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What the fuck is skype crew???

Jungle Joe

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I agree that you should be able to defend yourself. But you really are doing it all wrong. You're 30-something and responding like a kid. If you need to resort to namecalling in order to defend yourself you're doing it wrong as an adult.

But like I said before, we don't care what 1 person says about you. Best is to keep this private.

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Guest Sleeping Like An Angel

I think we should go back to one of the off topic discussions that started in here - the old TM radio shows. That guy doing the impressions is hilarious. Can't wait for the next TM show.

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I agree that you should be able to defend yourself. But you really are doing it all wrong. You're 30-something and responding like a kid. If you need to resort to namecalling in order to defend yourself you're doing it wrong as an adult.

But like I said before, we don't care what 1 person says about you. Best is to keep this private.

Look this is a forum about a band. I'm not going to respond as if I'm some sort of politician. This is how I talk. I don't need your approval for how i choose to defend myself. And as far as my age- i was 10 when GNR came out and have been a fan since. The only reason i joined this forum a year and a half ago was because i quit my job and was bored. It entertains me. Who gives a shit? Thirdly, i don't tell anyone what to do or how to act. That's just laughable. And it says more about the people you people claim to be folloeing me than anything. They should be more insulted than i. LOL.

I don't care. All I'm saying is that stuff like that should be resolved via PM. And I'm not going to tell you how to talk. But damn..

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I agree that you should be able to defend yourself. But you really are doing it all wrong. You're 30-something and responding like a kid. If you need to resort to namecalling in order to defend yourself you're doing it wrong as an adult.

But like I said before, we don't care what 1 person says about you. Best is to keep this private.

Look this is a forum about a band. I'm not going to respond as if I'm some sort of politician. This is how I talk. I don't need your approval for how i choose to defend myself. And as far as my age- i was 10 when GNR came out and have been a fan since. The only reason i joined this forum a year and a half ago was because i quit my job and was bored. It entertains me. Who gives a shit? Thirdly, i don't tell anyone what to do or how to act. That's just laughable. And it says more about the people you people claim to be folloeing me than anything. They should be more insulted than i. LOL.

I don't care. All I'm saying is that stuff like that should be resolved via PM. And I'm not going to tell you how to talk. But damn..

The discussion you have with her is as private as the discussion you are telling her to do via PMs. The only difference is that it is less interesting because nobody cares about what you think about her.

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Anyone who believes anything Miser says verbatem is an idiot. His post about me was full of inaccuracies and lies. Even Aaron and Izzygirl should know that. I tried to make peace with Miser last week or whenever, but obviously all he wants is drama. I shouldn't be surprised. The dude is fucking mental. Oh well. I tried. And SS- you can fuck off. Everyone knows you're a fucking hypocrite piece of shit racist asshole. Shut the fuck up.

You tried to make peace and I agreed to as well and wished you well, but right after you did that, your boys (Josh and Matt) amped up their attacks on me to the point that Mods got involved. Not only that, but you stated yourself that just because we made "peace" didn't mean you'd stop bothering me, that you'd still make fun of me because "that's like...what I do :awesomeface:". Remember? And right after you said that is when Matt's and Josh's attacks got even more personal and happened more often--Gee, I wonder why? Couldn't be cause they were egged on by the woman they both so desperately try to impress and kiss ass to, could it?

Also, SS is actually not a racist. You do realize that it's simply part of his persona, right? And he isn't a hypocrite either. You've only been in this community a little over a year or so, maybe two at most...SS and I have been around much longer and know each other much better and have a long history of back and forth bickering mixed with friendship, long before you and your Prom Queen self were ever a part of it.

The GN'R onliine community has only gone DOWNHILL since you became a part of it. You and your group turned GNFNR, which was a great forum, to shit, and now it's dead, and it was dying even before MyGNR reopened, thanks to you and your merry band of alcoholics. You're a vacuous black hole of a person which sucks everything down into her sea of High Schooler-esque stupidity and egocentric, "worship me and adore me or else" pouty Prom Queen horseshit.

Edited by Indigo Miser
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Anyone who believes anything Miser says verbatem is an idiot. His post about me was full of inaccuracies and lies. Even Aaron and Izzygirl should know that. I tried to make peace with Miser last week or whenever, but obviously all he wants is drama. I shouldn't be surprised. The dude is fucking mental. Oh well. I tried. And SS- you can fuck off. Everyone knows you're a fucking hypocrite piece of shit racist asshole. Shut the fuck up.

