinking. Still no excuse. Sorry.

Edited by SunnyDRE
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Blacks keeping blacks in the ghettos? Might want to look up the dichotomy of federally guaranteed mortgages only offered to white neighbourhoods while predominantly black neighbourhoods redlined for ghettos.

stop it right there because anything further you say on the subject is stuck in the mud of this^^^bullshit.

I believe the federal Government went way out of their way to provide mortgages to not only blacks but many other people of all races who were not qualified to pay back these mortgages in the 90's. Hence leading to our recession, the recession that the left seems to want to still blame on "Bushs two unfunded wars"

If you qualify for a mortgage there are plenty of banks here that will be more than happy to loan you money regardless of your race. If there is scrutiny based on these properties being in undesirable locations or the financial plight of the borrower I would think the lenders discretion should be and would be warranted.

quoting David Simon is baiting the same race argument you pretend you want the mods to shut down.


Once again Shades, you're consistency is applaudable...

Anyone else want to take a crack at this nonsense (i.e. the blacks unable to pay for their houses caused the great recession of 2008)? I've got to run (work interfering with my Internet rants!), but Shades has teed it up pretty well for anyone who wants to knock it out of the park...

You're the only one that said "blacks" caused anything, racist are you? And a closet racist, which is like the lowest form of life.

If you somehow don't believe that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac didnt contribute more to the housing crisis and thereby the recession than any other single problem, then you need to read another book,

Wikipedia "United Staes Housing Bubble" then come back with an adult conversation instead of crying racism like the rest of your whiny ilk, ya goof

:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm: x a million...

Shades, sometimes I think the problem isn't just your inability to understand what others are stating, but you seem to have real issues understanding your own thoughts and comments.

And before we begin about where we've gone wrong in our conversation about racism, let's just get thing one thing out of the way: I've probably read more on the housing and financial crashes than you've probably read on well, anything. Here's a list of only a few of the books on the topic (almost all of which I recommend): The Big Short by Michael Lewis, Boomerang by Michael Lewis, Too Big to Fail by Andrew Ross Sorkin, On the Brink by Henry M. Paulson, The Unwinding by George Packer. I think I'm forgetting a couple but I think you get the point.

Fannie Mae and Feddie Mac certainly contributed to the systemic fail, but they weren't the cause. Fannie Mae has been around nearly 80 years, while Freddie Mac has been in operation since the 1970s. They were not products of the 1990s.

Now, getting back to the clusterfuck that is this conversation. When I said: "Blacks keeping blacks in the ghettos? Might want to look up the dichotomy of federally guaranteed mortgages only offered to white neighbourhoods while predominantly black neighbourhoods redlined for ghettos," I'm talking about the practice that was overtly carried out until the mid to late 1970s. Lower-income neighbourhoods for decades were treated differently by banks as a product of being redlined. Here's a picture to make it easier to understand:


As I said, this practice of designating which areas were given mortgage approval and which were not was formally ended in the 1960s and 1970s. Forgetting for a minute that the practice still occurs in a much less overt manner, the fact that minority populations have had structural hurdles relative to building capital while such hurdles were not placed on white-dominated neighbourhoods has a profound and lasting effect. When generations of one ethnicity is able to accrue capital through land ownership while another languishes in communities forced to rent, such policies have lasting consequences. The income and equity differentials between the two groups is striking.

Perhaps I assumed way too much that you knew any of this, so when you responded that the government has expanded the mortgage market in the 1990s to include everyone, that this was thus the cause of the financial crisis in 2008. But if the only people being left out prior to your arbitrary timeline of the 1990s was largely minority based (particularly African Americans), then the racial undertones of your comment become much more clear. Now I type this knowing full well you may have difficulty tracking this point, so I'll try to simplify it for you: if the expansion of the mortgage market in the 1990s resulted largely in more African Americans receiving mortgages, then aren't you really placing the blame on African Americans for the financial crash? If prior to the expansion the mortgage market was largely limited to white-suburbanites and small town white people, then who do you suppose was largely included in this supposed expansion of the mortgage market starting in the 1990s? I'm simply trying to follow your logic.

Also, I'm curious how you think quoting David Simon, a white guy, is race bating? Wait, better yet, I'm actually curious as to what you think race baiting is. And I'd like your honest opinion on that, don't go googling to get a proper definition. Oh wait, look who I'm saying this to. No worries about that happening....

