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BBF: "There are always wolves in the fold...who get into a buddy position...then try to weaken other relationships"

Jordan Rose

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I don't mean to duplicte the new BBF interview thread, I just think this statement is way too important not to be discussed and brought to everyones' attention. Ron is very clearly implying that there are people/a person either in the band or the GNR 'family' who have an agenda against another person/people. This is nothing particularly new or surprising to those of us who are aware that Bucket was apparently isolated by certain people including Tommy and Del James in an effort to push him out. But such accusations have never been made by anyone currently in the band/family.

I'm deliberately trying not to be inflammatory or twist/exaggerate Ron's words, but the meaning is pretty damn clear to me. He will probably come out and say the words were taken out of context or the were in answer to a different question but it's pretty clear he's talking about relations in the current lineup.

This GnR line up has been together longer than the original, Do you consider it definite?

The only thing that’s definite is that nothing is definite. Life isn’t definite. People get sick, people die, people disagree, people need something else. And there are always wolves in the fold, usually not the people you’d think… one will always get in, manipulate their way into a buddy position, then try to weaken other relationships. Those people eventually show their true colors. It’s fine, part of life – I’m in it for the love of music, the love of playing, and to give the best moment I can for the fans. And no one has the power to take that away.
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The question asks specifically about the lineup so I think he is talking specifically about band members but then we know how GNR operates: lots of people buzzing about with probably more influence over Axl in most decisions than band members. By that I mean to say that obviously in terms of writing and recording music the players on Chinese and the new guys have Axl's ear as his musical collaborators but with anything outside of the music who is likely to have more sway with Axl: Frank or the Lebeis family/Del James etc.

Edited by Jordan Rose
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He could be referring to anyone. The GN'R "entourage" is huge. Why would a band member or a member of Team Brazil have to "work their way into a buddy position"... they're already in a buddy position!

I think suggesting either of those two is off the mark. I don't think it's even a specific statement aimed at anyone in particular... just a general comment about people who try and worm in and play the manipulative game.

Sometimes this tendency to over-analyse leads people to the conclusion that they want to be led to. Fans who don't like Del or Team Brazil or whoever else will read a comment like this and interpret it as being aimed at the individual(s) they don't like. I don't think that's fair on Bumblefoot.

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He could be referring to anyone. The GN'R "entourage" is huge. Why would a band member or a member of Team Brazil have to "work their way into a buddy position"... they're already in a buddy position!

I think suggesting either of those two is off the mark. I don't think it's even a specific statement aimed at anyone in particular... just a general comment about people who try and worm in and play the manipulative game.

Sometimes this tendency to over-analyse leads people to the conclusion that they want to be led to. Fans who don't like Del or Team Brazil or whoever else will read a comment like this and interpret it as being aimed at the individual(s) they don't like. I don't think that's fair on Bumblefoot.

Very well said.


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He could be referring to anyone. The GN'R "entourage" is huge. Why would a band member or a member of Team Brazil have to "work their way into a buddy position"... they're already in a buddy position!

I think suggesting either of those two is off the mark. I don't think it's even a specific statement aimed at anyone in particular... just a general comment about people who try and worm in and play the manipulative game.

Sometimes this tendency to over-analyse leads people to the conclusion that they want to be led to. Fans who don't like Del or Team Brazil or whoever else will read a comment like this and interpret it as being aimed at the individual(s) they don't like. I don't think that's fair on Bumblefoot.

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Guest bellastar2355

I agree HV, but at the same time, Bumblefoot of all people should know his comments get "over analyzed", it's happened before so why would he say this?

It just seems odd he would say this unless he's trying to imply something

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I agree HV, but at the same time, Bumblefoot of all people should know his comments get "over analyzed", it's happened before so why would he say this?

It just seems odd he would say this unless he's trying to imply something

Because he was answering a question that was asked of him as honestly as he could. Nothing is definite. I don't see it as any more than him making that point.

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Bumblefoot was quite clearly speaking very generally. He completely veered off the GN'R angle to the question. Essentially what he's replying to is the idea of 'definite'. Which he very passionately disputes as you can see.

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My guess is its DJ Ashba. Ron's gotta be pissed if Ashba is doing a lot of writing with Axl. Ashba must be intimidated by Ron's playing. It seems like Ashba worked his way into the buddy position. He probably likes Slash's style more than Ron's. He probably knows that Ron probably thinks he's a no talent ass clown.

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He could be referring to anyone. The GN'R "entourage" is huge. Why would a band member or a member of Team Brazil have to "work their way into a buddy position"... they're already in a buddy position!

Yeah but didn't they have to work their way up to the buddy position?
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He could be referring to anyone. The GN'R "entourage" is huge. Why would a band member or a member of Team Brazil have to "work their way into a buddy position"... they're already in a buddy position!

Yeah but didn't they have to work their way up to the buddy position?

They were firmly entrenched in their "buddy" or "associate" or "employee" positions long before BBF joined the band, though. If you'll recall, Axl pulled Beta on stage at RIR 2001 and mentioned her children by name from the stage. In other words, their working-their-way-up is not something that I think BBF would have witnessed himself and therefore be commenting on.


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i think he's talking about rick peters, the notorious roadie turncoat spy who tried to fabricate an outlandishly unbelievable rumor about axl getting into an argument with a guitarist.


I agree with HV to a degree but Ron didn't have to answer that question in such a way and he has a history of making loaded statements, Bar Mitzvah for example.

I doubt he is referring to Del or TB, both have been around long before him. DJ would be plausible, the guy is clearly on the ball when it comes to self promotion but as someone else said the entourage is huge so it could be anyone. Maybe Axl has some new spiritual advisors we don't know about.

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Guest Gunns

Ron might be referring to the 'new comers' to the gnr entourage, obviously not those that have been in team brazil for years. Perhaps he was referring to the most recent additions to the gnr family who work behind the scenes?

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