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GNR Women's Discussion - Part 2


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1 hour ago, dgnr said:


Where's the drooling reaction emoji when you need it? :max:

(yeah, now it's better)


Oh no, please don't shut up. This is actually a subject that is very dear to me, I don't go to zoos at all, I just can't. I see your point of view. Slash is a animal rights activist, but he also supports zoos, which seems wrong IMO. I know it's a controversial subject. I didn't know all those things about the hunts in these places, have to go look it up. But, shit, that's wrong in every possible way. 

Hope all of them, band and entourage, knew what they were promoting in a way and this ends up being a good conservation reserve, where the animals are put in first place :hug:

Meeghan said that they investigate the place and it was good, but people from South Africa are telling her that the place they went indeed have that bad practice.

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So.... what's up with this crazy shit? :popcorn:


And Niven's response.... :confused:



The former tour manager of Guns n Roses has an integrity that matches his math; my contract with Guns n Roses was finally signed October 1986. I had started working with the band in August. Mr. Rose walked away from his obligations to the extended contract in March of 1991.
To my eternal regret I backed Mr. Rose in recording 'One In A Million'. At that point I still believed he was not a gratuitous artist in his composing. I still believed him to be an artist, for that matter. He did not wear Manson T.shirts under my watch. He did not wear T. shirts denigrating Christ.
Furthermore Mr. Goldstein had absolutely nothing to do with the manner in which I brought David Geffen to the renegotiation table. I did not participate in those re-negotiations, or sign off on their content, since, dismissed, I no longer had responsibility for such negotiations. In that period I also supervised the renegotiation of the Artemis and Brockum contracts and directed Bill Elson of ICM to contract the initial dates of the upcoming tour.
Without doubt we can all say that Mr Goldstein presided over the rapid disintegration of the band. I, myself, have no doubt my exit was designed to allow Mr. Rose, to take over name, copyrights, etc. depriving the rest of the band. 
The only people casting spells were Sharon Maynard, of whom I was unaware, and Mr. Goldstein, who directed her as to whom he wanted out of the picture. Yoda obliged by dismissing certain people's images to Rose, and Goldstein, who by his own admission, in a bizarre letter that was posted on the internet, paid her. In the end one usually finds that evil is actually more banal than we fear, and based in greed and ego.
Didn't get an awful lot done after 1991, now did they? By contrast I took an unwanted band to Wembley Stadium, my last act being putting that London show on sale.
I am long married to a light worker, renown in this area, my friends know my spirituality and that our home is full of positive spiritual talismen. By contrast, just last month I was warned that Mr. Goldstein was roaming the Southwest in a mobile home full of weapons. Do I think Mr. Goldstein and Mr. Rose are banal? You might ask that but I could not possibly comment, beyond saying ...

"his statement is just crazy pants."



w00t? :scared:


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21 minutes ago, Georgina Arriaga said:

Why people keep paying attention to such nonsense.....they dragged Axl's name in their shit...both of them are such nutcases....and both of them help destroy the band.

How did Niven help destroy the band? 

1 minute ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:


And who the fuck says “crazy pants”


Meegan says it :lol:

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How did Niven help destroy the band. As crazy as he is, I do think he did a good job as far as I can tell. At least he was there when the band was rising, Doug when it was failing, Axl was going nuts, the rest killed themselves.

Anyway, what is Niven saying in the last paragraph starting the light worker? I am not getting it. Is it incoherent for you native speakers too? What’s worker anyway and what does anyones spirituality has got to do with it. Please help.

It only remind me of Alan and Izzy going black voodoo magic in New Orleans. :rofl-lol:

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