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1) Not my fault that many, and seemingly yourself, are not aware of the historical context in which the notion of race was created and utilized to create a power dynamic that still operates in the United States today. I provided literature that supports this point; the one which is eluded to by Stuart Scott in his tweet. Did you even read it?

2) Never. But what's your point? You're not seriously making the same erroneous assertion as the OP; that racism in America is over just because it has a black President? Moreover, the black population in Canada is just 2.7 percent of the population; compared to over 13 percent in the U.S.. We have had a black Governor General, which technically has more power than the Prime Minister in many ways.

1) I will read the links, but for now the subject is the definition of racist. I don't need to look up the real definition, I know what it is. Stuart Scott is trying to redefine the word in order to portray himself and other minorities as superiors to Caucasians by claiming he and other minorities are incapable of being bigoted and incapable of discriminating based on skin color. What he is trying to do is highly insulting and will certainly hurt race relations to some degree. His tweet was outrageous, egregious and preposterous.

2) My point is clearly that other countries and kingdoms such as Canada and the UK have a long way to go as far as catching up with America when it comes to race relations, and you chastising the US is equivalent to looking down on a neighbor for having a candy wrapper in their yard while you ignore the fact that your own back yard is overflowing with garbage. It's inexcusable that Canada has gone 147 years without a black Prime Minister. And what about sports and entertainment? America's top three professional team sports are dominated by people of color, while Canada's most popular sports are saturated with Caucasians. America's most successful and popular entertainers are African-Americans, while Canada's best known singers and musicians and actors are white as snow. I could go on and on, but you're probably too busy throwing stones from your glass house. ;)

So despite not knowing anything about the historical basis of race formation in the United States you still claim to know what racism is. Wow.

Stuart Scott isn't redefining anything. He's just not conflating the notions of prejudice and ignorance with racism. The former is devoid of an unequal power dynamic, the latter is dependent on its existence. LOL, he is not, in any way, suggesting that because racism involves the application of power that he and other minorities are superior to the dominant white majority, or that black people can't be prejudicial or bigoted. You're creating a straw man argument. He works for ESPN, I'm sure his influence on race relations will be all but nonexistent. You're being a little bit hyperbolic and overly dramatic, especially since you have little knowledge as to what he's alluding to. Again, read the articles I posted and then square up with the point he's trying to make.

Canada has a long way to go in catching up to the U.S. in regards to race relations? See, now I'm starting to wonder if you're truly being serious or just trolling. Because if you're serious, sorry but I'm going start lumping you in with Shades. It's inexcusable that Canada hasn't had a black prime minister in 147 years? Less than three percent of Canadians are black. We've only had twenty-two prime ministers since 1867. If we base that on percentages, that means one prime minister should have been one-quarter black. Either you are the most deluded person (save for Shades) here or posting out of sheer sarcasm.

Are you being serous or just trying to get me going? Because really? Really??? Canada is trying to catch up to the U.S. in race relations? Look, we have our problems, particularly with our native populations, but WTF man? Ever heard of the underground railroad? Guess where the railroad ended? Hint: Canada. Slavery was never an institution in Canada, black people have been able to vote since 1837, as far as I know, there were never any laws against interracial marriages. By every economic evaluation you want to make, minorities fare fare better in Canada than they do in the United States.

Some of you sure do know little about your own damn country.

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You guys seriously don't want me to start making, "why don't white people..," threads.

Everything is for you.

You know who the people are that are the most angry at Sterling's comments? Other white people.

These threads really do show who the "closet" ones are (Hi, AxlisOld and Val..but I already knew).

Everything, really is for "you". "You" determine what is PC or not PC.


Anyway, the reason it isn't made a big deal of is because any black guy saying racist things on tape already have a record deal and go on tour.

I edited my post. I apologize to you and Val.

Race is just one of those issues that gets people riled up. I'm no exception. Didn't help when I posted, I had been drinking. Still no excuse. Sorry.

I'm not exactly the most PC guy in the world, no worries man.
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Blacks keeping blacks in the ghettos? Might want to look up the dichotomy of federally guaranteed mortgages only offered to white neighbourhoods while predominantly black neighbourhoods redlined for ghettos.

stop it right there because anything further you say on the subject is stuck in the mud of this^^^bullshit.

