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Its cool to hate GNR - People even lie about it


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Today there was a topic on reddit about bad concerts, and I knew GNR would be there. Check it out:


Stage burnt down? Riot? In 2006? We all know this guy is full of shit. And its not the first time Ive seen people lying their asses off on the internet about Axl and GNR. Ive seen it multiple times on reddit, and its always the same crap: "omg Axl shouted at all the fans and then he left in the middle of the concert blablabla".

Ive also seen it on other places such as music websites, Live Nation, Ticketmastet etc... People posting the most ridiculous, exaggerated reviews of whatever their experiences with GNR were.

And do you guys know why this happens? Because it's cool to hate Guns N' Roses. It's a phenomenom I have been noticing for a while. This guy on reddit, for example: he just knew that stuff like what he wrote would get him tons of upvotes, and karma (something valued by some loser reddit users, although this internet cred. gives you nothing).

Because of all the stuff Axl has done to harm the GNR name over the past years, GNR has basically zero street credit. I'd say it's negative, actually. So, most of the time, people who are more into rock music tend to bash GNR for the sake of it, because "you're an idiot who just got into rock if you like GNR". I've seen it happen multiple times. The guys who I live with in uni hated GNR and thought it was totally overrated, but after a little while living together they began to appreciate some of the material. I also have a friend who loves GNR, but multiple times I've seen him bash'em when talking to people who are into "more classic rock". It's cool to hate Guns N' Roses, and if you like'em people assume you know nothing about music. Which is really pathetic, really. I mean, seriously, if you like, let's say, Led Zeppelin and Rolling Stones and HATE GNR, there's something wrong, generally speaking. I've seen many people with this same speech. And I'm sorry, if you're into that kind of music it's just stupid to say they haven't done cool stuff. It's just to sound hipster, you know? The whole "Man, GNR is stuff people listen when they're getting into rock, they're no better than Poison and Crüe;"

People are usually very passionate about GNR, and I think this is one of the reasons it's cool to hate'em. I agree GNR is one of the most overrated bands of all times, but given a fair listen and attention, I haven't seen one person who likes rock that doesn't enjoy a thing or two from them. Nowadays with all the hipster/indie movement people don't even bother to check it out, for real. It's really annoying.

Edited by ManetsBR
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Reddit is a horrible website and basically equavalent to heroin in internetland (4chan is crystal meth). Why care about the opinion of a bunch of fedora-wearing plebs who digitally circlejerk eachother?

Reddit is a social network based on communites. It is what you make of it, the content depends on the subreddits you sign to. To say its a horrible website is like saying twitter and facebook are horrible. Just dont sign to the shitty ones. There are many good subreddits with tons of cool discussion.

And Im not talking specifically about reddit, you seem to have missed the point entirely.

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There is no such thing as bad publicity. It's a rock n' roll show with this guy whose tardiness and douchebaggery cause riots on every show, you can't change people's mind. A good lie is sometimes better than telling the truth, because we all know here that some shows were really boring (setlist wise etc.)

And reddit is a big garbage can.

Edited by Silent Jay
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There is no such thing as bad publicity.

Bullshit. Thats just what people say when Axl does something shitty. Did you see the Google Stats on Axl Rose? The search for his name peaked on the last ten years on October 2011. You know what happened on October 2011? Rock in Rio IV. Do you think that was good to his image? VMA 2002 was probably very good publicity too, right? :lol: There are hundreds of examples. There is such thing as bad publicity, the sole existence of GNR on the past ten years is the proof.

reddit is a big garbage can.

Ok, Axl. Edited by ManetsBR
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There is no such thing as bad publicity.

Bullshit. Thats just what people say when Axl does something shitty. Did you see the Google Stats on Axl Rose? The search for his name peaked on the last ten years on October 2011. You know what happened om October 2011? Rock in Rio IV. Do you think that was good to his image?

reddit is a big garbage can.

Ok, Axl.

Your google stats/RIRIV argument is hilarious sorry. :lol:

I don't know, maybe because RiRiV has been the last GN'R major event? The show didn't change a single thing about what people think of Axl.

