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Will we have a new GN'R album this time next year ?

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You don't know shit. All of us don't know shit.

The album is done and Axl wants to release it.


I like when he talks like he knows Axl personally.

I don't know if he acts like he knows him personally or if he just cherry picks certain blabbering Axl quotes to obsess about and guard as truth nuggets, but it's pretty hilarious whatever it is. :lol:

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As 2014 is almost over, it made me wonder if after hearing rumblings (Fortus saying that Axl was in the studio etc.) GN'R would have a new record out by this time next year.I also have read alot of times "November 2015" as the time it could drop.So what would you guys think are 11/12 Months enough for Axl to bring out CD 2 ?

And a question, if it would come out by the end of the next year when would we get an announcement ? (If we even get one)

30th anniversary

maybe TB and Axl finally decides to milk this opportunity with a new album

time will tell

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For fuck's sake, NO.

Accept it and move on with your sad little lives.

"Guns N Roses" is fucking dead.

You move on with your sad little life. You're beyond delusional if you believe that TB won't be cashing in on the vault the moment Axl dies.

So that's what you're sitting here clinging to and hoping for? The minute Axl dies? You don't see anything wrong with the fact that the only hope you have of ever hearing new music from your favorite musician is for him to fucking drop dead?

a new album will be released so shut your mouth with this "newmusiconlyreleasedifaxldies/gnrsucksanddeadnonewmusicever" shtick

if you really think GNR is dead then log out and jog on from here

P.S.: (yes i think the real deal is dead in 1996, some think in 1991)

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So what your saying is GnR dies in 1996, when slash quit, so who's to blame from your point of view..... Remember HE quit , I blame both !

Only retarded fans blame one or another. The real answer is, all of them are guilty for the break-up. I'm surprised they stuck together as long as they did.

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So what your saying is GnR dies in 1996, when slash quit, so who's to blame from your point of view..... Remember HE quit , I blame both !

Only retarded fans blame one or another. The real answer is, all of them are guilty for the break-up. I'm surprised they stuck together as long as they did.

Yeah it's both their faults if not the whole band, massive egos just went boom

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if you really think GNR is dead then log out and jog on from here

P.S.: (yes i think the real deal is dead in 1996, some think in 1991)

GNR is dead and has been for a long, LONG time.

I come here cause it amuses me to no end that there are so many socially retarded basement dwellers obsessed with a band that peaked well over two decades ago that somehow believe their beloved messiah Axl Rose is gonna rise from the ashes and "rule the world" again despite all evidence to the contrary. Does any music fan base boast so many mentally ill/aspergersy/autistic delusional fucks as this one? I sincerely doubt it.

GNR is a part of my childhood and I cherish those memories. I would have loved for things to go differently, but hey, it's life. Axl fucked up. The end. I'll still have all those memories. And even now, every now and then there are still moments of joy that make me feel like a kid again like when I got to see Fat Axl sing Estranged a few feet away from me in a small club two years ago. That shit was magical and I'll never ever forget that moment.

But I have no illusions that the man will ever release new music or that ANYONE on the fucking planet other than the handful of delusional retards on this forum and Yarmo's forum will ever give two flaming shits about Axl Rose other than as the punchline he's turned himself into.

Even a reunion, the thing so many have been clamoring for for well over a decade would be too little too late now. A fat old man wheezing on stage barely able to sing the songs and keep up with the rest of the band that can still play. The press would crucify him. That ship has sailed. At best, it would generate some buzz for a few months but then it would be forgotten as whatever new shitty pop flavor of the month chick flashes her nips and pussy onstage.

Music has changed. It's not 1991 anymore. Enjoy the old bootlegs. Watch the old videos. Relive your youth. But there is NO future for Axl Rose or "Guns N Roses."

To quote the fat old bastard himself...."truth is the truth hurts."

Edited by estrangedtwat
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Axl says lots of things.

After a decade of delays Axl finally gave a release date for CD as March 6, 2007.

Didn't happen.

If you believe anything Axl claims you're a gullible fucking moron.

I'll believe there's more music when I HEAR more music. Until then, it's about as real as the Tooth Fairy.

Too bad Rovim now believes even more. Feel sorry for the guy. And he calls us ignorants. Dude is completely clueless and a blind worshipper.

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I sincerely don't understand people that say in this forum GNR is dead and fans will never see new music with that shitty negative attitude. What's the point on being on this forum then?

What's the point of being in a forum where the posters make you mad? There are other forums with more positivity. Complaining about negative posters like you are forced to read what they post is kinda pathetic.
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if you really think GNR is dead then log out and jog on from here

P.S.: (yes i think the real deal is dead in 1996, some think in 1991)

GNR is dead and has been for a long, LONG time.

