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The whining thread

john lennon

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3 minutes ago, Archtop said:

😏 Glad your amused @janrichmond I have a15 year old with her head stuck down the toilet, 13 year old moaning because the glass of water I gave him  isn't cold enough and the youngest had the audacity to suggest I might have given them food poisoning. 🤦🏻‍♀️😀

It's funny because i've been there, done that :lol: the later teenage years are a blast when they come home pissed and say "i think my drinks were spiked" :lol: 

Did you give them food poisoning though?:P

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7 minutes ago, janrichmond said:

It's funny because i've been there, done that :lol: the later teenage years are a blast when they come home pissed and say "i think my drinks were spiked" :lol: 

Did you give them food poisoning though?:P

Ha I remember the drinks spiked line.

Food poisoning with pasta and pesto sauce ? I'm not the worlds greatest cook, but that would be an achievement even for me 😀 I'm just waiting for them to pass me the bug, so I can seek my revenge and take to my bed! 👹 Might even fake it. 

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My boyfriend's been working away all week and he comes home tomorrow and I'm both happy and sad about it, because on one hand I really miss him, but then on the other hand I also enjoy being alone and doing whatever the fuck I want to whenever the fuck I want to. 

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I still can't  make up my mind about some big stuff, I'm very indecisive person like no other that most of the time that I choose something I don't know if i fucked up... :facepalm: Oh! and women at my former job keep sending me messages asking why I left my job, which I have a million reasons why but I just feel mortified with the mere thought of my decision.

That's all for the moment, thanks for this thread.

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Karma happened fast for teasing archtop while she's sick:

I put out my laundry bag for pick up by the service.  Then I realized I was out of boxers.  The worker walked in right as I was removing 'dirty' underwear from the bag. :wacko: :facepalm:

I dont mind telling y'all as I was merely going to wear them to walk up the block for a new package of boxers.  I did not have the chance to explain this to them though! :lol:

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On 14/09/2017 at 10:16 PM, Archtop said:

😏 Glad your amused @janrichmond I have a15 year old with her head stuck down the toilet, 13 year old moaning because the glass of water I gave him  isn't cold enough and the youngest had the audacity to suggest I might have given them food poisoning. 🤦🏻‍♀️😀

I'd love to have parents like you, my Dad would've kicked my fuckin' head in if I'd've come home and yakked in his fuckin' toilet aged 15, that would've been my last fuckin' day with a functional spine, i used to get all my fuckin' yakking done outdoors :lol: Then again I was never the yakking type and I used to get back so late in them days no one was awake.  And 'the glass of water isn't cold enough', I'd've LOVED to see my parents expression saying that shit to em :lol: First of all why you getting a 13 yr old a glass of water, fuckin' get up and get it yourself you lazy git :lol: 

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7 minutes ago, john lennon said:

I think my guy's gonna dump me when he gets back from work cos I've been such a pain in the fucking ass for the past month and a half or so. I can't breathe and I feel so sick I think I might have to go puke. Fuck, I wish I wasn't like this. 

Not to state the bleedin' obvious dearie but perhaps it's time to stop drinking.  Or at least stop drinking for no reason.  Drink when you go out or something.  And don't drink to get fucked up, drink as part of an occasion.  It's worth bearing in mind y'know that everybody ain't built for everything, some people just can't drink every day and keep things on an even keel.  If you drink and it makes you act fucked up to where you start messing up relationships and keep puking up or what have you its a good sign that you can't really hack it. 

Also, no offence but sitting around on your own drinking to you're fucked every day is kinda tragic.

Edited by Len Cnut
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2 minutes ago, Len Cnut said:

Not to state the bleedin' obvious dearie but perhaps it's time to stop drinking.  Or at least stop drinking for no reason.  Drink when you go out or something.  And don't drink to get fucked up, drink as part of an occasion.  It's worth bearing in mind y'know that everybody ain't built for everything, some people just can't drink every day and keep things on an even keel.  If you drink and it makes you act fucked up to where you start messing up relationships and keep puking up or what have you its a good sign that you can't really hack it. 

Also, no offence but sitting around on your own drinking to you're fucked every day is kinda tragic.

It ain't the drinking tho, and I've actually really cut down on that. I don't drink alone anymore, or every day. I don't get wasted, you know? Not anymore.