You tried to make peace and I agreed to as well and wished you well, but right after you did that, your boys (Josh and Matt) amped up their attacks on me to the point that Mods got involved. Not only that, but you stated yourself that just because we made "peace" didn't mean you'd stop bothering me, that you'd still make fun of me because "that's like...what I do :awesomeface:". Remember? And right after you said that is when Matt's and Josh's attacks got even more personal and happened more often--Gee, I wonder why? Couldn't be cause they were egged on by the woman they both so desperately try to impress and kiss ass to, could it?

Also, SS is actually not a racist. You do realize that it's simply part of his persona, right? And he isn't a hypocrite either. You've only been in this community about a year or so...SS and I much longer, long before you and your Prom Queen self was ever a part of it. The GN'R onliine community has only gone DOWNHILL since you became a part of it. You're like a vacuous black hole of a person which sucks everything down into her sea of High Schooler-esque stupidity.

I'm sure making death threats was a good move if you wanted to maintain friendly relations with them.

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This is so stupid.

Also Miser as I've said earlier if you and aren't going to lash out at each other I'd prefer you didn't use me in attacks or arguments against others. I said what I said because I just flat out don't like you, not because I'm be coerced into saying it by someone else, I really just don't like you. So leave me out if I'm not going to be jumping in.

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This is so stupid.

Also Miser as I've said earlier if you and aren't going to lash out at each other I'd prefer you didn't use me in attacks or arguments against others. I said what I said because I just flat out don't like you, not because I'm be coerced into saying it by someone else, I really just don't like you. So leave me out if I'm not going to be jumping in.

You didn't start disliking me until probably around the time you and Lucrecia started dating. Funny. You were there for all the antics and fights and yet remained OK toward me through it all. In fact, I remember that in one of our very- last talks on Skype you explicitly told me you had nothing against me, didn't want to be involved in any beefs, and were basically neutral and that you weren't going to get involved either. Then BAM ! You and Lucrecia get together and you were leading the charge against me even when I wasn't even speaking to you, until the Mods told you to knock it off.

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This is so stupid.

Also Miser as I've said earlier if you and aren't going to lash out at each other I'd prefer you didn't use me in attacks or arguments against others. I said what I said because I just flat out don't like you, not because I'm be coerced into saying it by someone else, I really just don't like you. So leave me out if I'm not going to be jumping in.

You didn't start disliking me until probably around the time you and Lucrecia started dating. Funny. You were there for all the antics and fights and yet remained OK toward me through it all. In fact, I remember that in one of our very- last talks on Skype you explicitly told me you had nothing against me, didn't want to be involved in any beefs, and were basically neutral and that you weren't going to get involved either. Then BAM ! You and Lucrecia get together and you were leading the charge against me even when I wasn't even speaking to you, until the Mods told you to knock it off.

Well you must've really fucked at that point then, 'cause apparently he hates you from then on.

You're being paranoid. Do you seriously think all people who aren't on the Meadow-SS-Miser side of fence are out there to hunt you on Gn'R forums?

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This whole thing is fucked. How about all of you knock it off, and block each other?

We defended you when you need defending, Miser, and I haven't seen anything in this thread that's warranting you lashing out at Lucrecia (with some crazy accusations might I add), or AxlIsOld (especially when he's stated he's done with you). So please, stop. That goes for anyone else, also. Enough with the bickering, and insults, and everything.

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Miser, implying that the Skype Crew has brought the Gn'R Online Community downhill is pretty crazy. Discussion & News could give two fucks about these guys.

Not the community as a whole. I don't consider D&N part of 'the community'--It's officially part of it of course, but I mean the "Anything Goes" section of the sites, the general community chat sections, which, let's be honest, are the lifeblood of the forums today given the state of GN'R. I think a great many people here would say they're here and remain here for the community, not so much for GN'R alone anymore. And on GNFNR, that section--Reckless Life I think it was called there--got turned to shit due to the SC's crap. Many high profile posters left due to how the forum had become, largely because of them. At the very least they managed to turn one major, awesome forum to crap.

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This is so stupid.

