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BUMBLEFOOT: I Really Should Have Paid More Attention To My Solo Career, Even When I Was In GN'R

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"2006-2014," could mean THROUGH 2014 so we might've not seen his last shows if the rumors are true about the few dates at the end of the year.

Good call

Although i just wanted him to leave

Too much whining

Quit already if the paycheck is not good enough

Edited by Crash Diet
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I mean that fellow guitarists, music critics and progressive/virtuoso music fans knew him (and Bucket for that matter) before Guns.

Yeah, but there's a difference to people being aware that he's releasing CD's and people actually buying the CD's as well.

No one buys CD's anymore, anyway.

not true

Of course it's true, Pittman said it so it must be true

Hey asshole, I don't need to know what Pitman thinks about it, just take your head out of your ass and look at some numbers. The drastic decline in cd sales is a fact. Record companies and artists don't make real money off of albums anymore, but mostly from live shows and merch.

Hey calm down man, I'm just joking around, I know sales of physical albums is nowhere near where it used to be, I also know that other bands dont use it as an excuse not to release music, that was all I was referring to, no need to resort to name calling

Wanna just quote that bit of my own post again as well as those who answered me - I was just messing around, like I usually do now. Yes, I think people talk too much about album sales rather than quality of the music they're listening to, but I was ultimately trolling the GnR fanbase when I said that they're like mainstream music fans because I, unfortunately, don't take Guns seriously anymore and I think that Ron should leave this mess asap, and I jumped on the "reunion" bandwagon - and unless the next guitarist is Buckethead, for obvious reasons, or Guthrie, so he can be a nice replacement for Ron, I won't be following Guns like I do. However, I seriously doubt that both would ever consider joining Guns and I doubt that a reunion would happen at this point, so Axl is possibly giving up on this band himself. Actually I think that since late 2010 he's had enough of his own "solo" venture. All in all - I truly believe that Ron is gone and as his fan I'd be happy to see him doing something other than playing the same songs night after night.

I don't think he has a problem with playing the songs, he puts a lot of energy into playing them and seems to get a kick out of it. But as a musician he wants to be creating music, and it is pretty clear by now that he is not going to get a chance ot do that as part of GnR, and as he has intimated in this interview being in GnR has impeded his ability to create music as a solo artist perhaps he has just reached the point wher ehe thinks that the paycheck from Guns is not worth the restrictions as an artist?

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It seems to me from the way he's talking in these interviews that in his mind he's probably out but maybe there are negotiations still ongoing hence no official announcement. Or maybe they'll officially announce it if/when they find a replacement.

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Thing is what matters is the record, and it's probably great.

Okay so Ron becomes another casualty of war but surely there's another virtuoso who can play rock solos for money?

I could almost see them going Fortus and Dj. But maybe Axl will never come back or if he does Ron will be ready. He hasn't officially quit?

Maybe to most people, Bumble was never a real part of new Guns, but if it's true, and he's gone, it will change the chemistry in the band, and I've grown fond of Bumble as part of Guns, and I think he is capable as fuck and can help Axl with whatever music he's interested in making. Ron is the whole package if you really think about it.

Of course Axl can replace him, after all he replaced Bucket, but everytime a talented guitar player is lost, the identity of the band suffers from it imo, and the emotional attachment to the idea of this new Guns N' Roses is diluted and it feels like it's just faceless employees filling a blank spot, and it's not how I felt with Bumble once I got used to him and got to know him musically. He was always a Guns fan, he liked the songs, he is a hard rock/metal dude. He can be anything musically. Shame to give that up.

I don't think Axl wanted to be in that position again where 1 guitarist has that much power. he may have even said that, he said something about never wanting to not have material in the bank like after UYI.

Definitely Ron is an asset, but not sure if he's irreplaceable. Having not written anything as yet. Bucket only wrote 3? Shack, Scrpaed, Sorry? Robin only wrote Better, SOD. So Ron became part of machine for CD.

For me GNR is Axl's vocals and melodies and lyrics for the most part.

It's unfortunate for Ron that he came in after the main bulk of writing and recording was done, and so much was done. But he played a lot on CD.

Axl seems like he was happy with what he did on CD. That rhythm on Chi dem is sick and Shackler's solo is cool with me, I don't really have a problem with Catcher solo especially as May wasn't even happy with his solo. Ron plays the solo on Atlas Shrugged supposedly. Hopefully he can hang in there but with no new writing really going to happen it makes sense he might want out, maybe he's made enough money.

Maybe if they put out CD II, Axl will gearing up a new guitarist for whatever he wants to do next. Maybe Ron is bucking for promotion rather than really wanting to leave. But history has shown that a new project will ring the changes.

No, no, no. Robin said in interviews he wrote many, many songs. It's just that we didn't get to hear most of them. Bucket was 4 years in Guns. I think he wrote more then what was released on Chinese. At least that's my best guess. As for Bumble: he really wanted to, had a bunch of ideas, but Axl seem to not be that impressed? Hopefully I'm wrong about that.

