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I like the names and stories Miser comes up with his left and right hands.

give man a break! what would you do if your imaginary girlfriend was such a bitch :lol:

Cheat on her with the other hand.

he's too busy posting on the internet forums with it :lol:

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This is fucking dodgy :huh:

Miser: stop romanticising dude, get your hand off it and have a time out. Don't put on GNR songs and think of this/these girl/girls, just recognise your harmful behaviour for what it is and endeavour never to repeat it again...refraining from that kind of behaviour (permanently) is the best thing you can do and maybe if you drop it for good the next relationship you enter will actually work out.

Stop being a fuckwit, basically- you know when you're acting like one, get a hold of yourself and fight the urge for fuck's sake.

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Her grandma now is posting sort of sympathetic things on my wall. Her cousin, female, was like "Wow, she wasn't right", her brother and I had a nice chat about games and shit last night. Her sister is like 100% behind me. Shit, when you have the whole fuckin' family behind you, it's pretty surreal.

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Her grandma now is posting sort of sympathetic things on my wall. Her cousin, female, was like "Wow, she wasn't right", her brother and I had a nice chat about games and shit last night. Her sister is like 100% behind me. Shit, when you have the whole fuckin' family behind you, it's pretty surreal.

It means nothing though unless she's interested.

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Her grandma now is posting sort of sympathetic things on my wall. Her cousin, female, was like "Wow, she wasn't right", her brother and I had a nice chat about games and shit last night. Her sister is like 100% behind me. Shit, when you have the whole fuckin' family behind you, it's pretty surreal.

It means nothing though unless she's interested.

It's just absurd. I'm actually having a laugh at it.

It's like Jesus Christ himself is going to come down and wag his finger at her for being an idiot.

Good God man. I'm laughing my ass here. I mean Jesus, her whole fuckin' family is on my side. It's like the fuckin Twilight Zone -facepalm-

Seriously, I'm reading the sympathetic posts, watching a video of the fight from Thunderball, and laughing my ass off. What a fuckin' idiot she is.

Even Hannah, who I was actually a bad boyfriend to, is talking to me. I mean goddamn son. Fuckin fate man lol.

I mean, all I need now is for the ex, scrawny little fellow he is, to attack me while he's wearin' drag like the dude in the opening of Thunderball. At this point the way the last week and a half has been I am pretty much ready for anything; nothing seems too impossible.

I mean let's recap here. Since December 18th, I have lost my grandmother, my girlfriend, an ex who despises me comes out of the woodwork and wants to be friends, a ginger girl wants to date me, now this girl's family is all supportive of me. Just weirdness.

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The family doesn't know you like she does. Their support means nothing, and could be hurting the situation more than helping. I usually did the exact opposite of what my family wanted. If they liked a certain guy, I automatically figured there was something wrong. Seriously ask the grandmother out. Maybe that will get her attention.

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The family doesn't know you like she does. Their support means nothing, and could be hurting the situation more than helping. I usually did the exact opposite of what my family wanted. If they liked a certain guy, I automatically figured there was something wrong. Seriously ask the grandmother out. Maybe that will get her attention.

The break up had little to do with my failings as a person, unlike previous ones. If it did I would say I did this and that. My only flaw was not handling her news well, but it wasn't very well timed, coming just after my grandma died and right before the holidays.

She does dislike the fact that her family loves me so much and yet they hate him so much. But that's his fault, he's even more of a sociopath than I am. I'm not the one who threatened to bomb a school as a teenager.

That's just nasty.

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So? I still keep in contact with my old gf's family. They support me because over the years we all became family, too. They disagree with my old gf and don't like her recent course of actions, but it doesn't mean they don't love her or will be there for her. It isn't always about "taking sides".

This is all fresh, so it is ok to be sad, angry, and even a little crazy. But soon you will have to start picking up the pieces.

EDIT- And it is important to know when you need to help yourself. In the heat of all this, I even went on a few dates. I am clearly not over my old gf, but I was sad and lonely. I realized that is not something I want, I want to learn to love being on my own. So, this year I am going to try not dating anybody and just focusing on doing things I enjoy for myself. It is good to be selfish, sometimes.

Edited by ZoSoRose
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Well, there had to be some sort of fail on your part, otherwise you would still be together. They may not, in your mind, been over the top as they were in previous relationships, but they were significant enough for her to not want to be with you anymore. We're only hearing one, very biased, side of the story. And yes, her timing was awful, no argument there, but I'd look at the positive side of it. Anyone who can do what she did, when she did it. obviously has a very callous and selfish side to them. Good riddance.

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