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Walking Dead Season 5 Discussion.


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I did like that episode, I hated the previous one despite the rick/shane allusion, I guess if the guy is an abusive asshole and a swell (feral but still with a good heart buried) guy like ricky boy comes along, it's fair game but he ought not have kissed a babe he knows was taken. It's a complex conflict.

I keep hearing about this Negan fellow from the comics who's a ruthless villain. I also read they've planned up to season 11 and they'll most likely stay in Alexandria for a few seasons, kind of a relief even though I don't see much personality in the place compared to the other settings we've been treated to.

God and I forgot father gormless ratting the group out, what a clown and hypocrite!! Infuriating dungheap who's done jack shit for anyone except that flock he let get ripped apart as he sat in the church.

they will be in alexandria for a very, very long time unless the show and the writers start venturing into unknown territory in terms of source material. negan makes the governor look like the snuggles bear.

See I don't mind having a steady setting again, I just think the transition to being IN Alexandria was too sudden, I get they have a limited space etc but I enjoyed the gradual submerging into Woodbury, obv we had Andrea to use for that though. There seemed no 'incubation' period for me. I haven't seen enough of the place but again, we have many episodes to do this so probs me nitpicking. The lead up with that guy scoping them out and the whole episode on the paranoia was cool.

I read this Negan fellow is a proper asshat and blunt and to the point, it'd be cool to have a more straightforward guy to deal with since Governor, Shane and Gareth have had kinda complex twisted aspects of them, though I fucking wish Gareth had stuck around for a season, he was a brilliant actor.

Also, who reckons that guy who tried getting Eugene to drive off is going to lie about the guy who died in that warehouse and this will escalate with father gormless persuading Deanna to hold them on trial, plus Carol manipulating that kid and the Rick/Dickhead Doc conflict... a storm's brewing!

Edited by RandallFlagg
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Yeah, where the hell was Maggie? I figured she would go right to Rick when Carol and Rick were plotting to kill that jerk abuser.

Love the scene from next week. Carol takes the abuser husband a casserole only because he has to care for Tara. Then he gets wise with her and she pulls out this knife and puts it to his throat and backs him up to the staircase and tells him she could kill him right now and no one would think anything. She said she would tell everyone he attacked her and since everyone knows he abused Jessie they would believe her if she said she had to kill him. You should see the expression on his face. I'm surprised he hasn't pissed his pants.

Next week's finale is going to be nuts. one of the producers said there will be blood and not just zombie blood. Is it possible Morgan is killing the zombies with the letter W or is it an M outside Alexandria?

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That was fucking ace.

At times they had no interesting storylines for a few episodes straight. Now they have 5 at once in just one.

The shit with Rick and the town folk kicked ass.

The shit with Glen kicked ass.

The shit with the new bad guys kicked ass.

The shit with Daryl and Aaron kicked ass.

The shit with Morgan kicked ass

The shit with Gabriel and Sasha kicked ass.

I hope the next season continues on this tone.

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That finale was intense, I really enjoyed it. I was happy none of the main characters had to die just for the episode to be memorable. One good scene after another.

(And I have to admit I had no idea Morgan was actually British.)

The sneak peek for the other Walking Dead spinoff made me excited. At least it will air during the summer so I can get my fix before the new season for the original starts up again. I do hope it's good.

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Mixed feelings about this finale. I usually like it when you have multiple story lines going on, but I felt some of them were particularly weak. The Glen one just kept going and you know they wont kill him off, father Gabriel felt like an excuse to have some zombies get in and test Sasha, meh. Can't see Sasha surviving the next season. The only great storyline where there was some genuine excitement was Daryl's and Morgan's story lines which met up and the introduction of the villains. The moment I found utterly contrived about the episode was the whole confrontation with Pete and the group resulting in what has to be the dumbest kill of the series so far and only serves a purpose to show Deanna made the wrong call regarding Pete.

While not a bad finale, it was mostly of mix of awkwardly resolving conflicts and setting up for next season. I still think the second season's finale is the best of the series.

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I would have made Glenn kill that guy. He deserved it. I'm so sick of people trying to be something they aren't. Everyone in Alexandria has never actually had to fight for their survival and hopefully now after Rick's speech and showing them a dead walker, they will all get behind him and learn to defend themselves.

I'm sure Daryl and Arron will also tell them about the so called "wolves" who are totally nuts and would just love to get into their town.

Still would have kicked Gabriel's ass too. I'm sick of other people's guilt blaming others for their shortcomings. I knew he left his congregation outside the church to die. That was obvious from the start.

Love, Love that Morgan is back! Can't wait for the new season6.

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I feel as though there are too many characters that are in un killable territory at the minute. Not that I wanted Glen to get killed off, but after that episode does anyone think Glen/Daryl or Rick/Carl are likely to be in danger any time soon unless the show gets cancelled/ratings plummet.

Not that I read the comics, but a TV show follows different rules than a comic and it's not the same as Game of Thrones where the show absolutely has to hit the story landmarks at least of the source material along the way despite deviations here/there.

Edited by AtariLegend
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I feel as though there are too many characters that are in un killable territory at the minute. Not that I wanted Glen to get killed off, but after that episode does anyone think Glen/Daryl or Rick/Carl are likely to be in danger any time soon unless the show gets cancelled/ratings plummet.

With the news of a new spin off series, I was wondering if Walking Dead could survive without Rick. What makes Walking Dead such a great show is not only the storytelling, the gore, ... but the idea that main characters can get killed off. In other words the show can go on providing the writing stays of the same quality. I really thought Carol was a weak character and wanted her to die in the first season, after season 2 that changed and now I like her most. It will take some great writing to get me to like Gabriel though. But my point is, new people join the show each season; some stay, some go, but it's not a deal breaker as it would be on other shows where they depend on a constant group. Also, as is the case with TV actors, once they become famous, they want to do films and not stay around forever. I can see the guy playing Daryl pulling that off, Glenn less so.

I haven't read the comics so I don't know what's in the cards for future characters.

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