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Guest Jack_the_ripper
Jack, I'm really starting to get annoyed by your arrogance on the subject of videogames. You put yourself as the high allmighty while everyone ells that enjoys a game is either. Mainstreem, shallow or immature. Why are you so much better then everyone ells? huh?

On topic. Those Battlefield images looks very nice. To bad I don't find much enjoyment in battlefield.

Cause unlike a majority of people here I know the industry, I know people in the industry, in fact my best friend is a game developer. I've also been into my video games all my life, and I have a higher standard of quality when it comes to games. I will admit when a game is good, but if its extremely tacky or cliche (cause thats what sells.. look at the past 13 Final Fantasies for proof) I will call it out.

I will give GTAIII props for what it was, however now its just the same thing over and over, and I can't give any respect to that. Sure you can say "marios always the same thing" but mario was a pioneer of gaming, he's allowed to have that excuse.

However Bromle, I agree with you about Twilight Princess... its a good game... just it doesn't keep my attention.

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Sure you can say "marios always the same thing" but mario was a pioneer of gaming, he's allowed to have that excuse.

You lose all credibility right there.

Mario's a pioneer, so he's allowed to make the same games over and over again? Give me more shitty mario sports games and mario party please?

I guess GTA isn't a pioneer? Even though the "sandbox/open world" genre didnt exist before this series came along??

Same goes for Final Fantasy. And before you fucking say "but rpg's already exist" try playing one of their games, and not just looking over your shoulder with a sneer while you proclaim "Everything not nintendo sucks."

I guess its not a "Pioneer" unless you say it can be, right?

Edited by december pain
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Guest Jack_the_ripper
Sure you can say "marios always the same thing" but mario was a pioneer of gaming, he's allowed to have that excuse.

You lose all credibility right there.

Mario's a pioneer, so he's allowed to make the same games over and over again? Give me more shitty mario sports games and mario party please?

I guess GTA isn't a pioneer? Even though the "sandbox/open world" genre didnt exist before this series came along??

Same goes for Final Fantasy. And before you fucking say "but rpg's already exist" try playing one of their games, and not just looking over your shoulder with a sneer while you proclaim "Everything not nintendo sucks."

I guess its not a "Pioneer" unless you say it can be, right?

I've played my fair share of square enix games, and its all the same cliched bullshit. Tell you what, if you want to know where the final fantasy cliche's come from, try to pick up lufia II.

Mario has the same story, however always has a tendancy to bring new innovations to the game itself, keeping it fresh.

For the record, GTA is far from being the first "open world" game, Zelda 1 was an open world, that came out in 1986.

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Shit guys, as fun as it can be to debate some of this stuff, the fact is that competition and choice is nothin' but good for consumers. Different strokes for different folks and these 3 companies are only going to drive each other to continue rapidly upping their game. Those bitching about the existence of the Wii will probably be happy when MS and Sony come out with their own kick ass remotes like Gates is now talking about.

Left to their own, in a monopoly situation, the innvoation would happen much more slowly. Not only in the gaming space, but for all of consumer technology, there has never been a period of innovation even close to these last 5-7 years(Google, iPods,Blackberry's, TIVO, etc.). It's astounding and it's all due to the cut-throat competition in the consumer technology market.

I hope Sony, MS and Nintendo all stay viable and welcome any new entrants. All good for us...

Edited by Turn_It_Up
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Jack, I'm really starting to get annoyed by your arrogance on the subject of videogames. You put yourself as the high allmighty while everyone ells that enjoys a game is either. Mainstreem, shallow or immature. Why are you so much better then everyone ells? huh?

On topic. Those Battlefield images looks very nice. To bad I don't find much enjoyment in battlefield.

Cause unlike a majority of people here I know the industry, I know people in the industry, in fact my best friend is a game developer. I've also been into my video games all my life, and I have a higher standard of quality when it comes to games. I will admit when a game is good, but if its extremely tacky or cliche (cause thats what sells.. look at the past 13 Final Fantasies for proof) I will call it out.

I will give GTAIII props for what it was, however now its just the same thing over and over, and I can't give any respect to that. Sure you can say "marios always the same thing" but mario was a pioneer of gaming, he's allowed to have that excuse.

However Bromle, I agree with you about Twilight Princess... its a good game... just it doesn't keep my attention.

I must admit that I was expecting a moment of self relasation....and not you going on and on about how you know the industry and the same shit over and over again. And if that makes you think your better then everyone ells here. I wouldn't be suprised if your face had a big vertical crack, becouse if you really belive that, you're and ASS!

Hell, you could call out game that aren't good. But your always after the high sellers and calling them shit. People wouldn't buy them if they where shit. I must admit that there has been a few to many sequals in the industry. And many people just mimic what people has done before them. Like the year after GTA3, all there ever was in games was open world enviorment.

