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Status Updates posted by Cosmo

  1. I fucking HATE using contact lenses :anger:

  2. Currently sitted in a bar in Barcelona that has played Estranged, Better and the GnR cover of Sympathy For The Devil one after the other. If the owner of the bar posts here, just wanted to say your bar is awesome, the oysters are great and I’m glad u have Damm Inedit 🍻

  3. Impressive how I never met a mexican person who wasnt extremely likeable 

  4. For a perfect boiled egg, let the water boil first then put the egg in the boiling water for exactly 6 minutes. When the timer ends, take the egg out of the boiling water and into a bowl of cold water to stop the cooking process. After it's in an ok temperature, peel that shell off, add salt and pepper and eat that SOB. It's gonna be delicious. Trust me.

  5. Bolsonaro no more!! :hahafyou:

  6. Well, things didn't go according to plan <_<

  7. If everything goes according to plan, this Sunday my country will get rid of Bolsonaro :wub:

  8. New Ozzy album is top-notch. And I’m not even a solo Ozzy fan.

  9. Listened to Slash’s 4 for the first time and man, that’s some weakass stuff

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Towelie


      I quite enjoyed it

    3. Sweersa


      Aside from the two VR albums and half of his 2010 solo album. I'm not big on his non-GN'R stuff.

    4. ShadowOfTheWave


      I like Slash's work on it, a diverse and inspired set of instrumentals. Myles is just incapable of writing anything better than standard Nickelback/Shinedown rock radio fluff.

  10. Charlie Watt's passing made me think... no celebrity death hit me has profoundly as Robin Williams. Wonder if I'll ever feel that fucked up about someone I never met again?

    1. Padme


      I just read about it. I'm so sad :cry: Not only I'm Rollng Stones fan. But Charlie was so cool in his own way RIP

    2. Cosmo


      I'm not that sad basically because I know Charlie lived a relatively long life, enjoying what he did for a living, never took shit from people (not even Mick and Keith) and left a legacy anyone would envy. I am sure his family and friends are comforted by the fact he lived a full life. I am usually more saddened by those that suffer from depression or anxiety in silence and take their own lives, like Chris Cornell, Chester and Robin Williams, you know? That must be hell.

  11. Finally got my second Astrazeneca jab here in Rio. Such a powerful moment. There's still a long way to go but still...

  12. Last week I logged into this forum for the first time in over 5 years because of Iron Maiden. This week GnR releases a "new" single lol

    1. Amir


      Good to see you back!

    2. Cosmo


      Thanks, man!!

    3. Powerage5


      The writing was on the wall after all. It had to be Silkworms...

  13. I talk to the wind... The wind does not hear me.

    1. Georgy Zhukov

      Georgy Zhukov

      Gorgeous song. 

    2. Cosmo


      Amazing song. One of the most soothing songs every recorded.

  14. Wolfmother TOP 11 on general US charts in 24 hours of album release! Say whaaaattt?!?!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Matinator

      The Matinator

      You didn't like keep moving? I mean it wasn't there most solid record but its got a lot of great tracks on it.

    3. Cosmo


      I liked a few songs like title track, Vicarious, Ghetto, Meridian, Black Swan and Everyday Drone but it's a 17-track album with like... At least 5 utter fillers. I always skip songs like Let It Go, She's A Motorhead, Standing In The Corner, Of The Earth and It Occured To Me. He could have kept it a small, 10 or 11 track album with sweeter tracklist. 

    4. Cosmo


      I like it, I just think it's an average good album.  Considering WM is my favorite band, that's kinda bad :P

  15. If I'm extra cranky it's cuz I've been in the freaking hospital since New Year's Eve with freaking Galbladder stones that fucked up my pancreas... SHIT.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. alfierose


      Aww that's nasty. Really hope you feel better soon.

    3. Cosmo


      Thanks, alfie!

    4. Nulla Lex Ink.

      Nulla Lex Ink.

      Gosh, that's rough to hear. Sorry you've had to go through this. I'm hoping for a speedy recovery for you :)

  16. Elder - Lore. Listen to it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mr. Dude

      Mr. Dude

      I'd rather listen to the Elder

    3. highvoltage


      can i suggest "scale the summit - the migration" in response? :P

    4. Cosmo


      will listen!

  17. New Star Trek trailer out. Seems cool but I'm worried about the director...

    1. Georgy Zhukov

      Georgy Zhukov

      Can't be any worse than the last film.

    2. AtariLegend


      It looks like it's a trailer for Guardians of Galaxy 2. Does not look like Star Trek at all. Obviously JJ's legacy. Hope he hasn't pulled the same stunt with Star Wars.

    3. PITBOSS
  18. See the magic shining in your eyes that you're looking for tooonighttt

  19. She will be VICTORIOUSSS

    1. The Matinator

      The Matinator

      Aw yeah, can't wait for the record

    2. Cosmo


      My favorite band, man... And this new single rocks. Fuckk... So hyped!

  20. Kadavar concert was awesome!!

  21. Caught in a band crisis... Fuck!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cosmo


      Everybody wants to play sets mostly consisting of covers and we're sick of it.

    3. Len Cnut

      Len Cnut

      stick to your guns man, fuck covers, it's all well and fun and good but you don't wanna be a fuckin' tribute act, do ya? :)

    4. Cosmo


      that's what I've been saying!!!!

  22. Wow man, Brian Johnson just liked my band's instagram photo... Fuck....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Powerage5


      I didn't know Brian is on Instagram - what's his username?

    3. Cosmo



    4. ZoSoRose
  23. Happy B-day Andrew Stockdale!

  24. New WM record seems like it will be amazing

  25. Mah band's on apple music now! Thanks Tay Tay

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