And what about Skwerl? someone had to write all those songs. 40-50 great songs? I think that's the rumor. Robin probably had a hand in writing those, and when you consider how fuckin' prolific Bucket is, I mean, he's a riff lord, and he never runs out of ideas. Axl has the skills to turn riffs into songs imo. I think he gets fixated on an idea and doesn't let go if it speaks to him. (November Rain) Again, you have a guitar player like Bucket in your band for 4 years. I'd say more then 3 songs. Someone said they made Bucket record more then one solo for a song, so I'm imagining Bucket in his coop coming up with 3 different solos for There Was A Time, and Axl choosing the "one".

Edited by Rovim
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This obviously means Gilby's back in the band.

I want Gilby!

Why? he's not much of a songwriter, and also not an outstanding guitar player. Not good enough imo. :shrugs:

He is more "rhytmic" than Fortus, and his look, style and songs are Hard Rock, the music which I want to Guns N Roses.

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This obviously means Gilby's back in the band.

I want Gilby!

Why? he's not much of a songwriter, and also not an outstanding guitar player. Not good enough imo. :shrugs:

He is more "rhytmic" than Fortus, and his look, style and songs are Hard Rock, the music which I want to Guns N Roses.

lol no he's not. Hasn't written anything good since Pawnshop Guitars imo. And he looks like shit compared to Fortus, but he's older. He used to look great, but not anymore.

Fortus is 10 times the player Gilby is.

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I remember reading an interview - I think it was with Brain or Josh Freese or somebody - a few years ago in which they said that Buckethead was pissed off with Axl after his departure for retaining the copyright to Buckethead's songwriting ideas, and not using them of course; Buckethead naturally wants to use them on his solo albums since Axl has not released them.

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This obviously means Gilby's back in the band.

I want Gilby!

Why? he's not much of a songwriter, and also not an outstanding guitar player. Not good enough imo. :shrugs:

He is more "rhytmic" than Fortus, and his look, style and songs are Hard Rock, the music which I want to Guns N Roses.

lol no he's not. Hasn't written anything good since Pawnshop Guitars imo. And he looks like shit compared to Fortus, but he's older. He used to look great, but not anymore.

Fortus is 10 times the player Gilby is.

I'll go with that, Fortus is amazing!

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This obviously means Gilby's back in the band.

I want Gilby!

Why? he's not much of a songwriter, and also not an outstanding guitar player. Not good enough imo. :shrugs:

He is more "rhytmic" than Fortus, and his look, style and songs are Hard Rock, the music which I want to Guns N Roses.

lol no he's not. Hasn't written anything good since Pawnshop Guitars imo. And he looks like shit compared to Fortus, but he's older. He used to look great, but not anymore.

Fortus is 10 times the player Gilby is.

Its possible but i saw Gilby play Hard Rock, and i dont know if Fortus can the style.

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This obviously means Gilby's back in the band.

I want Gilby!

Why? he's not much of a songwriter, and also not an outstanding guitar player. Not good enough imo. :shrugs:

He is more "rhytmic" than Fortus, and his look, style and songs are Hard Rock, the music which I want to Guns N Roses.

lol no he's not. Hasn't written anything good since Pawnshop Guitars imo. And he looks like shit compared to Fortus, but he's older. He used to look great, but not anymore.

Fortus is 10 times the player Gilby is.

Its possible but i saw Gilby play Hard Rock, and i dont know if Fortus can the style.

He was on a short tour with Thin Lizzy. Watch a show with Fortus and you'll get what I'm talking about. Besides, Hard Rock is actually a genre 4Tus is great at. No joke. This is why I think he can do a lot for Axl in studio if only he'll be given the chance to do so.

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"2006-2014," could mean THROUGH 2014 so we might've not seen his last shows if the rumors are true about the few dates at the end of the year.

So what´s your interpretation of "W. Axl Rose (1962-1990)" in the grave scene we see in the Don´t Cry video? :devilshades:

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More and more drama, yet Bumblefoot is too scared to answer a simple question.

It's strange. I can't understand any reasoning around why he won't just say it. Is it possible he had to sign some sort of non-disclosure thing about his status in the band? :lol:

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More and more drama, yet Bumblefoot is too scared to answer a simple question.

It's strange. I can't understand any reasoning around why he won't just say it. Is it possible he had to sign some sort of non-disclosure thing about his status in the band? :lol:
cupcake!!! UNFAN!!!!! DELUDED N' MISGUIDED!!!!!!!!!!!! How dare you accuse Axl Rose of making his bandmates employees of signing NDAs. You know how much this band loves transparency and openness. The nerve of these 'fans'.......


Anyways, its clear none of us will get an answer. Maybe ignalzia should give it a try?

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I'm sure that it is Guns related. He never had to do this before Guns, and he already had problems with Guns because he was honest and open, and it is something that Guns did not like at the time. Not only Guns cant give us what we need the most, information, but even those who want to give us information cant... Hue

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More and more drama, yet Bumblefoot is too scared to answer a simple question.

It's strange. I can't understand any reasoning around why he won't just say it. Is it possible he had to sign some sort of non-disclosure thing about his status in the band? :lol:

Highly likely imo.

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