The reason I've been a pain in the ass is because I feel so fucking bad all the time. Like, the constant emptiness and anxiety, you know? It's like... I don't know, but it sucks, and it makes me easily annoyed and when I'm always walking around being annoyed, I lose it and the first person I see gets it all taken out on them. I know it's wrong and I'm trying not to, but it just doesn't always work for me. 

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5 minutes ago, Oldest Goat said:

Is it possible that the anxiety and stuff is making you overthink this and worry? I thought I saw somewhere you saying your bf was wanting to marry you and have kids?

Sorry if I'm butting in, hope it works out.

Things change, man. I've really been a drag for the past month and a half. Don't know what to do with myself, really. Drinking doesn't work anymore, so I don't do it unless I'm with friends and we're doing it to have fun. 

I mean, last night I god pissed off because he wanted me to put the leftover food in the fridge because he was exhausted from having worked for over 12 hours and was gonna go to sleep, and I just fucking lost it and told him to fucking do it, because I cooked it, and I'm not gonna do anything more with it, and then I stormed out for a smoke. I apologized later, but he was still mad at me this morning when he left for work. You know, it's like... I feel like I don't have the right to feel, you know? I don't have the right to be exhausted, I don't have the right to be sad, I don't have the right to feel any emotions at all aside from happiness, right? And I've been doing that, I've been walking around holding everything in until I just couldn't take it anymore, had some weird breakdown when I was drunk, and now everything upsets me. Like, a couple hours later when I went to bed he told me to please turn off the tv and stop fucking twirling around (I was trying to fix the duvet) and he was the one who left the tv on and I was watching something, so I said "sure, but I don't fucking want to" or something along those lines, and he was all like "fuck you, you can leave and go sleep somewhere else" and I started crying, and you know how your breathing gets all shaky when you cry? That was extremely annoying to him. He's probably still mad at me for that.


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14 minutes ago, john lennon said:

It ain't the drinking tho, and I've actually really cut down on that. I don't drink alone anymore, or every day. I don't get wasted, you know? Not anymore.

The reason I've been a pain in the ass is because I feel so fucking bad all the time. Like, the constant emptiness and anxiety, you know? It's like... I don't know, but it sucks, and it makes me easily annoyed and when I'm always walking around being annoyed, I lose it and the first person I see gets it all taken out on them. I know it's wrong and I'm trying not to, but it just doesn't always work for me. 

Whats bothering you? 

2 minutes ago, john lennon said:

Things change, man. I've really been a drag for the past month and a half. Don't know what to do with myself, really. Drinking doesn't work anymore, so I don't do it unless I'm with friends and we're doing it to have fun. 

I mean, last night I god pissed off because he wanted me to put the leftover food in the fridge because he was exhausted from having worked for over 12 hours and was gonna go to sleep, and I just fucking lost it and told him to fucking do it, because I cooked it, and I'm not gonna do anything more with it, and then I stormed out for a smoke. I apologized later, but he was still mad at me this morning when he left for work. You know, it's like... I feel like I don't have the right to feel, you know? I don't have the right to be exhausted, I don't have the right to be sad, I don't have the right to feel any emotions at all aside from happiness, right? And I've been doing that, I've been walking around holding everything in until I just couldn't take it anymore, had some weird breakdown when I was drunk, and now everything upsets me. Like, a couple hours later when I went to bed he told me to please turn off the tv and stop fucking twirling around (I was trying to fix the duvet) and he was the one who left the tv on and I was watching something, so I said "sure, but I don't fucking want to" or something along those lines, and he was all like "fuck you, you can leave and go sleep somewhere else" and I started crying, and you know how your breathing gets all shaky when you cry? That was extremely annoying to him. He's probably still mad at me for that.


If yous two don't get along maybe you're better off splitting up?

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8 minutes ago, john lennon said:

Or maybe I need to try harder to change and become a better person. I love this guy so much it hurts.

Well then there's your answer presh.  Don't have to change necessary, nobody expects you to form like Voltron, it's probably just minor shit, like yourself I'm quite snappy like that too but...how can i put this?  Sometimes it ain't all about you y'know?  It took me a long fuckin' time to learn that and believe me you suffer for it, so little things like putting the leftovers in the fridge or whatever, perhaps try and not to cause a big kick off over it?  It ain't cool to be tripping all the time.  Carry on like that and you'll wake up one morning realising you've become an arsehole.  You might think it's like...y'know, following through on your feelings but some people in this world needs to work to contain or else manage their feelings properly.  Not act on impulse and all that, y'know?  Sometimes its better to just say nothing than say something you're gonna regret 10 mins later.  Its not an overnight process and it doesn't necessarily mean compromising yourself or being some other person, he obviously likes who you are or you wouldn't be together right now, right?  And thats what lifes about innit, growing, changing, getting better everyday, working to maintain the cunty side of your personality (which we all have, not being rude to you personally) and accentuate the nice side.

