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Brain speaks about Guns (and Buckethead)

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I had a dream last night, Axl's band was doing a show and I was curious to know that who has replaced BFF and then I saw Bucket on stage, then i was like yeah he is back, but then Axl stopped the show and was ranting about this forum that what things have been written about him and his band, he kept on ranting for a long time, then well my dream got over

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I've had a dream last night in which Axl became a big boy and forgave Slash and they played a show that didn't suck with Izzy, Duff, and Steven was so happy. :heart: (they played in Argentina)

Edited by Rovim
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As someone else said, it seems really strange that Axl noticed and cared about the kick drum but he doesn't care how rotten DJ is. It makes me wonder if the reason for that is because he's already got all the solos he needs on tens of finished songs from Bucket, Robin and BBF and all he needs from DJ is someone reliable who can play Robin's stuff.

well... i guess making a mistake in a song you're about to record is not the same as making ocassional mistakes while playing live. If the mistake goes to the album, it will be there forever and there won't be way to fix it.

I think I have a pretty good point and I don't think the chasm in Axl's priorities can be explained by one thing being for a record and another thing being live. The way Brain explained it, the 'mistake' was so minimal that he, the engineer and everyone else there thought it was so unimportant that they were happy to send the track to Axl. There is a vast difference between that and what DJ does on e.g. Patience and TIL at EVERY show. Not occasional, and not so insignificant that nobody notices or cares.

Another aspect is how shitty he has gotten at others' mistakes in the past, stopping the song and completely embarrassing Frank/Dizzy/Pitman/Brain wheras DJ seemingly gets a free pass, even with several members of the band stood there looking at eachother and mocking him.

Axl is too worried Dj will leave. Axl has something he hasn't had with Dj. He has someone who is exited to be in the band, perform, and write and wont talk bad about him. Axl can be as erratic as he wants and he knows Dj will still love him. The other members are replaceable to him, but in his mind he can't afford to lose Mr. Darren Jay Ashba. Not to mention, Dj is a strong song writer, which will be helpful if Axl wants to get a radio friendly song. Dj may suck live at times, but he knows how to get radio hits.

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Dj may suck live at times, but he knows how to get radio hits.

I'll just address this one point in your insane lunatic post.

Axl will never have a new song on the radio. The only time Axl's voice will be heard on any radio is when 80s/90s nostalgia is being played.

The man is finished.

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Axl is too worried Dj will leave. Axl has something he hasn't had with Dj. He has someone who is exited to be in the band, perform, and write and wont talk bad about him. Axl can be as erratic as he wants and he knows Dj will still love him. The other members are replaceable to him, but in his mind he can't afford to lose Mr. Darren Jay Ashba. Not to mention, Dj is a strong song writer, which will be helpful if Axl wants to get a radio friendly song. Dj may suck live at times, but he knows how to get radio hits.


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I've always said this and I'll always stick by it even in the face of all the Bucket fans "cooler than thou" attitude: Not only do I not get or dig the whole Bucket schtick, but I think it totally takes away from his talent.

The thing is that, what if actually isn't a schtick ? The guy actually prefers to play like that ? Or he has social anxiety ?

He's a fucking great guitarist, today seems like the bucket and the mask is a marketing deal, but when you refuse ozzy, then you start to think it's actually his deal, Even in guns.

What is the matter that he wears a mask ? You think it's marketing ? OK. You think it hinders "expectacle" ? OK. Do any of those have to do with music ? Not really.

I'll Admit I was drunk listening to the interview and commenting here.

But, bucket, I don't know, Brain seems to not give a shit actually (did you listen to the "composing for games" section ?, he just goes "I don't know shit, I dont give a fuck, but these guys have some money to spend"). He's a fucking great drummer, but bucket likes him, and seeing him laughing at bucket's persona/self, made me mad.

About Ashba, I like the song of aamm about live is beautiful acoustic. He's just not good enough guitar player, and it shows.

Edited by shredingskin
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I've always said this and I'll always stick by it even in the face of all the Bucket fans "cooler than thou" attitude: Not only do I not get or dig the whole Bucket schtick, but I think it totally takes away from his talent.

The thing is that, what if actually isn't a schtick ? The guy actually prefers to play like that ? Or he has social anxiety ?