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Reading in 2010 was by far a bigger event than rock in rio, and people's thoughts were that Axl is an old douchy fat singer that can't sing to save his life, and of course needs Slash.

It's just random comments by random people who discovered GNR on the internet with the November Rain video, and some KOHD/Paradise City live performance. Who's watching those videos sincerely? Hardcore fans and teens. RIRIV did not change a single thing.

Edited by Silent Jay
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Welcome to the world of the Internet.

You could post a picture of the cutest kitten in the world on ANY forum in the world, and by the 10th comment people would be insulting each other.

It's not just GnR, Manets. Nickleback is a great case-and-point. Everybody on this forum bashes them......but they were the highest selling rock band of the 00s. Think about that. For an entire decade they sold more albums than any other rock band - yet they are the punch line of jokes on this forum.

People hate Van Halen with Sammy Hagar. They pick a side with Slash-vs-Axl. Everybody hates Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift.

It doesn't matter what website you are on. Or what topic you are talking about.

People love to hate. And now they have the opportunity to tell everybody how much they hate something thanks to reddit, youtube, facebook, twitter, etc. Because their opinions are important enough that everybody needs to hear them!!!!

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Welcome to the world of the Internet.

You could post a picture of the cutest kitten in the world on ANY forum in the world, and by the 10th comment people would be insulting each other.

It's not just GnR, Manets. Nickleback is a great case-and-point. Everybody on this forum bashes them......but they were the highest selling rock band of the 00s. Think about that. For an entire decade they sold more albums than any other rock band - yet they are the punch line of jokes on this forum.

People hate Van Halen with Sammy Hagar. They pick a side with Slash-vs-Axl. Everybody hates Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift.

It doesn't matter what website you are on. Or what topic you are talking about.

People love to hate. And now they have the opportunity to tell everybody how much they hate something thanks to reddit, youtube, facebook, twitter, etc. Because their opinions are important enough that everybody needs to hear them!!!!

It's also because anger is a highly contagious emotion:

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Welcome to the world of the Internet.

You could post a picture of the cutest kitten in the world on ANY forum in the world, and by the 10th comment people would be insulting each other.

It's not just GnR, Manets. Nickleback is a great case-and-point. Everybody on this forum bashes them......but they were the highest selling rock band of the 00s. Think about that. For an entire decade they sold more albums than any other rock band - yet they are the punch line of jokes on this forum.

People hate Van Halen with Sammy Hagar. They pick a side with Slash-vs-Axl. Everybody hates Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift.

It doesn't matter what website you are on. Or what topic you are talking about.

People love to hate. And now they have the opportunity to tell everybody how much they hate something thanks to reddit, youtube, facebook, twitter, etc. Because their opinions are important enough that everybody needs to hear them!!!!

I get your point, but I disagree. I'm not talking just about the internet. It happens in 'real life' as well.

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People love Nirvana because that lead singer had so many problems that he shot himself. But they hate Guns N Roses because of Axl. The world got to see what happens when you get older and they hate it!!!

But really it's their own fault. Slash is on Behind the Music framing Axl as the reason he can't perform as GNR anymore, then Slash is saying how he really hated the early 90's with GNR and Axl says it sucked and eventually people just believe it sucks.

Axl now has the name and nobody realizes they are still a band. People thought GNR retired 22 years ago. The people that do know about GNR resent Axl for only releasing one album and being old.

But like all good things, the greatness of the GNR name will not be universally loved until Axl or Slash pass away. Then the reflecting begins and people fall in love with how good they were. Then they realize nothing like the old GNR exist today and never will. Then the cool kids start wearing GNR shirts and the legacy lives on.

People just hate GNR now because it's an easy joke

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I really don't perceive such hate on the web in general nor in real life.... :shrugs:

Guess it's more like indifference above all. Most people have best memories about Guns N' Roses and yes, many lament that the old line-up is gone, but it's not like that concern is consuming their lives, lol. Dude, it's just a rocknroll band, no need to oversize their importance or make it look as if they were some major state problem.

