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Anybody else like IRS?


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If not for the lyrics in the chorus it'd be more appreciated I think. Plus factor in that it was the first song to leak, and I think a lot of people just overplayed it and got bored. It was awesome when I saw it live (but in 2010, what wasn't awesome? :lol:). Axl did a little speech before it, too, unfortunately there's no videos or anything of it (most of the show wasn't recorded) but he said it was about, something within one's self, conquering your inner demons and pulling yourself out of bad situations, something to that effect.

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Don't even remember how it goes. oh yeah, just listened, nope. Dunno even why it's called I.R.S. Does it stand for anything outside of the obvious, you know, like TWAT? Some sort of money problem?. Could've been called anything. I just read the lyrics... and honestly when he says something bout "living inside of this song" it always to me sounded like "gettin' real tired o' this song".

Ridiculous lyrics

If not for the lyrics in the chorus it'd be more appreciated I think. Plus factor in that it was the first song to leak, and I think a lot of people just overplayed it and got bored.

Must be the issue I have.

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I like it, but I tend to like the songs noone else likes and hate the songs everyone likes.

Riad is one of my favorites, a lot of people hate that song.

I hate TIL and ITW though, and a lot of people like those.

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Actually it was one of the first songs from Chinese Democracy I came to love, I remember hearing it for hours in my bedroom, school, at my father's house with my friends, at almost any time of the day. It listened 145 times in my Ipod before the first three weeks (yeah I know I get a little obsessed with music sometimes)

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IRS rocked hard live during the 2006 shows. The ones I attended I thought it was one of the two or three best/most entertaining songs in terms of Axl and the band's performance. I remember it being one of the highlights along with Nightrain and Out Ta Get Me in that regard.

I think the lyrics in the verses are very good. Lyrically the chorus is a bit silly, but it's a play on the old saying "don't make a federal case out of it," i.e. make a big deal over something that's seemingly trivial. In that context I always thought it was fitting. Cool song. The only knock against it (for me) is that it takes a while to get going. It's a fun, rocking song but it doesn't really start to "kick ass" until a minute or so in.

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I don't play this song much. But I like it. I don't love it. I think it's due to the lyrics, and also the way the words are slightly changed in the choruses. Trips me up every time when I try to sing along. haha

But yeah, most of the lyrics are weak. I hate when lyrics mention the song itself "livin' inside of this song." It's kinda like breaking the fourth wall.

But the good parts in IRS are incredible. "READ IT, BABY, WITH THE MORNING NEWS AND A SWEET HANGOVER AND THE HEADLINES TOO." Nice. Even though it kind of doesn't make sense.

The part at 2:35 is monumental. "I BET YOU THINK I'M DOIN' THIS ALL FOR MY HEALTH ..."

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To me it's just too repetitive. I love the part with the siren, it reminds me of The Garden. I absolutely hate the clean 'oooooos' and I hate Fincks clean guitar bents. I don't mind his sloppy electric solo . Axl should have put more rasp into it as a whole. The parts he does use it on kick ass. The chord progression is very generic.

Thing I hate about the recording process for CD is Axl wants to Add Bucket. So instead of having the band rework the song he cuts and pasts other parts together and duplicates them. I would love to hear a re-recording of this song where the new band is allowed to re-work it to accommodate both Finck's and Bucket's solos. Then have the alumni of GNR drop by to track it.

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IMO it's right up there with Better and Shackler's as far as the 'rockers' on CD are concerned. Plus, he really seemed to deliver it with insane levels of intensity from '06-'10 when it was still regularly played. Here's Ax, sounding raspy as ever in The Golden Year:

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IRS is a huge hit in my charts. And i dont understand why people think the lyrics is silly. it's just funny and full of sarcasm. sure it cant be compared to Illusions era lyrics, which was so profound and beautiful it just took your breath away. but there's no such lyrics on CD at all. and it's ok. true masterpiece is impossible to recreate

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