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Am I the only one on here who hopes that Going Down doesn't make it onto Chinese Democracy II?

Randy Lahey

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I just don't understand Axl. He made life hard on his old bandmates and drove them away for... for creating the kind of music we're hearing now? Going Down is not even on par with the worst songs on UYI so what the hell? But I think Axl doesn't even know to this day what kind of music he wants to make. According to different sources Axl wanted to grow and evolve after the UYI albums yet he told in 99 that he wanted to make another AFD but wasn't allowed to do it because of Slash (wtf?).

He was lying, he was just trying to find a way to attack and blame Slash.

Honestly, I don't think he's as talented as people make out. If he was half the songwriter people believe him to be, he would have put out a solo album. Instead he hides behind the GNR name, clings to the old hits, and blames everyone around him for his failings. The truth is staring people in the face, they just don't want to see it. He is not, never has been, and never will be, a songwriter in the mould of Cobain, Yorke, Gallagher, White etc.. He is heavily reliant upon being part of a group, and musically, he was carried by GNR, more than people want to realise.

All the leaks are mediocre at best.

I think Rose is very talented, but you are right in that he was part of a magical group of musicians that augmented his talents.

Without that group, we see what Rose is capable of, and that must be a massive blow to his ego.

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I just don't understand Axl. He made life hard on his old bandmates and drove them away for... for creating the kind of music we're hearing now? Going Down is not even on par with the worst songs on UYI so what the hell? But I think Axl doesn't even know to this day what kind of music he wants to make. According to different sources Axl wanted to grow and evolve after the UYI albums yet he told in 99 that he wanted to make another AFD but wasn't allowed to do it because of Slash (wtf?).

When did Axl say he wanted to make another AFD because of Slash? Would like to read that interview.

His interview with Kurt Loder from '99 is on youtube. He says he wanted to make an AFD style record, Kurt asks what prevented him from doing that, and his answer is "Slash."

I think i meant that without slash he couldnt get the afd sound on record so the absence of slash was preventing him to do another afd

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When I guess anything can disappoint me even more in the GNR world..... then we have something called "Going Down".

LOL Going Down's awesome. You guys are biased. If this shit "management" team had any idea of how to run a freakin' band and Axl weren't a lazy-ass quitter and this tune got into a good movie's soundtrack, it'd be well received. It's better than most Guns N' Roses songs that Axl doesn't sing.
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I just don't understand Axl. He made life hard on his old bandmates and drove them away for... for creating the kind of music we're hearing now? Going Down is not even on par with the worst songs on UYI so what the hell? But I think Axl doesn't even know to this day what kind of music he wants to make. According to different sources Axl wanted to grow and evolve after the UYI albums yet he told in 99 that he wanted to make another AFD but wasn't allowed to do it because of Slash (wtf?).

He was lying, he was just trying to find a way to attack and blame Slash.

Honestly, I don't think he's as talented as people make out. If he was half the songwriter people believe him to be, he would have put out a solo album. Instead he hides behind the GNR name, clings to the old hits, and blames everyone around him for his failings. The truth is staring people in the face, they just don't want to see it. He is not, never has been, and never will be, a songwriter in the mould of Cobain, Yorke, Gallagher, White etc.. He is heavily reliant upon being part of a group, and musically, he was carried by GNR, more than people want to realise.

All the leaks are mediocre at best.

This. Axl is a musical curator, trying to assemble other musicians parts. He is not Cobain, who could sit in a closet and bang out a whole album on an acoustic guitar by himself. He also lacks the coherent vision of a true musical director and I don't think he knows what he wants until he hears it. Appetite was such a strong statement because it had a singular focus. Trying to be all things to all people musically will never work.

Axl is talented but he forgot he was one fifth of a band, not the whole f'n show.

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I just don't understand Axl. He made life hard on his old bandmates and drove them away for... for creating the kind of music we're hearing now? Going Down is not even on par with the worst songs on UYI so what the hell? But I think Axl doesn't even know to this day what kind of music he wants to make. According to different sources Axl wanted to grow and evolve after the UYI albums yet he told in 99 that he wanted to make another AFD but wasn't allowed to do it because of Slash (wtf?).

He was lying, he was just trying to find a way to attack and blame Slash.

Honestly, I don't think he's as talented as people make out. If he was half the songwriter people believe him to be, he would have put out a solo album. Instead he hides behind the GNR name, clings to the old hits, and blames everyone around him for his failings. The truth is staring people in the face, they just don't want to see it. He is not, never has been, and never will be, a songwriter in the mould of Cobain, Yorke, Gallagher, White etc.. He is heavily reliant upon being part of a group, and musically, he was carried by GNR, more than people want to realise.

