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Benefit concert for victims of Boston marathon


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How about release a fuckin album instead of another concert, jesus, enought concerts already

Really? You'd rather GNR make more money for themselves than raise money for people injured in a terrorist attack? Reevaluate your life's priorities, dude...

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How about release a fuckin album instead of another concert, jesus, enought concerts already

Really? You'd rather GNR make more money for themselves than raise money for people injured in a terrorist attack? Reevaluate your life's priorities, dude...

Yes, my priorities are evaluated, i want new GNR music, not more shows...this has nothing to do with the people that were injured.

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They may as well put up a sign saying bomb us more often so we can celebrate it. :lol:

Fucking stupid. Better yet, let's make it a national holiday.

No offense, but u sound like a real dick.

Seconded, have some fucking empathy- people were killed and injured here - prayers to all families of the victims here.
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Some cold hearted motherfuckers around here, guess if it doesn't affect them on a personal level it isn't important

Not just here but people in general appear to be cold hearted.

a bitch at work barged in on me as I was watching the news on TV this morning and said " oh, I stopped watching that yesterday, I don't care about it anymore, blah blah, blah ".

really, I feel for the new generation of kids growing up-but then again I don't as most of them are sociopaths. No one opens doors for you anymore, there are no more yes ma'am, yes sir, a polite excuse me...not even a thank you or you're welcome anymore.

I'm glad I grew up in the late 80's, 90's....

Hi Sheri,

I'm a dinosaur of sorts, especially in a gathering like this, I think in addition to the general population getting dumber and dumber, they have also lost a key piece of humanity, empathy for other people, animals and the injustice in the screwed up world we live in

The random remarks here illustrate that point perfectly IMO.

Was a horrible and unexpected situation in Boston, not something to make lame jokes about, there are people grieving for their loved ones today, others sitting at hospital bedsides all because some fuckwit decided to further his cause by setting a bomb.

Prayers to all -

Nice to meet you Sherri :)

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