I believe the federal Government went way out of their way to provide mortgages to not only blacks but many other people of all races who were not qualified to pay back these mortgages in the 90's. Hence leading to our recession, the recession that the left seems to want to still blame on "Bushs two unfunded wars"

If you qualify for a mortgage there are plenty of banks here that will be more than happy to loan you money regardless of your race. If there is scrutiny based on these properties being in undesirable locations or the financial plight of the borrower I would think the lenders discretion should be and would be warranted.

quoting David Simon is baiting the same race argument you pretend you want the mods to shut down.


Once again Shades, you're consistency is applaudable...

Anyone else want to take a crack at this nonsense (i.e. the blacks unable to pay for their houses caused the great recession of 2008)? I've got to run (work interfering with my Internet rants!), but Shades has teed it up pretty well for anyone who wants to knock it out of the park...

You're the only one that said "blacks" caused anything, racist are you? And a closet racist, which is like the lowest form of life.

If you somehow don't believe that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac didnt contribute more to the housing crisis and thereby the recession than any other single problem, then you need to read another book,

Wikipedia "United Staes Housing Bubble" then come back with an adult conversation instead of crying racism like the rest of your whiny ilk, ya goof

:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm: x a million...

Shades, sometimes I think the problem isn't just your inability to understand what others are stating, but you seem to have real issues understanding your own thoughts and comments.

And before we begin about where we've gone wrong in our conversation about racism, let's just get thing one thing out of the way: I've probably read more on the housing and financial crashes than you've probably read on well, anything. Here's a list of only a few of the books on the topic (almost all of which I recommend): The Big Short by Michael Lewis, Boomerang by Michael Lewis, Too Big to Fail by Andrew Ross Sorkin, On the Brink by Henry M. Paulson, The Unwinding by George Packer. I think I'm forgetting a couple but I think you get the point.

Fannie Mae and Feddie Mac certainly contributed to the systemic fail, but they weren't the cause. Fannie Mae has been around nearly 80 years, while Freddie Mac has been in operation since the 1970s. They were not products of the 1990s.

Now, getting back to the clusterfuck that is this conversation. When I said: "Blacks keeping blacks in the ghettos? Might want to look up the dichotomy of federally guaranteed mortgages only offered to white neighbourhoods while predominantly black neighbourhoods redlined for ghettos," I'm talking about the practice that was overtly carried out until the mid to late 1970s. Lower-income neighbourhoods for decades were treated differently by banks as a product of being redlined. Here's a picture to make it easier to understand:


As I said, this practice of designating which areas were given mortgage approval and which were not was formally ended in the 1960s and 1970s. Forgetting for a minute that the practice still occurs in a much less overt manner, the fact that minority populations have had structural hurdles relative to building capital while such hurdles were not placed on white-dominated neighbourhoods has a profound and lasting effect. When generations of one ethnicity is able to accrue capital through land ownership while another languishes in communities forced to rent, such policies have lasting consequences. The income and equity differentials between the two groups is striking.

Perhaps I assumed way too much that you knew any of this, so when you responded that the government has expanded the mortgage market in the 1990s to include everyone, that this was thus the cause of the financial crisis in 2008. But if the only people being left out prior to your arbitrary timeline of the 1990s was largely minority based (particularly African Americans), then the racial undertones of your comment become much more clear. Now I type this knowing full well you may have difficulty tracking this point, so I'll try to simplify it for you: if the expansion of the mortgage market in the 1990s resulted largely in more African Americans receiving mortgages, then aren't you really placing the blame on African Americans for the financial crash? If prior to the expansion the mortgage market was largely limited to white-suburbanites and small town white people, then who do you suppose was largely included in this supposed expansion of the mortgage market starting in the 1990s? I'm simply trying to follow your logic.

Also, I'm curious how you think quoting David Simon, a white guy, is race bating? Wait, better yet, I'm actually curious as to what you think race baiting is. And I'd like your honest opinion on that, don't go googling to get a proper definition. Oh wait, look who I'm saying this to. No worries about that happening....

In all fairness, I grew up in Philadelphia and a lot of the parts redlined as "hazardous" such as Northeast Philadelphia, South Philadelphia and parts of West Philadelphia are predominantly white in population...and have been since the early 1900's. (Or longer) They are just lower income, working class white folks...primarily of Irish and Italian decent. Of course, there are black and latino neighborhoods mixed in there as well.

Edited by Kasanova King
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Guest Len B'stard

Clarkson controversy regarding the 'n' word. Storm in a tea cup whereas the usual types, all with patronising left wing ethnic accents, are calling for his head.

