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Could DJ Ashba be replaced with Vivian Campbell?

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DJ doesn't need to be replaced. He needs to be fired, so Bumble and Richard won't have to cover his ass at every fucking show and can concentrate at doing what they do best: cover the old classics and the 5 rotating songs from Chinese Axl is still willing to play.

I'm not ready to trash DJ just yet.

Check this out:

Cool riff. I could actually see Axl working with something like this and making something really good.

That song will be perfect for a fighting game stage music or whatever. The riff is generic as shit. I guess the song is decent. Not my thing.

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He is too old

But 10 times better guitarist than DJ, though

Age isn't an excuse when almost all of the members are in their late 40's or early 50's.

I mean he is too old MUSICALLY (more into the oldschool heavy metal stuff)

he simply doesn't fit in the band

that's all

Edited by Crash Diet
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DJ doesn't need to be replaced. He needs to be fired, so Bumble and Richard won't have to cover his ass at every fucking show and can concentrate at doing what they do best: cover the old classics and the 5 rotating songs from Chinese Axl is still willing to play.

I'm not ready to trash DJ just yet.

Check this out:

Cool riff. I could actually see Axl working with something like this and making something really good.

That song will be perfect for a fighting game stage music or whatever. The riff is generic as shit. I guess the song is decent. Not my thing.

I agree that the riff is generic--but it's still pretty cool. This isn't a great song, but it does show that DJ has potential. I can see Axl taking this and fleshing it out. I also liked the first SIXX AM album (not the second one).

If GN'R were to record a new album from scratch, I can see DJ contributing 3-4 good songs.

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That song will be perfect for a fighting game stage music or whatever. The riff is generic as shit. I guess the song is decent. Not my thing.

Yeah, spot on...it sounds like one of the songs in a WWE game or something, generic shite.

edit: generic shite is just fine, but not in Guns N Roses.

Edited by DR DOOM
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He is too old

But 10 times better guitarist than DJ, though

He's 51.... a year younger than Axl....

- Fire DJ

- Plant a tree


Yeah, about that.. I don't think he'd travel well.

The leaves look like Slash's hair... Throw a top hat on top of the tree and he would be a PERFECT replacement.

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At one time it was said that Vivian had been made a full partner in Def Leppard. If this is true, why would he want to leave a band that is always busy writing, recording, releasing new music and touring to be a hired hand in Guns?

Viv is cool. It couldn't have been easy stepping into the shoes of the late, great Steve Clarke.

Edited by xGNRxSTARx
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At the end of the day no guitarist with any credibility is going to want to join Axl's band at this stage. Dude doesn't make new music so why would they? See also Bucket and Robin leaving.

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I take great pride in saying that I could replace DJ and do a better job....

And I assume that many other guitarists out there and on this forum could do the same.

He's that bad....

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He is too old

But 10 times better guitarist than DJ, though

He's 51.... a year younger than Axl....

- Fire DJ

- Plant a tree


Yeah, about that.. I don't think he'd travel well.

The leaves look like Slash's hair... Throw a top hat on top of the tree and he would be a PERFECT replacement.

So much better than DJ. Vivian Campbell yes please, I don't care how old he is that's a dumbass reason.

Tracii Guns would be logical but ooooo how about Kyle Gass?

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I like the Kyle Gass idea, it would instantly make Axl you slimmer, younger, and better dressed.

I like and respect Vivian, but I don't think he's right for guns stylistically.

I've said before that I would love to see Tracii in the lineup, big LA Guns fan here. And the best part, if they brought him in, they could market it as the return of their original guitarist. :)

I would like to see a lineup of Axl, Tracii, Duff, Izzy, Dizzy, Ferrer; if only just for a single album cycle. (And by that I mean a traditional 2-4 year albums cycle)

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I like the Kyle Gass idea, it would instantly make Axl you slimmer, younger, and better dressed.

I like and respect Vivian, but I don't think he's right for guns stylistically.

I've said before that I would love to see Tracii in the lineup, big LA Guns fan here. And the best part, if they brought him in, they could market it as the return of their original guitarist. :)

I would like to see a lineup of Axl, Tracii, Duff, Izzy, Dizzy, Ferrer; if only just for a single album cycle. (And by that I mean a traditional 2-4 year albums cycle)

Out of all the members of new guns you could keep, you choose Ferrer?

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I like the Kyle Gass idea, it would instantly make Axl you slimmer, younger, and better dressed.

I like and respect Vivian, but I don't think he's right for guns stylistically.

I've said before that I would love to see Tracii in the lineup, big LA Guns fan here. And the best part, if they brought him in, they could market it as the return of their original guitarist. :)

I would like to see a lineup of Axl, Tracii, Duff, Izzy, Dizzy, Ferrer; if only just for a single album cycle. (And by that I mean a traditional 2-4 year albums cycle)

Out of all the members of new guns you could keep, you choose Ferrer?

Haha, yeah, well I don't have a favorite drummer, and I don't want it said I don't support the current line up. :)

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Vivian Campbell would be an unbelievable addition to NuGNR and give the most credibility to the band it's had for a very long time.. it would never happen though.

Axl isn't into doing what is right for the band such as giving it cred. He would rather employ guys with KFC buckets on their heads, 40 year olds that dress like 15 year old emos (and by their own admissions aren't even guitarists) or guys that make their guitars sound like old dial up modems with names relating to rare animal illnesses. You cannot make this sh*t up with NuGNR.

