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The 2002 Appreciation/Revisited Thread


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I'll admit, I was late to the party in terms of getting BACK into Guns N Roses, so these are actually very fun videos to watch. I remember 2002 very vividly, but it was when I saw the MTV performance and I was still very bitter about GNR breaking up. MTV didn't make me want to see the tour and I widely mocked it as a joke. Its funny then how over 10 years later, I actually look back on that period of the band rather fondly.

Axl was still Axl, running around and acting as he did in the 90s on stage. He wasn't yet 40 and he was still young enough to really rock it, even if his voice wasn't in top shape. It was good enough, certainly better than the MTV show. And the band was good. It was too much to handle at the time, but seeing Buckethead with the band is very cool and that was a tight band. Its this kind of lost era as it only had about 20 shows played in the time, but it certainly had its potential. Plus it had the whole "coming back after so many years aspect" that Axl had going for him. If you accepted it, it was exciting because it had been so long.

I figured if I was gonna watch a full show, it might as well be the fabled Boston one which is luckily complete on Youtube. Anyone know why this is the best? Energy? Voicewise? Band? I know they played the same setlist most nights on this tour so I'm just curious. Anyone else want to remininice about this time? I sort of believe this is the last stand of old "Axl" in terms of frontman and stage performance, but I could be wrong. He also still felt really dangerous like you had no idea what the fuck he'd do onstage. Its kind of hard for me to get past that ridiculous getup of the sports jerseys and hair, but looking back I'm kind of sad I wasn't in the mindset to see a show.

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The "2013 is so shit that we're actually looking back at 2002 fondly" thread

I kid, I kid. 2002 had its bright spots. Buckethead and Finck were great, Axl nailed some of the songs even if the voice wasn't classic Axl, and the band had potential.

I promise its not that, although I understand how it seems like its because its 2013 and nothing is going on. This is genuinely a thread because I've never fully immersed myself in the 2002 era and since I've seen most everything on Youtube this is something very new to me, even though that sounds so weird since it was 11 years ago. And I'm really kind of liking it.

But yes, I'm really liking what this band added to the songs. Its easy to say now because its been 10 years, but the songs did sound very fresh here, when back then I thought it was a cover band. I really like what Bucket does guitarwise on Jungle and Its So Easy so far, even though they are very subtle. I will say Axl wasn't totally wrong with this reinvented image. Its weird but oddly familiar to see now.

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Axl still had venom, new music was a topic for discussion, Team Brazil were children with no public influence on GNR, the band couldn't have had a better selection of guitarists and things were generally on the up for GNR.

Chinese Democracy at that time sounded fresh. From the promos you could gauge a clear sense of rawness that was ultimately ruined by needless hours of production.

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If nothing else, I came out of 2002 with at least some idea of what direction Axl was trying to take the band in. I bought tickets after the VMAs because I wanted to give the whole thing an honest shot in person. Even though Axl threw the mic and walked out during, then after Patience, the show was still great overall. Another cool thing about that show in particular was that it's still the only time Riad has ever been played in the US

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I've never been 100% clear on what happened at that Detroit show that pissed Axl off so much. What exactly went down?

There were sound problems. The band botched 'Patience' and Axl was getting the lyrics wrong.

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I've never been 100% clear on what happened at that Detroit show that pissed Axl off so much. What exactly went down?

There were sound problems. The band botched 'Patience' and Axl was getting the lyrics wrong.


I was there and have watched it several times on DVD since and I'm still not exactly sure what the problem was. Patience was just ridiculously bad. I don't know if there was a monitor issue where they all couldn't hear each other or what, but everyone including Axl just seemed confused as hell through the entire song.

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I've never been 100% clear on what happened at that Detroit show that pissed Axl off so much. What exactly went down?

There were sound problems. The band botched 'Patience' and Axl was getting the lyrics wrong.


I was there and have watched it several times on DVD since and I'm still not exactly sure what the problem was. Patience was just ridiculously bad. I don't know if there was a monitor issue where they all couldn't hear each other or what, but everyone including Axl just seemed confused as hell through the entire song.

Im not sure, but Axl looks like he has no enthusiasm during the song, he almost seems depressed. The way he walks and sings. Something is thrown on stage at at 1:35:08 but im not sure if this affected him. Anyway after he throws the mic and then returns for the finale his voice is better and he seems more enthusiastic

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So what happened after "Patience?" Was it obvious immediately the show was over? Was there no "Paradise City?"