Like Apollo said, the Internet is full of haters of everything. Choose a topic and you will find tons of negative comments on it in every social network out there.

Here's an example of a "positive" thing, for lack of a better term:


Edited by tinyrobot
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Welcome to the world of the Internet.

You could post a picture of the cutest kitten in the world on ANY forum in the world, and by the 10th comment people would be insulting each other.

It's not just GnR, Manets. Nickleback is a great case-and-point. Everybody on this forum bashes them......but they were the highest selling rock band of the 00s. Think about that. For an entire decade they sold more albums than any other rock band - yet they are the punch line of jokes on this forum.

People hate Van Halen with Sammy Hagar. They pick a side with Slash-vs-Axl. Everybody hates Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift.

It doesn't matter what website you are on. Or what topic you are talking about.

People love to hate. And now they have the opportunity to tell everybody how much they hate something thanks to reddit, youtube, facebook, twitter, etc. Because their opinions are important enough that everybody needs to hear them!!!!

I get your point, but I disagree. I'm not talking just about the internet. It happens in 'real life' as well.


But why would you care?

I couldn't give a f*ck if my friends make a lame joke about GnR or about any band that I like.

I really couldn't give a f*ck if complete strangers don't like GnR or say something bad about them.

Who care? Or more importantly, why does it bother you so much? You aren't in the band, and you aren't friends with any band members. So who cares what people say about them? Like and love what you like and love. Don't let other people have any effect on you whatsoever.

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Today there was a topic on reddit about bad concerts, and I knew GNR would be there. Check it out:


Stage burnt down? Riot? In 2006? We all know this guy is full of shit. And its not the first time Ive seen people lying their asses off on the internet about Axl and GNR. Ive seen it multiple times on reddit, and its always the same crap: "omg Axl shouted at all the fans and then he left in the middle of the concert blablabla".

Ive also seen it on other places such as music websites, Live Nation, Ticketmastet etc... People posting the most ridiculous, exaggerated reviews of whatever their experiences with GNR were.

And do you guys know why this happens? Because it's cool to hate Guns N' Roses. It's a phenomenom I have been noticing for a while. This guy on reddit, for example: he just knew that stuff like what he wrote would get him tons of upvotes, and karma (something valued by some loser reddit users, although this internet cred. gives you nothing).

Because of all the stuff Axl has done to harm the GNR name over the past years, GNR has basically zero street credit. I'd say it's negative, actually. So, most of the time, people who are more into rock music tend to bash GNR for the sake of it, because "you're an idiot who just got into rock if you like GNR". I've seen it happen multiple times. The guys who I live with in uni hated GNR and thought it was totally overrated, but after a little while living together they began to appreciate some of the material. I also have a friend who loves GNR, but multiple times I've seen him bash'em when talking to people who are into "more classic rock". It's cool to hate Guns N' Roses, and if you like'em people assume you know nothing about music. Which is really pathetic, really. I mean, seriously, if you like, let's say, Led Zeppelin and Rolling Stones and HATE GNR, there's something wrong, generally speaking. I've seen many people with this same speech. And I'm sorry, if you're into that kind of music it's just stupid to say they haven't done cool stuff. It's just to sound hipster, you know? The whole "Man, GNR is stuff people listen when they're getting into rock, they're no better than Poison and Crüe;"

People are usually very passionate about GNR, and I think this is one of the reasons it's cool to hate'em. I agree GNR is one of the most overrated bands of all times, but given a fair listen and attention, I haven't seen one person who likes rock that doesn't enjoy a thing or two from them. Nowadays with all the hipster/indie movement people don't even bother to check it out, for real. It's really annoying.

If hating guns n roses is cool, consider me Miles Davis.

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Welcome to the world of the Internet.

You could post a picture of the cutest kitten in the world on ANY forum in the world, and by the 10th comment people would be insulting each other.