As if Viv, or any other serious guy would be interested at this point. There's a reason Axl is scraping the bottom of the barrel with guys like DJ, who after what? 5 years? can't even play SCOM right bahahahahaha. The stock standard song every teenage bedroom guitarist knows back to front.

It's all good and well to think of suitable replacements for the DJ Ashba disaster, but even if Axl did want a legitimate guy now, NuGNR is a laughing stock and unfortunately through his own mismanagement is now stuck with guys like the Swag master Ashba, who would rather sell Ashba air fresheners then learn how to play his parts.

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By the time Axl works on new music and Nikki can make Sixx: AM a higher priority, they're probably going to both need DJ at the same time.

How about if Tracii replaces DJ? It wouldn't be the first time he threw his hat in...


Man, Tracii Guns back in Guns N' Roses? That would be really weird, but awesome at the same time. It still wouldn't be Guns N' Roses though. It'd be Guns N' Rose. Roses is plural.

That was a very lame joke and I apologize for it.

Pretty neat to hear that he asked to come back though, even if it was just in a touring capacity. Wasn't 2004 an off year? Wonder if Axl would have actually said anything if it had been some other year. I doubt it though, since I recall this video interview where Tracii said Axl talked smack about him once. What is it with Axl and guitarists? For some reason I imagine all of his last conversations with them go something like "You're an amazing talent. Go to hell," except for Buckethead. That goes something like "You're an amazing talent. If you come back to my band I'll take you to Disneyland."

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In terms of musicianship and skills, yes, Vivian Campbell is a thousand times better than Ashba.

In terms of respect in the music community and music fans who are a little more knowledgable, Vivan rocks.

In terms of popular appeal? Unfortunately that's Ashba. Ashba has a rabid fan base and his swag, and if nothing else, one can concede that he is an incredibly savvy business person and has made a lot of money marketing himself and his image (whether that's put on or genuine). He's also younger than Campbell and perhaps more physically appealing to many women (I'm a woman. I honestly don't think so. But when one considers that most of his fan base seems to be female and he's always getting hit on on his Facebook and Twitter...).

I think the latter unfortunately trumps the former two points in terms of overall marketability. Axl already has two guitarists in GnR who are excellent musicians; I honestly think Ashba is there for the marketing value, not for musicianship or respect in the musical community.

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I like Campbell, and I have no comment on DJ until he's featured on a new GNR album. But, if DJ were to be replaced for some reason, and we are going to replace him with an oldie, I would like to recommend John Sykes.

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In terms of musicianship and skills, yes, Vivian Campbell is a thousand times better than Ashba.

In terms of respect in the music community and music fans who are a little more knowledgable, Vivan rocks.

In terms of popular appeal? Unfortunately that's Ashba. Ashba has a rabid fan base and his swag, and if nothing else, one can concede that he is an incredibly savvy business person and has made a lot of money marketing himself and his image (whether that's put on or genuine). He's also younger than Campbell and perhaps more physically appealing to many women (I'm a woman. I honestly don't think so. But when one considers that most of his fan base seems to be female and he's always getting hit on on his Facebook and Twitter...).

I think the latter unfortunately trumps the former two points in terms of overall marketability. Axl already has two guitarists in GnR who are excellent musicians; I honestly think Ashba is there for the marketing value, not for musicianship or respect in the musical community.

I hear your point of view.

Let's just say you are right and DJ is more marketable/has more popular appeal then say, Vivian.

What is more important to NuGNR? Is it to have someone who can barely play guitar (let alone their parts in GNR properly), who has a broad appeal to South American young girls with clear emotional issues


Someone legitimate who can nail his parts and bring a real sense of credibility to NuGNR. This person may not bring the fickle 'blow in' fans fascinated by DJ's "impossible princess" / "Beautiful nightmare" / "I love death" / "Woe is me (in my Las Vegas mansion)" whole angle, but in my opinion, at this point, it is more important to bring REAL credibility back to NuGNR, if Axl wants any shot of being taken serious.

If Ashba is in for the marketability, not musicianship as you say, why not go further and bring in Justin Bieber as lead guitarist for NuGNR? That will bring in some serious fan numbers.

Ashba is doing a lot of damage to GNR. Personally, I'd like to see a REAL guy get brought in, rather than be lumped with Ashba the Jessica Simpson of rock.

Ashba has been in the band for 5+ years and NuGNR can still only do 2-5k seaters in the U.S. I think you're maybe being suckered in to DJ's world of fake followers. He isn't a fraction as 'famous' as he would make out. I don't get the argument that he is so marketable. Does he market the sh*t out of himself in the most distasteful ways possible, yes. Has that correlated to any real U.S success? No. The fact that Ashba is a walking billboard/infomercial hasn't translated to anymore success to the band that I can see. Does he himself have some blow-in fans? yes.

Besides, it's only inevitable that the fickle fans fascinated with Ashba's hair, will eventually move on to an equally mesmerizing momentary fad, such as Yo-Yos or ridiculously short 'short shorts'.

Edited by JoePerry954
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You talk about gnr's marketability like there's some grand plan. Guns is a mess. There has been no real musical progress of any kind in years. They couldn't even fulfill the commitment to play 3 new songs in SA. Bumble is in near continuous mutiny over their lack of recording.

On reflection VC would probably turn down the gig. He has money, and self-respect is that much more valuable.

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