He's a fucking great guitarist, today seems like the bucket and the mask is a marketing deal, but when you refuse ozzy, then you start to think it's actually his deal, Even in guns.

What is the matter that he wears a mask ? You think it's marketing ? OK. You think it hinders "expectacle" ? OK. Do any of those have to do with music ? Not really.

I'll Admit I was drunk listening to the interview and commenting here.

But, bucket, I don't know, Brain seems to not give a shit actually (did you listen to the "composing for games" section ?, he just goes "I don't know shit, I dont give a fuck, but these guys have some money to spend"). He's a fucking great drummer, but bucket likes him, and seeing him laughing at bucket's persona/self, made me mad.

About Ashba, I like the song of aamm about live is beautiful acoustic. He's just not good enough guitar player, and it shows.

I've heard from a friend who had some contact with Bucket (worked at a venue he was at, and also knows friends of friends, etc.) that he honestly IS extremely shy and socially anxious - and some of his behavior reminds me of Aspergers. IIRC others have said similar things, that he's very, very shy and uncomfortable around people he doesn't know, etc.

So as much as the mask and bucket might be a schtick it really might be the only way Bucket can find the courage to get onstage and do what he does.

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Where does this " DJ is a good songwriter " shit come from ? he is n`t. I`ve had a misfortune to listen to all songs he either wrote or was a part of and I have to say I have never heard such rubbish in my life even Myles Kennedy writes much better songs than DJ.

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Where does this " DJ is a good songwriter " shit come from ? he is n`t. I`ve had a misfortune to listen to all songs he either wrote or was a part of and I have to say I have never heard such rubbish in my life even Myles Kennedy writes much better songs than DJ.

He has radio hits... They're not the greatest songs ever by any stretch, but he has a history of making hits. I'm sure him and Axl could put some good stuff together.... Noone else in current GnR has as many rock "hits" as Dj has had (besides obviously Dizzy and Axl).

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Dj may suck live at times, but he knows how to get radio hits.

I'll just address this one point in your insane lunatic post.

Axl will never have a new song on the radio. The only time Axl's voice will be heard on any radio is when 80s/90s nostalgia is being played.

The man is finished.

True, but so is rock music. Aerosmith, Alice Cooper, Meat Loaf etc. will never get a new song on the radio either. Mind you at least they're capable of putting out new music. Well, except Aerosmith. They just made their fans wait 13 years to lob an over-boiled turd at them.

DJ, for all his faults, can write.

But just like everyone else's would-be contributions, Axl hears 'Ballad Of Death' and thinks 'that's nice' then fucks off and eats another sausage.

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Dj may suck live at times, but he knows how to get radio hits.

I'll just address this one point in your insane lunatic post.

Axl will never have a new song on the radio. The only time Axl's voice will be heard on any radio is when 80s/90s nostalgia is being played.

The man is finished.

True, but so is rock music. Aerosmith, Alice Cooper, Meat Loaf etc. will never get a new song on the radio either. Mind you at least they're capable of putting out new music. Well, except Aerosmith. They just made their fans wait 13 years to lob an over-boiled turd at them.

DJ, for all his faults, can write.

But just like everyone else's would-be contributions, Axl hears 'Ballad Of Death' and thinks 'that's nice' then fucks off and eats another sausage.

Axl asked DJ to record Ballad Of Death. He seems to do this when he thinks there is potential and he can always copy/paste and use the notes he liked in en entirely different musical context. Then eats another sausage.

Edited by Rovim
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Where does this " DJ is a good songwriter " shit come from ? he is n`t. I`ve had a misfortune to listen to all songs he either wrote or was a part of and I have to say I have never heard such rubbish in my life even Myles Kennedy writes much better songs than DJ.

He has radio hits... They're not the greatest songs ever by any stretch, but he has a history of making hits. I'm sure him and Axl could put some good stuff together.... Noone else in current GnR has as many rock "hits" as Dj has had (besides obviously Dizzy and Axl).