So, to recap, Clarkson says the word hooray for tolerance!, people with ethnic accents are the arseholes, logical :lol: Damn those ethnic cunts and their control over Jeremy Clarksons vocal chords :lol:

Edited by sugaraylen
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I didn't say that. I merely said, as per usual, an avalanche of people with ethnic accents are calling for his head (on radio, television, etc). It is the usual politically correct Guardianist gibberish:

''obviously this word is deeply abhorrent and not appropriate to our modern, multi-ethnic and diverse, society''.

And similar. They all speak in the same language haha; a language learnt from multiple 'equality and diversity' courses.

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Guest Len B'stard

Oh man, there are actually people who believe minorities can't be racist. Fucking autism

How'd you work that one out? :lol:

I didn't say that. I merely said, as per usual, an avalanche of people with ethnic accents are calling for his head (on radio, television, etc). It is the usual politically correct Guardianist gibberish:

''obviously this word is deeply abhorrent and not appropriate to our modern, multi-ethnic and diverse, society''.

And similar. They all speak in the same language haha; a language learnt from multiple 'equality and diversity' courses.

Quite frankly each party shows themselves up, Clarkson for being a cunt, the politicians that show what good lads they are by condemning it and calling for his head and then people like you, the 'its political correctness gone mad!' Brigade, whoose focus seems to be finding an excuse to have a pop at 'leftists' or whatever.

No one actually really seems to care about the issue of prejudice.

In fact I'd even go so far as to say these things are basically as good as their political mileage that they offer whatever given group, the rest is just a smoke screen, these things make headlines not cuz of any kind of cultural sensitivity, it serves a lynchpin, a maypole around which a bunch of people do the 'look at me and how right my way is' dance.

Edited by sugaraylen
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Clarkson controversy regarding the 'n' word. Storm in a tea cup whereas the usual types, all with patronising left wing ethnic accents, are calling for his head.

So, to recap, Clarkson says the word hooray for tolerance!, people with ethnic accents are the arseholes, logical :lol: Damn those ethnic cunts and their control over Jeremy Clarksons vocal chords :lol:

Actually surprised he apologised about it. He has made "jokey" ethnic slurs on Top Gear before and never came out to say sorry but the one time he was caught mumbling the "n" word on a clip that wasn't even aired on TV he comes out and makes a statement about it. If you want to apologise for that instance at least have the decency to also apologise for the ones that were actually aired as well.

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Guest Len B'stard

I don't think he should apologise at all, it's ridiculous but i guess if he feels the need to. Words don't make a person racist and nor does a nursery rhyme, racism is a perspective, it's a deep seated belief thing, it's a lot deeper than someone that can be magically created just by doing the hooray for tolerance! by his toe version of eenie meenie.

I could say hooray for tolerance! for the next hour, it's just a word, it's a sound, it doesn't make me believe a certain thing or think a certain way about a race. It's not a nice word and some people are sensitive about it and for my part, I would probably think twice about waving it in those peoples face but at the end of the day it's just a word and it has no inherent power over you just based on it's utterance.

Edited by sugaraylen
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What happened to the golden rule? That's my philosophy anyways, treat people how you would want to be treated. If I were African American I would not want to be called N tigger, I would want to be treated equally, and I would treat everyone as individuals, not as a color. Not that I'm in favor of making judgements, but if they are to be made, they should be made based upon a persons character, not skin color. There are good black folks and their are bad black folks, there are good white people and there are ignorant white trash pieces of shit. But the difference is I choose to leave the judgements and name calling for members of your own race. I have no problem calling out the white trash pieces of shit that belong to my race. So in turn I will leave African Americans, or Asian Americans, or Hispanics to do the same within their race.

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Guest Len B'stard

If you're white, yellow, brown or black trash I'll call you that to your face. I ain't no racist but all races got bullshit that's specific to them.

Alright you dirty tamil bastard, we heard ya :lol:

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Blacks keeping blacks in the ghettos? Might want to look up the dichotomy of federally guaranteed mortgages only offered to white neighbourhoods while predominantly black neighbourhoods redlined for ghettos.

stop it right there because anything further you say on the subject is stuck in the mud of this^^^bullshit.

