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  1. I think that the mixing on the recent singles have been horrible, however aside from the drumming on Hard School I like the actual new instrumental parts for all the new songs across the board. I enjoy Slash's work on Hard Skool and Perhaps way more than the previous ones and as a result I tend go listen to those way more than the previous versions nowadays With The General, I would be curious to hear the earlier versions however I can't imagine as a composition they are much different, at the most some different guitar fills/outro solo and a much less compressed sounding mix if I was a betting man
  2. I mean, it also is human nature to not swan dive into a crowd of people because some dude had a camera, or to refrain from biting the leg of a security guard in an airport - Axl is not your typical human and so I don't know if projecting what someone *thinks* a person would potentially naturally be inclined to do with art holds any water I don't know if Axl has anything in the Vaults or not, but if he doesn't - it isn't because he isn not acting the way you think a person should if they had material in the Vault lol
  3. Chinese Democracy can be called many things, good or bad - I do think it qualifies as "creative" either way though, no?
  4. I am liking this cover! Slash changed the feel slightly with the rhythm section doing different things as opposed to a straight down-the-line verbatim rendition of it. That said my favorite version of Oh Well that isn't the original is the cover from The Black Crowes with Jimmy Page
  5. This is the only place I know of where a few people are pining for Buckethead to alternate-pick fast over a cover of a bluesy 70s rocker than Slash lol
  6. I think they should have done it, if there is any way to make Axl Rose's current live voice seem much better in the eyes of many it is having it side-by-side with Vince Neil's current voice which is way worse
  7. The new Black Crowes album kicks ass, Chris definitely still has the goods vocally, he sounds the same as he always has. This was one of the tracks I was most curious to hear when the guest appearances were announced
  8. I came into this topic wanting to see what people thought of the Killing Floor cover, and instead its just a bunch of people arguing over SMKC and over-thinking things way more than Axl during the Chinese Democracy era Instead of extrapolating and guessing what Slash's heart is or isn't into, what do we all think about this Killing Floor cover? I personally like it a lot, and I like seeing Slash do his own thing with it unrelated to Zeppelin's variation which turned into The Lemon Song
  9. How, specifically? Without misconstruing "I personally dislike them" as them sucking ass lol
  10. Steven Wilson is not only one of the greatest prog rock musicians of the last 30 years, he is a brilliant remixer both in spatial audio and stereo (his remixes of the Yes and Jethro Tull catalogue are stellar) It is baffling GNR wouldn't want another amazing representation of their music out there. Atmos is pretty popular right now and it would have definitely gotten a lot of people to check out AFD and the Illusions even more
  11. What, that he is playing on a fun tune from a good movie that is pretty generally loved? I am not sure what the issue is here or how we can connect subjective dislike of Myles' voice to the Ken song
  12. That Bad Apples rendition was actually fairly solid, I have never been like the biggest fan of the song as I always considered it more on the filler side of UYI, but it does have an energy live that I dig
  13. I will take "topics made that remind you how mygnr is during non-touring times for the band" for 500
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