Radio hits? Rock hits? Man, DJ Ashba definetly doesn't have a "history of making hits", I guarantee. What radios have you been listening to? I'm sorry, but no one outside this place and some Crue fans have any idea who the hell that guy is. I have hundreds of friends who are really into rock, and although most of them don't like Guns N' Roses, they know who Slash, Buckethead and even Bumblefoot is. But DJ Ashba? No. Just no. He is not a hit maker. You can say you like him, his style, his writing, his playing... That's a matter of opinion. But he ain't no hit maker, that's an indisputable fact. He's barely known. People who listen to "Classic Rock" and despise the "new stuff" don't know who DJ Ashba is. People who are into indie rock, also don't know who DJ Ashba is. Even people who are into the formulatic 80s rock he plays, don't have a clue who that guy is. He is not relevant on any music scene. I'm not getting in the discussion of whether he's good or not, I'm just stating facts.

Edited by ManetsBR
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Maybe if you enjoy listening to the same old song.

We do enjoy listening to the same old songs. That's why we still follow Axl and attend his shows, which are still primarily made up of songs he wrote pre-1991.
I was talking about Slash. Can you get off my back now please.


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Maybe if you enjoy listening to the same old song.

We do enjoy listening to the same old songs. That's why we still follow Axl and attend his shows, which are still primarily made up of songs he wrote pre-1991.
I was talking about Slash. Can you get off my back now please.
That's my favorite post of March so far.
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Where does this " DJ is a good songwriter " shit come from ? he is n`t. I`ve had a misfortune to listen to all songs he either wrote or was a part of and I have to say I have never heard such rubbish in my life even Myles Kennedy writes much better songs than DJ.

He has radio hits... They're not the greatest songs ever by any stretch, but he has a history of making hits. I'm sure him and Axl could put some good stuff together.... Noone else in current GnR has as many rock "hits" as Dj has had (besides obviously Dizzy and Axl).

Radio hits? Rock hits? Man, DJ Ashba definetly doesn't have a "history of making hits", I guarantee. What radios have you been listening to? I'm sorry, but no one outside this place and some Crue fans have any idea who the hell that guy is. I have hundreds of friends who are really into rock, and although most of them don't like Guns N' Roses, they know who Slash, Buckethead and even Bumblefoot is. But DJ Ashba? No. Just no. He is not a hit maker. You can say you like him, his style, his writing, his playing... That's a matter of opinion. But he ain't no hit maker, that's an indisputable fact. He's barely known. People who listen to "Classic Rock" and despise the "new stuff" don't know who DJ Ashba is. People who are into indie rock, also don't know who DJ Ashba is. Even people who are into the formulatic 80s rock he plays, don't have a clue who that guy is. He is not relevant on any music scene. I'm not getting in the discussion of whether he's good or not, I'm just stating facts.

The radio stations around here are constantly playing "Life is Beautiful", "Lies of The Beautiful People", and "Gotta Get It Right" from Sixx. AM. Not just one station either, all 3 rock stations.... They over play them. I'm not say I think he's good, I'm just saying he gets regular radio airplay.

With that said though, In response to Tomfriend, "Ledgendary Child" off aerosmiths new album gets played from time to time, and the new ACDC song is constantly played. Better was played a few times recently, once a few months ago because I got a bunch of people on here to vote for it to be played, and then one time after that by luck or by chance. New Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, and Pearl Jam gets played a ton too. I don't think it's too much of a stretch to imagine that GnR could have a radio friendly song or two.... Like I said in another thread, their competition at this point is Sixx. AM, 5FDP, Foo Fighters, and the Pretty Reckless. Chickenfoot was getting a ton of play, but they kind of faded away. There aren't any serious rock bands out there right now really.

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Like I said in another thread, their competition at this point is Sixx. AM, 5FDP, Foo Fighters, and the Pretty Reckless. Chickenfoot was getting a ton of play, but they kind of faded away. There aren't any serious rock bands out there right now really.

lol wtf. Axl is at another level, sorry but no. Chickenfoot was a superband but just to jam and play, sammy still lingers to EVH, satriani is awesome, but their stuff is rock jamming.

The other band is emo stuff you can like sixam, old nirvana guys that got shot harder than curt's head, and a hot actress I would love to have my dick sucked by.

Axl is at another level, even the interview by brain says it, he knows his stuff. The is looking for, and after something, it's not radio time, and those people are not competition.

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I hate to say it, but the rock station where I'm from Banana 101.5 out of Flint Mi does indeed play Sixx AM. They are not a classic rock station by any stretch, they barely play gnr.

Down here, WRIF plays a lot of Sixx:AM but they also play a ton of GN'R.

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