All the leaks are mediocre at best.

Are you seriously comparing one of the best Rock N Roll singers to Kurt and all those crappy "artists"? Axl is a great fucking composer I'd like to see Gallagher trying to make a november rain without stealing something from the beatles or lennons solo career. And fucking hell, don't even compare Guns N Roses to Nirvana. White Stripes aren't that good too, I honestly can't see why people like Oasis and White Stripes, those bands are just downright horible.

But I do agree with you the leaks could have been better.

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I just don't understand Axl. He made life hard on his old bandmates and drove them away for... for creating the kind of music we're hearing now? Going Down is not even on par with the worst songs on UYI so what the hell? But I think Axl doesn't even know to this day what kind of music he wants to make. According to different sources Axl wanted to grow and evolve after the UYI albums yet he told in 99 that he wanted to make another AFD but wasn't allowed to do it because of Slash (wtf?).

He was lying, he was just trying to find a way to attack and blame Slash.

Honestly, I don't think he's as talented as people make out. If he was half the songwriter people believe him to be, he would have put out a solo album. Instead he hides behind the GNR name, clings to the old hits, and blames everyone around him for his failings. The truth is staring people in the face, they just don't want to see it. He is not, never has been, and never will be, a songwriter in the mould of Cobain, Yorke, Gallagher, White etc.. He is heavily reliant upon being part of a group, and musically, he was carried by GNR, more than people want to realise.

All the leaks are mediocre at best.

Lost it at Yorke.

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I just don't understand Axl. He made life hard on his old bandmates and drove them away for... for creating the kind of music we're hearing now? Going Down is not even on par with the worst songs on UYI so what the hell? But I think Axl doesn't even know to this day what kind of music he wants to make. According to different sources Axl wanted to grow and evolve after the UYI albums yet he told in 99 that he wanted to make another AFD but wasn't allowed to do it because of Slash (wtf?).

When did Axl say he wanted to make another AFD because of Slash? Would like to read that interview.

His interview with Kurt Loder from '99 is on youtube. He says he wanted to make an AFD style record, Kurt asks what prevented him from doing that, and his answer is "Slash."

I think i meant that without slash he couldnt get the afd sound on record so the absence of slash was preventing him to do another afd

"I originally wanted to make a traditional record or try to get back to an Appetite thing or something" -Axl

He had Slash in "his" band, but he wanted to evolve into I don't know what... why saying, after Slash is gone, that he wanted to make another AFD? Makes no sense.

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Rose: I originally wanted to make a traditional record or try to get back to an "Appetite [For Destruction]" thing or something, because that would have been a lot easier for me to do. I was involved in a lot of lawsuits for Guns N' Roses and in my own personal life, so I didn't have a lot of time to try and develop a new style or re-invent myself, so I was hoping to write a traditional thing, but I was not really allowed to do that.

Loder: What prevented you from doing, like, a traditional rock record?

Rose: Slash.

he's talking about after the breakup. he couldn't evolve because of his issues but he couldn't make AFD without slash. that's all. nothing about breakup.

Edited by useyorappetite
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Eddie Trunk interview, May 2006:

"We were actually working on a song a little bit tonight that's not even on the first two records."

Could this have been "Going Down"? It doesn't seem like it was ever gonna be on CD or CDII, but it does sound like something that would go on a bonus tracks disc, and it was definitely worked on once BBF joined the band.

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Sometimes he talked about a trilogy, but there was one time he talked about one CD, another CD, and then 10 extra tracks. He did seem to be leaning more towards a double with an "extra tracks" CD by this time.

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scottish nutter, on 17 Aug 2013 - 04:59 AM, said:

I buy gnr albums to hear axl sing not other band members, thats the one thing i hated on th uyi albums, if the others want to sing then put out a solo album and leave the gnr songs to axl

A thousand times this. I remember hearing those songs back in the day and was going "who the fuck is this singing?" The songs, besides So Fine, are good but the vocals leave a lot to be desired.

To answer the question, if Axl did lead vocals on Going Down I'd say put it on CD2 otherwise put it back in the vault.

Edited by Jabberwocky
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I wouldn't want Going Down on Chinese Democracy either. It's too meh.

I love the song but it'd be more completely out of place in CD.

Heh, it would be totally out of place on CD, what I meant was I wouldn't want it on CD II either. I dont want it to take space from songs that have Axl as the singer.

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It's not terrible. I think it's better than most on Chinese Democracy.

If he improved on the vocals a little (including removing the echo vocal effect), and made them louder, it would have a lot of potential.

The song kind of has a nineties feel to it. I'd say 7/10 with little room for improvement.

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