But going after games just to be critical and seem "smart" is just wrong. You are saying that San Andreas is a bad game. one of the best recived games of all time. And I tell you one more thing. Just becouse you where first 20 years ago. Doesn't mean you are excused from making games that's up to date. Things like voice acting and better sound then funcky midi doens't cut it.

And one more thing, I think you might confuse subjective opionions with facts. Becouse you are always putting your personal oppinions out as facts. AND I for one can tell you that they aren't. So grow up!

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To be honest, i've always respected Bromle's opinions on games a little more than yours Jack. He seems a little less biased and able to make more balanced opinions on things. I don't mean to be rude (truly, I don't mate), but a lot of the time, the justification for a lot of statements you make seems to come from you having "contacts" and not much else... You often don't really debate points, just discredit the word of others. I'm actually a bit of a Nintendo boy from way back too. ;)

Anyway, maybe someone can help me? I'm looking for a new PC game and I have no idea what I want or what to buy. My PC is beand new, it's an absolute beast (because I hand picked the parts) and will be able to handle any game out there. Any suggestions? I like shooting games. And online stuff... but i've been known to play Elder Scrolls III and stuff too... :P

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i agree with HV. "i've played games my whole life and know a game developer" that just sounds lame. i bet most people here have played games their whole life, its not much of an acomplishmentb;)

but for HV i think battlefield 2 is great for multiplayer. HALO is pretty fun too.

anyone remember Wolf3d? i have a compressed version with upgraded graphics, only about 2.49mb! and you don't need to install, just click and play. i'll upload it tonight :) i don't know how someone managed to compress it this much but its one of the best things i've ever downloaded

edit: am i allowed post the link here? :huh:

Edited by vicious
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Guest Jack_the_ripper
Jack, I'm really starting to get annoyed by your arrogance on the subject of videogames. You put yourself as the high allmighty while everyone ells that enjoys a game is either. Mainstreem, shallow or immature. Why are you so much better then everyone ells? huh?

On topic. Those Battlefield images looks very nice. To bad I don't find much enjoyment in battlefield.

Cause unlike a majority of people here I know the industry, I know people in the industry, in fact my best friend is a game developer. I've also been into my video games all my life, and I have a higher standard of quality when it comes to games. I will admit when a game is good, but if its extremely tacky or cliche (cause thats what sells.. look at the past 13 Final Fantasies for proof) I will call it out.

I will give GTAIII props for what it was, however now its just the same thing over and over, and I can't give any respect to that. Sure you can say "marios always the same thing" but mario was a pioneer of gaming, he's allowed to have that excuse.

However Bromle, I agree with you about Twilight Princess... its a good game... just it doesn't keep my attention.

I must admit that I was expecting a moment of self relasation....and not you going on and on about how you know the industry and the same shit over and over again. And if that makes you think your better then everyone ells here. I wouldn't be suprised if your face had a big vertical crack, becouse if you really belive that, you're and ASS!

Hell, you could call out game that aren't good. But your always after the high sellers and calling them shit. People wouldn't buy them if they where shit. I must admit that there has been a few to many sequals in the industry. And many people just mimic what people has done before them. Like the year after GTA3, all there ever was in games was open world enviorment.

But going after games just to be critical and seem "smart" is just wrong. You are saying that San Andreas is a bad game. one of the best recived games of all time. And I tell you one more thing. Just becouse you where first 20 years ago. Doesn't mean you are excused from making games that's up to date. Things like voice acting and better sound then funcky midi doens't cut it.

And one more thing, I think you might confuse subjective opionions with facts. Becouse you are always putting your personal oppinions out as facts. AND I for one can tell you that they aren't. So grow up!

As I said, I'm giving GTA3 the props it deserves, it was original, it was innovative... but I can't do the same with the sequels. Perhaps the sequels were critically acclaimed, however the games I've brought up and you ignored (see killer 7) were as well critically acclaimed and you ignored it. Sales also have nothing to do with whether I like a game or not, I love God of War, that sold well. However it just so happens that alot of the games I love are on a system that absolutely failed... therefore the sales of the games weren't that grand. If your refering to my basis of hating popular games by what I say about Square... well its just the way I feel about the company.

1 of my best friends is the biggest Final Fantasy fan you could ever meet, he's beaten every single game (well actually every single except 8... which he is currently working on.) and I know that for the simple man such as him, those games are fine. However, I can't play a ridiculously cliche game, just like I can't like a ridiculously cliched film (see spiderman 3)

In all honesty, the thing you guys are salivating the most about is beautiful graphics, and in all honesty if the story and gameplay is better on an 8bit console, I'd rather play that then your kingdom hearts (because I'd actually be playing the game, not watching the game.) Square has an over abundance of cinematics... which just kill the game for me... and all the cinematics the characters always say something ridiculously cliched like "My father... he was a soldier, now I'm just like him... I'm gonna save everyone."

And I'm assuming your call out of lacking voice acting and Midi music is about twilight, and I myself have said I am dis-satisfied with the title. It's a great game.... I just have problems getting into the 3d zeldas.

