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Status Updates posted by Towelie

  1. There was a shooting very close to where I live. The gunman shot himself after opening fire on random people. 6 died including a 5yr old child.

    How anybody could kill a child is beyond me. Sometimes there are no words.

    1. ZoSoRose


      Fuck, glad you’re okay 

    2. downzy


      Glad you're okay.  Looks like it was a deranged fat guy who was upset he couldn't get laid.  

  2. So did Axl send in the heavies on that GNR forum that should not be named?

  3. Listening to Goin' Back by Neil Young. Makes me feel happy to be alive.

  4. Hey man

    Thought you may wanna check out my MJ board: http://mymjjforum.boards.net/


  5. Asked the missus if I go to see GNR at Wembley on the day our baby is due. She said "there's a reason it's called Not In This Lifetime."


    1. Gracii Guns

      Gracii Guns

      Hahaha! Sorry buddy 

  6. New Metallica album is a bit of a snooze...

  7. 10 days left for GNR to release a new song @RussTCB

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Towelie


      I would still rather get a new GNR song on new years eve than win this bet. But this band are so predictable. If you can rely on them for one thing, it's to not release music.

    3. willl
    4. gunsguy


      Lots of time left Russ... lol

  8. Fuck me. GNR's only UK date is on the exact day my missus is due to go into labour. What are the fucking odds??

  9. Only gone and got the old missus up the duff. Holy shit!!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Len Cnut

      Len Cnut

      A lot to live down more like!  Thats tantamount to child abuse :lol:

    3. Towelie


      I know someone who called their daughter Sunshine because of how the kid made the parents feel. By that logic, i shall be naming the child "Fuck" or "Howdidthishhappen".

    4. ZoSoRose


      I know someone whose name was sunshine merchant. No joke

  10. This is one of only two message boards I haven't been banned from (and I only have one warning left). Am I that much of an asshole?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Len Cnut

      Len Cnut

      Well i couldn't do without you around here Towelie, young fella-me-lad.  Bit shite on the old musical taste in certain aspects but more than make up for it in others.  Are you a cunt?  Hmmm, never really thought about it, i don't think so, can't think of any cunty things you've done, all in all a bit of a darlin' really. 

      Also, liking Morrissey in effect absolves all human sin.

    3. Towelie


      I figured out that I seem to be more of a wanker online when I'm happier in my personal life. I think I must be a cunt deep down inside and it has to find a way to get out. I can't live a lie.

    4. ZoSoRose


      You da man towelie

  11. Do you know of any good RHCP message boards?

    1. Jakey Styley

      Jakey Styley

      The most popular one to my knowledge is http://stadium-arcadium.com/forum/index.php . It appears to be down right now, hopefully that's just temporary. I haven't visited in a while.

  12. Going to see Lazarus in November, the musical that David Bowie worked on before his passing, starring one of my all time favourite actors Michael C Hall of Dexter fame. So excited I had to brag about it on here, even though I'm sure none of you give a monkeys.

  13. @RussTCB Still confident about winning our bet?? ;) 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Słash


      What was the bet?

    3. Towelie


      That GNR would release or at least perform a new song in 2016!

    4. ZoSoRose
  14. Am I the only GNR fan that has zero interest in AC/DC?

  15.  @Powerage5 @downzy Why do I keep getting repeatedly signed out everytime I reply to a topic? It's really annoying.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Towelie


      Just to clarify, it's not everytime I reply to a topic, but when I go from one page to another it logs me out everytime.

    3. Powerage5


      ER said to try clearing your cache and your cookies - it happened to him earlier this week.

    4. tomc102968


      it does me too when i click on discussion tab it signs me out and i brought to an older page with no new topics not to i sign back in does it get me current


  16. David Cameron and George Osbourne's actions speak louder than words. This years budget cuts to the most vulnerable people in our society have finally shone a light on how little the conservative party care about ordinary working class people in this country. Completely deplorable, and anybody who voted for these elitist liars in the last election should be feeling pretty sheepish right now.

    1. Len Cnut

      Len Cnut

      Whatcha mean finally shone a light, they've never cared about em, and they were quite a bit more blatant about it during certain parts of the 70s n 80s.

    2. Towelie


      Well yeah, but I weren't round in them days to complain about it, was I?

  17. Take your pick from the Japanese robes and sandals, drink champagne from a glass with chocolate handles.

  18. Both me and my wife had Paul Daniels magic sets as a child, complete with magicians top hot, magic wand, three plastic cups and mini set of cards. Talk about meant to be. RIP Paul.

    1. Snake-Pit


      I once met a girl who liked everything with a pulse and touched my brother but went to my school who claimed she was related to Paul Daniels...

    2. Jonnyrose5


      I had the same magic set as a kid, good memories here's to you paul:headbang:

  19. Who'd have thought the build up to GNRs reunion would be such a snooze....?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. maynard


      yeah, there was no artistic drive behind nugnr, it was Axl trying to make as much money as possible without Slash.

    3. supercool


      nugnr fans are a bitter bunch

    4. Len Cnut

      Len Cnut

      Goes back to what i been saying for years on here, it's been done in terms of there being any value to GnR since 1993.

  20. The only men who care about their nailcare more than their wife does are guitarists.

  21. Anyone else notice this board is a lot more quiet since the new look? Mods need to change it back asap.


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Estranged Reality

      Estranged Reality

      Because support for the previous version was being phased out anyway, so we basically had no choice. 

    3. bacardimayne


      So why does literally every other forum I post on (both GNR and otherwise) still have a decent theme?

    4. Towelie


      Yeah, it really does suck guys. Please change it.

  22. What's the difference between God and Bono?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Len Cnut
    3. Towelie


      I laughed out loud. Good one Len.

    4. rocknroll41


      To quote South Park; "Bono is a piece of shit"...Tho "the fly" is an awesome song!

  23. If my body feels like I'm in my eighties when I'm 30, does that mean I will feel 130 when I'm actually 80?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Towelie


      oh yeah, feeling like I'm 80 in both body and mind today.

    3. classicrawker


      Sounds like depression to me... life is the dogs bullocks...I would give my left nut to be 30 again.....

    4. 77Jesters


      I'm feeling 130 at the moment! Time to look for a desk job, manual labour is aging me too quickly!

  24. It's too late to be grateful, it's too late, to be late again, the European canon is here

  25. Ma ma say ma ma sa ma mon coo sa

    1. RussTCB


      Help me sing it!

    2. Towelie


      Ma ma say ma ma sa ma mon coo sa

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