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Coachella intro tape?

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Man, that's cool!! Great job! The only thing that, I, personally, would change, is taking out the sound of the crowd when they're speaking. It makes it too hard to hear. Plus, the crowd at the show would overpower it if the crowd sounds were left in. Am I making any sense? I know it sounds a little awkward when I try to type what I'm thinking sometimes! LOL ;)

I added the crowd noise at the last second just for fun, here's the same clip without the crowd noise:


Let me know what you think.

Yep, that's it!! That's fuckin' it!! Great job, Man! :)

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It starts off with Axl taking a shit. After he's done wiping and is about to flush, he hears a voice screaming "Help!".

Axl throws away the papers in the toilet and sees Slash. Slash jumps out of the toilet and starts playing Voodoo Child. Duff, Izzy and Steven barge in the toilet and start playing. While Steven is drumming, he can be heard yelling "FINALLY!". Slash starts playing the G chord and sings "I ain't no cancer". Axl says that he's not doing the reunion. After Axl says that, Steven starts crying.

Axl then agrees to do the reunion, because he doesn't want to see a grown man cry.

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A mash up of him adjusting his hat before diving immaculately headfirst into the camera guy in ST Louis I'LL TAKE IT GODDAMN IT, snake dancing, flipping off the camera, Slash tripping over his own guitar wire, Duff smiling absently whilst pissed off his head, Ferrer nodding his head in his shades grooving along to Shackler's, 4TUS looking like trent reznor's brother, Pitman blundering over his foghorn or whatever he does, Dizwald looking like he's never aged nor done anything else in his life, HE'S IN MY ASS MR SECURITY MAN footage and Axl looking miserable with fans, put 5 pics of that in, then I'D LIKE TO DEDICATE THIS ONE TO A CHEAP PUNK NAMED WARREN BEATTY.

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