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Game of Thrones Season 6 Discussion Thread *No Spoilers*


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davos is still the hand,his job is to get more ships and men for stannis.

But I thought you said the guy who was burned on the stake was Stannis's hand?

Because he was called Gendry in the books? Gendry and Edric are two separete characters in the books and for simplicity sake, Gendry took on the role of Edric then went back to Westeroes. It makes sense because Edric just shows up in A Storm of Swords and we never hear from him again. Why waste money on hiring a new actor when they can just have Gendry do it?

That makes more sense, see I don't have the knowledge of "we never hear from him again" so it didn't initially make sense to me that he wasn't a full character/isn't more important than Gendry. Especially when bran said that Gendry stays with the Brotherhood, and the show made it look like they were setting him up for a shot at the Iron Throne since he was a Baratheon bastard (although thinking about that now, I'm guessing a bastard can't ascend to royalty?).

If Gendry is ever legitimize, that would give him the Iron Throne. That is why Joffery had all the bastards killed because any of them could be a contender if the people rally behind them. Plus he would not want anyone to see these bastards and realize they looked more like Robert than he did.

Axell Flortent was Hand to Stannis briefly in the books until he came up with this dumb plan to lay seige to some random castle on an island. Davos called him out on it and Stannis named Davos Hand because he had the balls to give Stannis consul even if the opinion would be unpopular.

The writers want to make us think Stannis would be a terrible king, but in reality, he would have been a great king. As long Davos is his hand.

yeah alester florent (axell's brother) was the one burnt for trying to make piece. axell wanted to take claw island to teach the celtigars a lesson for abandoning stannis at blackwater.

If Gendry is ever legitimize, that would give him the Iron Throne. That is why Joffery had all the bastards killed because any of them could be a contender if the people rally behind them. Plus he would not want anyone to see these bastards and realize they looked more like Robert than he did.

Axell Flortent was Hand to Stannis briefly in the books until he came up with this dumb plan to lay seige to some random castle on an island. Davos called him out on it and Stannis named Davos Hand because he had the balls to give Stannis consul even if the opinion would be unpopular.

The writers want to make us think Stannis would be a terrible king, but in reality, he would have been a great king. As long Davos is his hand.

Ah right, I really gotta rewatch the series when this season is done, can't believe I forgot about the hunt for Baratheon bastards. So does that mean that Joffrey realized that he was not a Baratheon? I don't remember the show insinuating that, I thought Cersei gave the order to kill the bastards.

And thanks, that clears up the Stannis's hand issue. From what I've seen in the show I'd have to agree about him; with Davos and without Melisandre, he seems like a pretty good guy. Also I just like Stephen Dillane a lot, so I may be a bit biased. Though it was nice to see him caring for his daughter this episode, when his wife suggested harming her.

joffery heard the rumors and called cersei out on it, then cersei slapped him in the face :lol:

Having rewatched season two, I can now say it was Joffery who ordered the execution of all of Robert Baratheon's bastards. Cersei's involvement is ambiguous, but she defends Joffery when confronted by Tyrion.

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I am convinced the writers hate Stannis, in the books he is by far the funniest character other than Tyrion and Edd. They fucking crack me up. Maybe George told them Stannis was the bad guy all along.

i really hate what they did to stannis in the show, it is really my only big gripe.

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I am convinced the writers hate Stannis, in the books he is by far the funniest character other than Tyrion and Edd. They fucking crack me up. Maybe George told them Stannis was the bad guy all along.

i really hate what they did to stannis in the show, it is really my only big gripe.

Yeah, I hope they make it right this season.

Stannis becomes a hero from this point on

Also, someone mentioned why Joffery would pay an assasin in silver and not gold because he is a Lannister. The answer is simple, you simply don't pay peasants in gold. Silver is good enough. Plus a Valyian steel knife is worth plenty so that was careless on his part. But Joffery was a careless twat so he would be stupid enough to arm a peasant with a blade worth more than the lands he worked on.

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Some of the scenes in this episode felt a bit off. And as a whole it felt kind of scattered and disconnected.

Why does Dany need to talk all dramatic and queenlike in front of Jorah? I feel like that scene was played all wrong. He's been with her since she was nothing more than a frail Dothraki sex toy.

And that scene with Cersei and Oberyn felt really pointless.

The next episode looks awesome though.

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They gave Jerome Flynn a starring credit in this episode despite Bronn not being on the show this week, and they neglected to include Conleth Hill even though Varys was in the episode. I've tweeted HBO and asked for a producer credit in the revised version that airs.

Edited by Broskirose
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Why do you guys watch the credits?

To see if anything changes

Wasn't a big fan of this episode. Karl the Fucking Legend of Gin Alley was so pointless. His death reminded me of Spartacus. Sword through the mouth was a favorite kill on that show.

Anyone else see the irony of Bran avenging Jaime's hand? The same hand that pushed him out of the tower.

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i thought it was decent, but some things did bug me a little, but the hound/arya moments and the pod/brienne moments were quite good. it was also good to see the reveal of lysa/littlefinger killing jon arryn. i could also have done without the lysa the screamer scene, i always thought that was awkward in the book as well :lol:

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Guest NGOG

it was also good to see the reveal of lysa/littlefinger killing jon arryn.

And contacting Catelyn to tell her it was the Lannisters. The bitch single-handedly brought turmoil to the rule of Robert/Ned! Edited by NGOG
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