Also Miser as I've said earlier if you and aren't going to lash out at each other I'd prefer you didn't use me in attacks or arguments against others. I said what I said because I just flat out don't like you, not because I'm be coerced into saying it by someone else, I really just don't like you. So leave me out if I'm not going to be jumping in.

You didn't start disliking me until probably around the time you and Lucrecia started dating. Funny. You were there for all the antics and fights and yet remained OK toward me through it all. In fact, I remember that in one of our very- last talks on Skype you explicitly told me you had nothing against me, didn't want to be involved in any beefs, and were basically neutral and that you weren't going to get involved either. Then BAM ! You and Lucrecia get together and you were leading the charge against me even when I wasn't even speaking to you, until the Mods told you to knock it off.

Your timeline is a little fucked there. I didn't get involved until you sent me a pissy pm on this site as soon as you were allowed back. Since we're heeding the calls of the mods to stop this, maybe you should try it.

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This is so stupid.

Also Miser as I've said earlier if you and aren't going to lash out at each other I'd prefer you didn't use me in attacks or arguments against others. I said what I said because I just flat out don't like you, not because I'm be coerced into saying it by someone else, I really just don't like you. So leave me out if I'm not going to be jumping in.

You didn't start disliking me until probably around the time you and Lucrecia started dating. Funny. You were there for all the antics and fights and yet remained OK toward me through it all. In fact, I remember that in one of our very- last talks on Skype you explicitly told me you had nothing against me, didn't want to be involved in any beefs, and were basically neutral and that you weren't going to get involved either. Then BAM ! You and Lucrecia get together and you were leading the charge against me even when I wasn't even speaking to you, until the Mods told you to knock it off.

Well you must've really fucked at that point then, 'cause apparently he hates you from then on.

You're being paranoid. Do you seriously think all people who aren't on the Meadow-SS-Miser side of fence are out there to hunt you on Gn'R forums?

That's his problem.

I'm not paranoid. I don't feel everyone who isn't on the "Miser-SS-Meadow" side of the fence s out to hunt me or any bullshit. I just feel that Lucrecia, AxlisOld, Estrangedtwat, Dazey, Broskirose and several others--All of whom constitute "The Skype Crew" as it has been called--Have a beef with me, and acted on it without provocation thus restarting an old feud. Other people might dislike me due to whatever reason, past behavior, my reputation--any number of justifiable reasons, but don't make it one of their priorities to enter into my threads and attack or bash or mock me. This whole thing restarted on here due to this group of people, either individually or more than one, going in and derailing my threads and spraying around needless and unprovoked insults. That's how it started here, on this forum. They--not me--essentially brought old baggage to this place. I'd made peace with Lucrecia and was fine with it until her friends attacked me and she gave them the A-OK to continue despite us making peace.

I'm not paranoid; it's not a witchhunt or a conspiracy or whatever. I don't view everyone not on the 'Miser/SS/Meadow' side as being against me. I like 99.9999% of the people here. Just the small group of people I mentioned by name above seem to get their jollies out of attacking or mocking me. No one else, really. Just around 6 at most people who are all part of the same clique.

Edited by Indigo Miser
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Miser, implying that the Skype Crew has brought the Gn'R Online Community downhill is pretty crazy. Discussion & News could give two fucks about these guys.

Not the community as a whole. I don't consider D&N part of 'the community'--It's officially part of it of course, but I mean the "Anything Goes" section of the sites, the general community chat sections, which, let's be honest, are the lifeblood of the forums today given the state of GN'R. I think a great many people here would say they're here and remain here for the community, not so much for GN'R alone anymore. And on GNFNR, that section--Reckless Life I think it was called there--got turned to shit due to the SC's crap. Many high profile posters left due to how the forum had become, largely because of them. At the very least they managed to turn one major, awesome forum to crap.

Actually, most of them left either because of MyGNR, because they stopped posting anywhere at all, or after the (well deserved) ban of TM and lack of success of the Bring Back Thomas movement.

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This has no place being discussed on a public forum, at the end of the day it's personal disagreements between individuals... Miser, I don't know what you hope to achieve by bringing to the Mods' attention that we "ruined" the Reckless Life section on GNFNR? A pre-emptive ban in case we do the same here? We've all been here for years... No-one here cares what we get up to and discuss on Skype, and nor should they if they're not involved.

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