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Why do people feel "Dizzy ruined the UYI albums"?

Vincent Vega

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I don't think the piano was needed basically everywhere. I think it ruins the chorus of PTU. And on an off note it really fucks up Think About You live. But I don't blame him because these can't be his decisions. And there's nothing wrong with Axl wanting to include him on everything since he's a member of the band.

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Dizzy didn't ruin the albums, but he was not needed. He was just filler. And it shows that Axl was running things his way, the other guys didn't want a keyboard player. But Axl demanded it.

I would have loved to hear the albums w/out Dizzy. Would have been much better in my opinion. Not to mention he looked silly headbanging while he played his keyboards.

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He was pretty useless on the albums. Axl still played piano on the big guns and anything Dizzy did on the others could have easily been performed by Axl himself. Have Dizzy on tour? Of course, but technically he wasn't needed for the albums themselves.

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The whole section of fans who whine about Dizzy are the same ones that go on and on about how the band should have ended when Steven Adler left and if he had stayed on, the Use Your Illusion albums would have been "raw" and "have a sense of swing." Hell, I'd even grant credence to the Steven argument since he was an original member. Point is, everyone hating Dizzy has been revisionist history. When Use Your Illusion I and II came out and Dizzy was in the credits, no one cared. When he got his moment on tour to play on "Estranged" and play bongos for almost every other song, no one gave a shit. Yet when Slash writes in his book that no one really wanted Dizzy, all of a sudden he was the second sign (after Steven leaving) of the end of GN'R.

I'll let you in on something, Dizzy Reed made ZERO impact on the course of Guns N Roses or the sound of the albums. If he hadn't have been there, those parts would have been recorded by something else.

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Fact: Dizzy contributed far more to GnR than Gilby Clarke did artistically, even if you only count the UYI days. Why doesn't anyone bitch about Gilby being made an official member of GnR? Just because he replaced an existing member?

Dizzy did the piano on the outro to Locomotive, did he not? Is that not a pretty cool instrumental piece of the album? He co-wrote some of the better material on CD as well. I'm pretty sure people just single him out because he was "Axl's guy."

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  • 3 weeks later...


- keyboard = no hard rock as they've started in the 1st place.

- the songs just sound weaker!
- he provenly is just a lame Axl's ass kisser - "recently" (again!) proven by his embarassing HOF behaviour

- he is just uncool.

- end of story.

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Live renditions of Estranged with Axl on the piano and a minimalistic light show would have been great. Never got why Axl prefered to run around during that song with Chizzy Reed taking the piano duties.

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