You'll be alright kiddo, don't stress so much, you kinda know what needs to be done so just set about doing it. 

Edited by Len Cnut
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1 minute ago, Len Cnut said:

Well then there's your answer presh.  Don't have to change necessary, nobody expects you to form like Voltron, it's probably just minor shit, like yourself I'm quite snappy like that too but...how can i put this?  Sometimes it ain't all about you y'know?  It took me a long fuckin' time to learn that and believe me you suffer for it, so little things like putting the leftovers in the fridge or whatever, perhaps try and not to cause a big kick off over it?  It ain't cool to be tripping all the time.  You might think it's like...y'know, following through on your feelings but some people in this world needs to work to contain or else manage their feelings properly.  Not act on impulse and all that, y'know?  Sometimes its better to just say nothing than say something you're gonna regret 10 mins later.  Its not an overnight process and it doesn't necessarily mean compromising yourself or being some other person, he obviously likes who you are or you wouldn't be together right now, right?  And thats what lifes about innit, growing, changing, getting better everyday, working to maintain the cunty side of your personality (which we all have, not being rude to you personally) and accentuate the nice side.

You'll be alright kiddo, don't stress so much, you kinda know what needs to be done so just set about doing it. 

I mean, you're right. You're definitely right. I just get pissed because it's never about me, you know? If some major shit happens in my life, I'm just supposed to suck it up, whatever it is, and at the same time he can sit and talk to my friend for an hour because she's crying in the kitchen and obviously needs someone to listen to her and tell her things are gonna be alright. If I do that, it's just "stop being such a pain in the ass for fucks sake". 

I'm talking big things now, by the way, like me not having a job anymore because there are not enough hours and they've too many people and I was the last one to be hired. 

3 minutes ago, Oldest Goat said:

Tell him "You put the fucking leftovers in the fridge!" seems like not a big deal at all imo, that's something he could have easily made light of or at least let it go the next day and reading the rest of this he sounds like a mean little cunt tbh. Assuming this is how things actually went down and isn't just your point of view, then I think Len may be right and you're probably better off without him.

I mean it's most likely biased, but that's what went down. From his point of view, I was probably just being a bitch over nothing and then crying because I didn't get my way and definitely not because I was having the anxiety from fucking hell.

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2 minutes ago, john lennon said:

I mean, you're right. You're definitely right. I just get pissed because it's never about me, you know? If some major shit happens in my life, I'm just supposed to suck it up, whatever it is, and at the same time he can sit and talk to my friend for an hour because she's crying in the kitchen and obviously needs someone to listen to her and tell her things are gonna be alright. If I do that, it's just "stop being such a pain in the ass for fucks sake". 

I'm talking big things now, by the way, like me not having a job anymore because there are not enough hours and they've too many people and I was the last one to be hired. 

How has your relationship been in recent times though?  I mean if you've been so fucked that you've been difficult to talk to over the years perhaps he's developed a tendency to share his woes with other people?  All you've gotta do is claw that back slowly and, hopefully, if he's not a cunt, once you start doing that he'll reciprocate.  I mean if the guy said he wanted to have a kid with you (or was it marriage?  i forget!) then that shows he obviously still has a shitload of feelings for ya, so thats as good a starting point as you could hope for. 

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10 minutes ago, Len Cnut said:

How has your relationship been in recent times though?  I mean if you've been so fucked that you've been difficult to talk to over the years perhaps he's developed a tendency to share his woes with other people?  All you've gotta do is claw that back slowly and, hopefully, if he's not a cunt, once you start doing that he'll reciprocate.  I mean if the guy said he wanted to have a kid with you (or was it marriage?  i forget!) then that shows he obviously still has a shitload of feelings for ya, so thats as good a starting point as you could hope for. 

It's only been a year and half. I'm trying to better myself. 

I just texted him asking when he's coming home from work and he said in about an hour so I'm gonna get takeout because I suck at cooking and he shouldn't have to come home after a 12 hour workday having to cook. Also I cleaned the apartment, so he can't be pissed at me because it's not clean. And I put beers in the fridge. And if he wants to, I'll leave him alone and go out with my friends. I just hope today isn't the day when he dumps me.

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