I come here cause it amuses me to no end that there are so many socially retarded basement dwellers obsessed with a band that peaked well over two decades ago that somehow believe their beloved messiah Axl Rose is gonna rise from the ashes and "rule the world" again despite all evidence to the contrary. Does any music fan base boast so many mentally ill/aspergersy/autistic delusional fucks as this one? I sincerely doubt it.

GNR is a part of my childhood and I cherish those memories. I would have loved for things to go differently, but hey, it's life. Axl fucked up. The end. I'll still have all those memories. And even now, every now and then there are still moments of joy that make me feel like a kid again like when I got to see Fat Axl sing Estranged a few feet away from me in a small club two years ago. That shit was magical and I'll never ever forget that moment.

But I have no illusions that the man will ever release new music or that ANYONE on the fucking planet other than the handful of delusional retards on this forum and Yarmo's forum will ever give two flaming shits about Axl Rose other than as the punchline he's turned himself into.

Even a reunion, the thing so many have been clamoring for for well over a decade would be too little too late now. A fat old man wheezing on stage barely able to sing the songs and keep up with the rest of the band that can still play. The press would crucify him. That ship has sailed. At best, it would generate some buzz for a few months but then it would be forgotten as whatever new shitty pop flavor of the month chick flashes her nips and pussy onstage.

Music has changed. It's not 1991 anymore. Enjoy the old bootlegs. Watch the old videos. Relive your youth. But there is NO future for Axl Rose or "Guns N Roses."

To quote the fat old bastard himself...."truth is the truth hurts."

U real keyboard warrior aren't u twat what the Fuk u know about autism and aspergers

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No, if Axl is working on vocals now it will probably still be at least a few more years before a product is ready for release.

Why? he might be finishing off vocals or just adding a few lines here and there. He did vocals for 3 songs on Angel Down. How long did that take him? He also said CD ll was done not long ago. He could be recording vocals for completely new songs.

CD ll could be released next year, but because it's Axl I think 2 or 3 years from now is more realistic.

His vocals on Angel Down were done in one session and on a whim, Sebastian texted him and asked " when ya gonna come sing on my record". Axl responded w/ a when and where and went and knocked them out all at the same time. The vocals on Love Is a Bitch Slap weren't planned. Sebastian just thought of that while they were there.

So, I don't think vocals are quite the issue everybody thinks they are. Maybe the layering and overdubs, but if the songs are done, I think that means musically and vocally. he's just a tinkerer and tends to overproduce, lately.

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New album next year?? Well that picture that Axl posted from studio (?) definitely gave me more hope when thinking about 2015 and plans about the new album.. but then again it might be just Axl joking with us, who knows anymore? :P

But anyway.. as always I definitely hope they (=Axl & Team Beta?) could release some new music next year. Even playing some brand new songs on next year's gigs would be a big step forward. I remember the excitement around 2006-2008 when we heard those leaks and finally the whole new album.. I want to feel that excitement again. After all it has already been 6 fuckin' years (time sure flies by, huh?) since CD came out and in my opinion putting a couple of brand new tracks to setlist could be a wise move.

In next few years it will be interesting to se what the management and the band will do with Guns N' Roses. Do they take the easy route and continue touring and making easy money that way and quit when Axl feels like it's time to do it or could they challenge themselves by really fighting for the release of one or even two new albums?

Unfortunately now it's a different situation than it was with Chinese Democracy. Back then even the general public at least knew about this infamous project and that put at least some pressure on Axl and the management, Chinese Democracy had to be released after all. Now it's mainly the hardcore fans who are still waiting for another new album, I don't think that the general audience which comes to gigs to hear those basic classic songs even knows that there have been plans for a brand new GNR album.

At least one thing's for sure: there are a lot of songs unreleased and done (I bet they have at least 30 songs ready by now) and I'm quite sure we'll hear them one day, I can't see that Axl will take them to grave with him. Luckily I'm a quite young fella myself so maybe I'll see that day sometime. :D

Edited by Judezki
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You don't know shit. All of us don't know shit.

The album is done and Axl wants to release it.


I meant we don't know when it will be released. Axl himself said the album is done and talked about his interest to release it.

If Axl releases this album without any of it leaking online it'll be a big hit! Hopefully win back a lot of fans
That makes no sense at all. If a leaked song is awesome it will help album sales.

The only way leaks would keep the album from being a hit would be if the leaked songs were terrible.

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You don't know shit. All of us don't know shit.

The album is done and Axl wants to release it.


I meant we don't know when it will be released. Axl himself said the album is done and talked about his interest to release it.

If Axl releases this album without any of it leaking online it'll be a big hit! Hopefully win back a lot of fans
That makes no sense at all. If a leaked song is awesome it will help album sales.

The only way leaks would keep the album from being a hit would be if the leaked songs were terrible.

What if the album leaks?

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