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Everything posted by Voodoochild

  1. I agree that it's likely, but on the other hand, Axl could've just thought of another subject and or theme for Oklahoma/Berlin before having penned the lyrics.
  2. Axl produced the songs too, and he has decision power on it. He wasn't just standing there and trusting blindly that the final product would be good, he (and presumably Slash and Duff) could reject Caram's work just like they rejected the Illusions remixes.
  3. I didn't like this remix. Not saying the official is perfect, but that wasn't an improvement IMO. Intro was too long, thunder noises were also unnecessary (I mean, we already have frogs), and the bridge with Slash's intro pasted before the original bridge also wasn't good.
  4. This is by far the best post in this message board. Thanks for explaining this to me. Indeed, I understand cat language more than legal.
  5. I think I'll need a press conference with Blackstar and BucketEgg to understand all this.
  6. What makes you think it would be out only in late 2024? I think it's very likely that it could be ready before June.
  7. "From this parable we can learn much about the Labour leadership’s state of mind. " No, we don't. That was awful lol.
  8. The title of Bring it Back Home video on YouTube doesn't help. It should be clear that it's not an unreleased song, but rather a fan remix/rework.
  9. After delivering a beautiful variation of Patience's 2nd chorus, Axl pinpoint exactly where Slash is:
  10. It came from Fernando but it wasn't his intent. He just trusted some people, who trusted some other people, who trusted some other people....
  11. Credibility aside, I'd like to hear how that music was coming out with that lineup. Seems very interesting to me to have Duff and Robin playing together, I don't think Duff talked much about it.
  12. Thanks! I'm proud of how close to Bucket's tone I got in the intro too (I used a leslie-like effect, which is the same as used by Hendrix in the song Angel).
  13. Now that's something I didn't know. It makes sense, as it does sound like something Izzy could've come up with.
  14. I think this guy really nailed Bucket's solo in Better. I've never seen anyone doing it with such precision, and IMO it's miles better than what I did. Sure it's weird that he's playing a strat and the final note doesn't sound really like what Bucket plays, but overall, I def think this guy deserves way more views. I don't know him, BTW.
  15. Yeah, the recording quality is always something that tends to influence. And not many people bother to listen to non-soundboard bootlegs, so they just don't know about other performances. For instance, I think this is the best IRS performance (at least vocally), but the recording quality is shite (LOUD AS FUCK WARNING):
  16. I respect everyone's opinions, but you're all wrong. Best Street of Dreams to me is the combination of Albany overall with Richard's Pittsburgh 2002 solo. As we can only pick one, just check Axl's voice on this one: One that nobody will talk about, but it's my personal favorite: Riad's best performance is by far the Vegas one. And I had this opinion even before the DVD surfaced.
  17. I don't really care for AC/DC, but the gig clearly meant a lot to him. So yeah, he absolutely should've been there.
  18. Voted for The General because I really like the track. But Monster's leak was also awesome. First real new tracks we've heard in a long time.
  19. I think it’s just that they don’t want to divert attention to what they are actually promoting. Also because they probably don’t have a clue about what will happen with GNR anyways, so it’s better to not create any expectation.
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