Oh absolutely. Axl finished the "this time" line, said "Thank you, goodnight" very quietly, tossed the mic again and walked off. The house lights came on right after they all left the stage.

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Just finished the full Boston video show. Very good throughout. Probably weird living through that but seeing it in hindsight now it really does seem like a calculated move to move on. Not sure if it would have or would not, but it probably would have looked better if that lineup stayed together for more than one tour. Also probably would have helped for Chinese Democracy to come out that summer right before the tour, as the lineup had the full industrial thing going on while staying true to the original Guns material.

Just interesting to see for the first time and really explore. Again, does anyone know why the Boston show is so highly rated? I started watching the MSG performance but figured I'd see the Boston one instead since thats what everyone talks about. Cool to hear some stories from that tour as well. I would be surprised if people or critics with an open mind went to see those shows and didn't think "well this has serious potential!"

Why did he disappear for 4 years after that tour? I know he cancelled the tour, but why didn't they continue on into next year while they were hot and people were possibly coming around? Did the shows get very poor reviews or something?

Edited by gunsfanoldie
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I can remember being at HTGTH back in 2002 and watching all the fans bitch about what was happening with GN'R at the time.

I loved the 2002 era. I didn't go much on what Axl was wearing but musically, I loved the sound that band had, the crazy stage antics of Buckethead and the main pull for me was hearing Guns play new songs like "The Blues" and "Madagascar".

The big thing I remember is a fuckload of people whinging about Axl's vocals. The VMA's performance was pretty bad, but Axl's voice throughout most of 2002 (from the video and audio I have seen and heard) was very powerful. Sure, it was different to what we were use to but it was so strong and added something special to songs like KOHD, LALD, Think About You and Nightrain.

Maybe in 11 years time, people will change their opinions on whats happening now.

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Compared to parts of 2006/07 or even 2010 his vocals were not at their best, but he had alot of energy and drive in his new music and what he was trying to achieve with his band.. the Boston 2002 show is always great to revisit and there are moments that stand out to me, the version of "November Rain" from Leeds, a take on "Live & Let Die" (can't recall exactly which show it was) with two very strong screams.. of course Finck, Brain, and Buckethead.. good times..

Edited by rhiad85
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I've said I miss the fire in Axl that he seemed to have in 2001/2002. And I stick by that. But I also stick by everything I felt was wrong about 2001/2002 GnR then (and still).

- Axl looked really stupid in those oversized jersey's

- Robin looked shit

- Buckethead always looks stupid

- The band as a whole looked more like a freak show at a county fair than as a rock and roll band

- The stage show was a mess. Puppets and nunchuck dances might fit in a Buckethead show, but imo they have no place at all in a Guns n' Roses show

- Axl's singing was very annoyingly high-pitched. Let's not forget that 2001/2002 was the birth of Mickey Mouse. It was much better in 2006/2007.

But at least there was a sense of fire and something to prove. I really miss that in GnR now.

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I've said I miss the fire in Axl that he seemed to have in 2001/2002. And I stick by that. But I also stick by everything I felt was wrong about 2001/2002 GnR then (and still).

- Axl looked really stupid in those oversized jersey's

- Robin looked shit

- Buckethead always looks stupid

- The band as a whole looked more like a freak show at a county fair than as a rock and roll band

- The stage show was a mess. Puppets and nunchuck dances might fit in a Buckethead show, but imo they have no place at all in a Guns n' Roses show

- Axl's singing was very annoyingly high-pitched. Let's not forget that 2001/2002 was the birth of Mickey Mouse. It was much better in 2006/2007.

But at least there was a sense of fire and something to prove. I really miss that in GnR now.

I don't disagree with any of that. Thats very much on point. Your first two points is 100% accurate. I guess its whether you like Bucket or not. I do but I don't love him. If his outfit was the only thing that looked stupid on stage, I could get past it, but like you say its not. Thats both why it seemed good that Axl was really trying to move forward and at the same time was trying WAY too hard to move forward that it didn't look natural. As freaky as the band looked though, they did sound pretty good and I personally think more inspired than most of the last 10 years, possibly one year excluded. 2002 just kind of shows how much I'd rather energy Axl being Axl back, possibly even over his voice being there.

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