I believe the federal Government went way out of their way to provide mortgages to not only blacks but many other people of all races who were not qualified to pay back these mortgages in the 90's. Hence leading to our recession, the recession that the left seems to want to still blame on "Bushs two unfunded wars"

If you qualify for a mortgage there are plenty of banks here that will be more than happy to loan you money regardless of your race. If there is scrutiny based on these properties being in undesirable locations or the financial plight of the borrower I would think the lenders discretion should be and would be warranted.

quoting David Simon is baiting the same race argument you pretend you want the mods to shut down.


Once again Shades, you're consistency is applaudable...

Anyone else want to take a crack at this nonsense (i.e. the blacks unable to pay for their houses caused the great recession of 2008)? I've got to run (work interfering with my Internet rants!), but Shades has teed it up pretty well for anyone who wants to knock it out of the park...

You're the only one that said "blacks" caused anything, racist are you? And a closet racist, which is like the lowest form of life.

If you somehow don't believe that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac didnt contribute more to the housing crisis and thereby the recession than any other single problem, then you need to read another book,

Wikipedia "United Staes Housing Bubble" then come back with an adult conversation instead of crying racism like the rest of your whiny ilk, ya goof

:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm: x a million...

Shades, sometimes I think the problem isn't just your inability to understand what others are stating, but you seem to have real issues understanding your own thoughts and comments.

And before we begin about where we've gone wrong in our conversation about racism, let's just get thing one thing out of the way: I've probably read more on the housing and financial crashes than you've probably read on well, anything. Here's a list of only a few of the books on the topic (almost all of which I recommend): The Big Short by Michael Lewis, Boomerang by Michael Lewis, Too Big to Fail by Andrew Ross Sorkin, On the Brink by Henry M. Paulson, The Unwinding by George Packer. I think I'm forgetting a couple but I think you get the point.

Fannie Mae and Feddie Mac certainly contributed to the systemic fail, but they weren't the cause. Fannie Mae has been around nearly 80 years, while Freddie Mac has been in operation since the 1970s. They were not products of the 1990s.

Now, getting back to the clusterfuck that is this conversation. When I said: "Blacks keeping blacks in the ghettos? Might want to look up the dichotomy of federally guaranteed mortgages only offered to white neighbourhoods while predominantly black neighbourhoods redlined for ghettos," I'm talking about the practice that was overtly carried out until the mid to late 1970s. Lower-income neighbourhoods for decades were treated differently by banks as a product of being redlined. Here's a picture to make it easier to understand:


As I said, this practice of designating which areas were given mortgage approval and which were not was formally ended in the 1960s and 1970s. Forgetting for a minute that the practice still occurs in a much less overt manner, the fact that minority populations have had structural hurdles relative to building capital while such hurdles were not placed on white-dominated neighbourhoods has a profound and lasting effect. When generations of one ethnicity is able to accrue capital through land ownership while another languishes in communities forced to rent, such policies have lasting consequences. The income and equity differentials between the two groups is striking.

Perhaps I assumed way too much that you knew any of this, so when you responded that the government has expanded the mortgage market in the 1990s to include everyone, that this was thus the cause of the financial crisis in 2008. But if the only people being left out prior to your arbitrary timeline of the 1990s was largely minority based (particularly African Americans), then the racial undertones of your comment become much more clear. Now I type this knowing full well you may have difficulty tracking this point, so I'll try to simplify it for you: if the expansion of the mortgage market in the 1990s resulted largely in more African Americans receiving mortgages, then aren't you really placing the blame on African Americans for the financial crash? If prior to the expansion the mortgage market was largely limited to white-suburbanites and small town white people, then who do you suppose was largely included in this supposed expansion of the mortgage market starting in the 1990s? I'm simply trying to follow your logic.

Also, I'm curious how you think quoting David Simon, a white guy, is race bating? Wait, better yet, I'm actually curious as to what you think race baiting is. And I'd like your honest opinion on that, don't go googling to get a proper definition. Oh wait, look who I'm saying this to. No worries about that happening....

In all fairness, I grew up in Philadelphia and a lot of the parts redlined as "hazardous" such as Northeast Philadelphia, South Philadelphia and parts of West Philadelphia are predominantly white in population...and have been since the early 1900's. (Or longer) They are just lower income, working class white folks...primarily of Irish and Italian decent. Of course, there are black and latino neighborhoods mixed in there as well.

Yeah, I'll admit that Philadelphia isn't the greatest example, as it's one of the least segregated cities in the States. Though the practice of redlining was common, particularly in places like Detroit, Chicago, Washington, and Los Angeles, it's difficult to obtain official redlined maps of those cities.

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