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Dj NEEDS to be sacked

Guest Gunns

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i'm pretty sure he walked off stage right before SCOM and something must have happened that caused him to forget to tune his guitar. it was absolutely wretched. i feel kind of bad for him honestly. :lol: i think they managed to salvage it but it honestly may have been better if he'd just stopped and re-started.

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I don't know how he continued the song with that ludicrous intro, just stahp and get another guitar or take a minute to tune it lol. Or signal for another guy to play the goddamn intro, anything but carry on for god's sake! The worst thing is he did it on another proshot LOL.

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During the intro, someone in chat (maybe 'cardi?) said "I wish Duff would just kick him right off the front of the stage. " I laughed my ass off. Mad props to BBF for killing it and I adore Fortus but last night... *sigh*...he was amazing.

HAHAHAHAH This made me laugh so hard :lol:

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During the intro, someone in chat (maybe 'cardi?) said "I wish Duff would just kick him right off the front of the stage. " I laughed my ass off. Mad props to BBF for killing it and I adore Fortus but last night... *sigh*...he was amazing.

Twas me, I believe I used the term "barge" :P

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Someone said "Duff should push DJ into the crowd" :lol:

It was probably DJ's fault. He said that he uses his Ashba Tuner app, so it's all on him

He truly said that he uses that app in GnR.

Judging by how Ron and Rich never had this problem, and how he could have stopped to tune his guitar properly, yes, I blame him.

Edited by Bruno P.
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Someone said "Duff should push DJ into the crowd" :lol:

It was probably DJ's fault. He said that he uses his Ashba Tuner app, so it's all on him

He truly said that he uses that app in GnR.

Judging by how Ron and Rich never had this problem, and how he could have stopped to tune his guitar properly, yes, I blame him.

Apparently the Ashba tuner needs some more programming LOL

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The only thing I liked about him at first was his enthusiasm but that has now turned to attention seeking and clamoring to mask his basic skills on guitar (even tho his solo sections are pretty good, most players can come up with something if that's all they have to create) and his constant sales pitch and posturing and hash tags. Do BBF and Fortus need this gimmick/mask to seem bad ass?

He was an attention seeking twat from day one and a shameless whore, the fucker even had the nerve to do an ad using the GNR name before he had played a single gig with the band. Then there is the thing of him putting the entire GNR discography on his personal website...just fucking shameless

He is just basically everything Guns N Fucking Roses isn't...or wasn't...

Exactly. If he walked into the Hell House looking to play back in the day the band would have laughed in his face, then probably beat the shit out of him and robbed his wallet.


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Someone said "Duff should push DJ into the crowd" :lol:

It was probably DJ's fault. He said that he uses his Ashba Tuner app, so it's all on him

He truly said that he uses that app in GnR.

Judging by how Ron and Rich never had this problem, and how he could have stopped to tune his guitar properly, yes, I blame him.

Well if you don't mind me saying so...FUCK YOU DJ, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU not trying to be an ass here but come on that video.......I mean seriously!


Edited by grouse
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He can play the bare minimum, I like Mi Amor and Ballad of Death but they're nothing superlative and don't compensate for his reductive image gimmick - everything is just overdone and posturing about his look, his constant bizarre product sales pitch, his annoying hashtags and weak solos. I like his enthusiasm but I see it's just attention seeking most of the time, I'd like to hear just Ashba from a concert and see whether BBF and 4TUS cover his ass, let's be fair, he's not an amateur player but he's not worth the main slot in GNR regardless of Axl's strange opinion.

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I'm a big fan of NIN and thought Finck is great with Trent. After having seen GNR in 2006 & 2011, I have to say Dj was better for the band. His image is a joke but his playing sounded great live and his solos were cool - whereas Finck's style and solos just didn't work. Given it's just a touring band anyways, might as well have someone who fills the position appropriately.

Don't get me wrong, Slash is the only real guitarist for Guns N' Roses but Dj is alright considering what it's become.

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SCOM was inexcusable. Also he botched many solo's last night. Say what you want about Axl's voice, but it is his band he can fuck up as he pleases. DJ is more embarrassing than Finck. As sloppy as Finck was he had more depth and soul in his playing. DJ is more concerned with being famous looking cool and making money than with his playing.

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What the fuck are you moronic douchebags talking about? No solos or intros were messed up. I have watched them again to see what the fuck you idiots are talking about and it's not there. Show me what wa wrong with DJ last night, because his playing was tight.

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