HV... some of what I say is my personal opinion, and many people seem to think I'm putting this stuff out there for fact, I'm really not, its my opinion, let it be perceived as it is. However when it comes to philosophies and stuff, thats fact, ask anyone in the industry, and they'll tell you about the philosophy of gaming. Japan doesn't really like GTA games.... shit San andreas was only release january of this year over there... Japan is the only place that stayed true to the philosophy of gaming and it reflects that in sales figures and what they buy.

Oh and for PC games, listen to what vicious said, and maybe consider Half-life 2 and Counter Srike if you just like mindless killing online.

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I didn't like Call of Duty 3 on Wii...but I didn't really give myself time to get used to moving around, it's far far too touchy for that game.

People take video games far far too seriously...

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Oh and for PC games, listen to what vicious said, and maybe consider Half-life 2 and Counter Srike if you just like mindless killing online.

I LOVE mindless killing online. :xmasssanta:

That's why I play Call Of Duty 2... :rofl-lol:

Chris - Half Life 2 Game Of The Year Edition, you get:

Half Life 2

Half Life

Half Life Deathmatch (1+2)

Counterstrike: Source

And a bunch of other stuff. Is awesome.

That's £15-£25 man, well worth it.

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Half life is awesome.

but i have a question for GTA Vice City. i completed it 100% within a month of it being released same as the other GTA's but i'm stuck on it now (going through it again) i have trouble doing Paramedic. its a bitch my ambulance always gets destroyed. have you got any tips beside driving carefully,

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I haven't played COD 3 on the Wii, so I really don't know. But People say it's about average. Good controles but the rest is really toned down. So you might like it :P

What you say about Japan might be true. But the games there are alot different then over here for many things. The handheld marked there is HUGE becouse people are packed there. They don't got good homes to play in. So Handheld formats are the king there. (DS) And the games are after that kinda consumer.

Another thing about japan is the female buying power. It is much larger in electronics and TV over there. That is why most things from japan is cute and cuddly.

About Asking someone in the industry about your veiws would be a waste of their time. You put yourself over other when there is no reason for that. I bet Killer 7 was a great game, and I belive I might have looked at it some. Looked very cool. And It was well recived. Sales figures don't make a game a sucsess. And GTA4 is the sequal to GTA3. Vice City and San Andreas was side storys sort of speak. More of the same becouse people wanted more. And they delivered. People loved it and it has become a big part of pop culture. So I would say that is making it a sucsesse.

And I would recomend Stalker: Shadow of Charnobyl to HV. It seems like a good game that crosses the lines between FPS and RPG. Good story and killer gameplay. Known for some bugs though. But I bet your machine can handle it. (mine can't) :(

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Guest Jack_the_ripper

I heard some bad stuff about S.T.A.L.K.E.R. however haven't tried it personally.

Handhelds sell well everywhere, and it has nothing to do with the living unit. It's more people are on the go, and while using transportation want some entertainement to make the ride less long. I take the bus pretty much daily, and so I know how long those rides can be (especially when you hit traffic... and in the heat... you'll do anything to try and get your mind of your surroundings.) people spend about 60% of their time far away from home, and far away from home consoles, which is why the handheld market sells.

The thing is this Bromle, the Japanese in general don't enjoy "core" gaming as we know it... they enjoy things that'll boggle their mind... theres a reason why Zelda is extremely unpopular in japan. It's not challenging enough... however something like Brain Age, or Wii Sports... they love.

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Guest Jack_the_ripper

are you refering to the church thats suing PS3 and Resistance because they used their church in the game?

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Mortal Kombat is D, F, LP - "Finish Him!" + Cybernetic Ninjas. :o

Mortal Kombat Trilogy, the last breath of 2-D Life. We have parties in tribute to a 10 year-old videogame. Perfect! Axl Rose*+Rain for 2-on-2. rock4 Tho Shao Kahn is Doom Cunt! Mutant Tarantulas With Goatees, Polytheistic War. YES!

*Cyborg Smoke

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Friday The 13th was always one of the easier ones. You just follow Jason around and pick him apart. That game can go down in 15 minutes. Nightmare On Elm Street...there's one to figure out...

I still have the first Nintendo and Sega systems,and all the games I acquired.

(still can't fucking figure out Friday the 13th!!)

I also have my N64 and games too..

I always loved the game over screen to friday the 13th.

"you are dead, and your friends are dead."

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are you refering to the church thats suing PS3 and Resistance because they used their church in the game?

and apparently its making the gun crimes and useage go up in the area, because the game is so true to life :rolleyes:

also anyone want to recomend a great game for the 360 for me? preferably with good single player mode.

i already have gears of war, rainbow six, splinter cell, virtua tennis, battlestations midway, dead rising and Smackdown Vs Raw. most of those games were good, maybe about 2 of them were great but i'm looking for something new

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