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On 7/21/2016 at 2:16 PM, action said:

dark tower series / hearts in atlantis / salems lot / shining / everythings eventual / children of the corn / talisman / black house (stephen king)

i like ( and have read ) most of King's older books. i read The Stand every year, it is utterly fascinating to me. another favorite is Needful Things. i just finished re-reading It and would have liked it better if King hadn't made Big Bill a stutter. i found reading the stuttering parts tedious, but other than that it was pretty good.

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On 6/18/2014 at 7:07 PM, wasted said:

Mainly Joseph Wambaugh.

The Choirboys and Hollywood Station series are great so far.

Hollywood Crows is the best so far.

Very entertaining and easy to read.

The Choirboys was great! went through a phase calling everyone who ticked me off "scrote" because of it. i enjoyed his The Onion Field as well.

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On 5/6/2016 at 11:13 PM, -W.A.R- said:

The Stranger Beside Me about Ted Bundy. Ive read about 370 pages or so im about finished

i don't want to sound crude saying this, but i was kinda let down at his "method". I always thought he sweet talked the girls into the car...but instead he played hurt and took advantage of them being helpful or he'd just kill them while they were asleep which isn't as interesting though still tragic

although its still interesting how evasive he was considering how ballsy he was to try to pick up several different women in public places who could all identify him, his car, his method of how he picked girls up and even his NAME but only by chance and a stupid decision to run from police did it all catch up with him 

i'm a Ted Bundy addict, he could have been so great except for that nasty serial killing habit :) i need to check out The Stranger Beside me. oh and the bit about him telling the girls his real name is no big surprise to me, he was an incredible narcissist!

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24 minutes ago, AxlsFavoriteRose said:

The Choirboys was great! went through a phase calling everyone who ticked me off "scrote" because of it. i enjoyed his The Onion Field as well.

I think I've got Hollywood Hills to do. But New Centurions looks good also. 

Choirboys was probably the most entertaining but then the Hollywood series just continued the party. 

Onion Field should check out. There's actually a lot more stand alone books I wouldn't mind reading. 

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4 minutes ago, AxlsFavoriteRose said:

i need to check the Hollywood Series out then :)

Hollywood Station, Hollywood Moon, Hollywood Crows, Hollywood Hills -but I'm not sure of order, that's why not sure if I've read Hills. 

One of them with the Surfer bro cops and Hollywood Mate and the Bling Ring is the one I'm mixed up about. There was a cool one about these crackheads stealing mail. I just like the mileu. Southland was like Wambaugh the TV series. John Connelly also had his books turned into a show called Bosch. His books are okay, Echo Park is a classic. 

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10 hours ago, AxlsFavoriteRose said:

i'm a Ted Bundy addict, he could have been so great except for that nasty serial killing habit :) i need to check out The Stranger Beside me. oh and the bit about him telling the girls his real name is no big surprise to me, he was an incredible narcissist!

yeah im enthused by him too...def my favorite serial killer  :lol:

its online for free if you're interested...very bootleg though


you probably can get a paperback on amazon for dead cheap. i got a 1st edition hardcover (im a hardcover snob) for only $7 and it was in decent shape. i also bought "The Only Living Witness" which is another book on Bundy for about the same price (haven't finished it)

also heres the book his longtime girlfriend wrote...its a pretty rare book and will set you back 80-100 bucks but somebody copied it and uploaded it.


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Its actually pretty accurate, hes basically saying that he's got Mommy and Daddy issues, which most fuckin' rapist/sex attacker types do, a brief look into Bundys background reveals that Charlie weren't far wrong either, despite being a babbling twat.  'Trying to prove something to his own manhood', spot on.

Edited by Len B'stard
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8 hours ago, -W.A.R- said:

yeah im enthused by him too...def my favorite serial killer  :lol:

its online for free if you're interested...very bootleg though


you probably can get a paperback on amazon for dead cheap. i got a 1st edition hardcover (im a hardcover snob) for only $7 and it was in decent shape. i also bought "The Only Living Witness" which is another book on Bundy for about the same price (haven't finished it)

also heres the book his longtime girlfriend wrote...its a pretty rare book and will set you back 80-100 bucks but somebody copied it and uploaded it.


thanks so much! i am going to check these out :)

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Ink and Bone by Lisa Unger


Can't wait for the day when I hear on the news that psycho Charles Manson is dead. He's lived too long and too many people still think this guy has any human worth. He's a stone cold killer and a racist. He needs to be put down like a dog.

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12 hours ago, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:

Ink and Bone by Lisa Unger


Can't wait for the day when I hear on the news that psycho Charles Manson is dead. He's lived too long and too many people still think this guy has any human worth. He's a stone cold killer and a racist. He needs to be put down like a dog.

At this point in human history i think we do these guys a service by taking them seriously, just treat him like what he is, a doddering old fool, dont lower yourself by wishing death on a senile old ratbag like that, he's not worth your ire.

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On 7/26/2016 at 3:42 AM, -W.A.R- said:

i did laugh at Manson's take on him


Charles Manson is his own special brand of crazy. as for him basically calling Bundy a sissy this is amusing to me. this is a man who didn't even have the balls to himself kill in the spree killings involving Sharon Tate and all who were there or the subsequent one involving the Folger family! it's been said Charles Manson most likely felt "safe" being in prison; Bundy escaped prison and may still have been free and on the run if he hadn't had the compulsion to kill at that sorority. 

i feel perhaps there should be a thread on our "favorite" serial killers and such ;)

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i just read a book last week called In The Unlikely Event by Judy Blume ( yes she's best known for writing children's books, this is not one. ) i got it because it was a fictionalized account of a real event, one i'd never heard of; the three passenger plane crashes that happened in Elizabeth,NJ in the early 1950's over the course of 58 days. it is astonishing to me that this is not known by more people. i tried looking for a biography or other kind of non fiction book about it but could not find any. the parts about the crashes were interesting but other than that it was pretty average. i wish someone would write a non fiction book about it, seems to me it would make a great book.

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34 minutes ago, AxlsFavoriteRose said:

you get other people to do the actual killing apparently! actually he didn't know it was her house, he thought it was still Terry Melcher's. and he had a beef with Terry.

thread idea sounds good but i think we may be the only nuts that would be into something like that :lol: so i don't think it would be successful

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12 hours ago, AxlsFavoriteRose said:

you get other people to do the actual killing apparently! actually he didn't know it was her house, he thought it was still Terry Melcher's. and he had a beef with Terry.

Getting others to do it dont do you no favours either, according to the law of conspiracy anyone involved in a criminal conspiracy is equally as liable as those committing the crime, some of the family are out right now, meanwhile Charlies still counting days in Vacaville or Cocoran or whatever shithole they've got him in.

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