It's not just GnR, Manets. Nickleback is a great case-and-point. Everybody on this forum bashes them......but they were the highest selling rock band of the 00s. Think about that. For an entire decade they sold more albums than any other rock band - yet they are the punch line of jokes on this forum.

People hate Van Halen with Sammy Hagar. They pick a side with Slash-vs-Axl. Everybody hates Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift.

It doesn't matter what website you are on. Or what topic you are talking about.

People love to hate. And now they have the opportunity to tell everybody how much they hate something thanks to reddit, youtube, facebook, twitter, etc. Because their opinions are important enough that everybody needs to hear them!!!!

I think the Nickelback hate is kinda proportionately derived from how unjustly popular that people perceive them to be. Also look at the critical reviews for the band, not so good. Whereas GnR largely received positive reviews and was/is seen as one of Rock N Rolls greatest bands.

Did they do anything to really warrant the hate, other than make sub-par music? I dunno.

Maybe a more apt comparison would be to Kanye, or something. People jump to the conclusion that because they don't like his persona / actions, his music must also be bad. Same way for GnR, hated for the way they were perceived and that was exacerbated by Axl's behavior.

Edited by jbhutto
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Yup. I try to avoid discussing guns as much as possible on Reddit. I mentioned CD in 2 separate threads about underrated albums. The first time a couple of people agreed, got up voted. The second time I got the good old 'your opinion is wrong' 'you're stupid to like that' bullshit.

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Welcome to the world of the Internet.

You could post a picture of the cutest kitten in the world on ANY forum in the world, and by the 10th comment people would be insulting each other.

It's not just GnR, Manets. Nickleback is a great case-and-point. Everybody on this forum bashes them......but they were the highest selling rock band of the 00s. Think about that. For an entire decade they sold more albums than any other rock band - yet they are the punch line of jokes on this forum.

People hate Van Halen with Sammy Hagar. They pick a side with Slash-vs-Axl. Everybody hates Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift.

It doesn't matter what website you are on. Or what topic you are talking about.

People love to hate. And now they have the opportunity to tell everybody how much they hate something thanks to reddit, youtube, facebook, twitter, etc. Because their opinions are important enough that everybody needs to hear them!!!!

I think the Nickelback hate is kinda proportionately derived from how unjustly popular that people perceive them to be. Also look at the critical reviews for the band, not so good. Whereas GnR largely received positive reviews and was/is seen as one of Rock N Rolls greatest bands.

Did they do anything to really warrant the hate, other than make sub-par music? I dunno.

Maybe a more apt comparison would be to Kanye, or something. People jump to the conclusion that because they don't like his persona / actions, his music must also be bad. Same way for GnR, hated for the way they were perceived and that was exacerbated by Axl's behavior.

Sub- par music, that would just be your own personal taste though wouldn't it? They were the top selling rock band for an entire decade. You might not like them, but millions of people did. Numbers don't lie.

And now we care what the music critics think? GnR and Axl were a band that cared about pleasing their fans and couldn't care less about the critics.

People hate on Axl because of his past behavior. Starting shows three hours late, for example. Why is Nickleback the most hated rock band on the planet by people over the age of 25? Fan friendly band, no controversy like with Axl.

There are just certain "rules " that we must all follow in life. We must hate Nickleback, we must love DLR Van Halen and hate Van Halen with Sammy Hagar, we must think Lemmy is God, etc.

Personally I think it all is idiotic.

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I think Axl is kind of a go to punch line that people understand. I mean Bieber is probably challenging long term for the throne of King Dick.

What it really means is Axl is huge. When you're that big people use you as a reference. You become a way for people to define or work out their own selves. This kind of digital narcissism has escalated because of the Internet and facefuck. We're just lost in the mirrors of images.

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There are just certain "rules " that we must all follow in life. We must hate Nickleback, we must love DLR Van Halen and hate Van Halen with Sammy Hagar, we must think Lemmy is God, etc.

Personally I think it all is idiotic.

Or think Dave Grohl is the nicest/most awesome guy alive. I personally can't stand the Foo Fighters.

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