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Do you have an emergency stockpile in your home?


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In case of strikes, natural disasters, zombie apocalypse etc...

If so how long would you survive?

I don't live anywhere remotely disaster prone (suburban UK) but I've been thinking about this recently and am considering creating an emergency cupboard. I read somewhere that supermarkets are only ever 2-3 days away from running out if deliveries cease.

This is probably a sign of me getting old, I think I would have laughed at the notion ten years ago.

Tell me your emergency plans here. :-)

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No, I don't. I can't think of anyone having needed an emergency stockpile here in Norway in the last 100 years at least, so this is not something I will bother spending time or resources on.

Do you think current modern life is sustainable then? It's a lot of different balls in the air to keep the system running as it is. I'm not talking necessarily about a doomsday situation but maybe a fuel strike or longer than usual power outage.

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No, I don't. I can't think of anyone having needed an emergency stockpile here in Norway in the last 100 years at least, so this is not something I will bother spending time or resources on.

Do you think current modern life is sustainable then? It's a lot of different balls in the air to keep the system running as it is. I'm not talking necessarily about a doomsday situation but maybe a fuel strike or longer than usual power outage.

I am pretty sure the Norwegian government would use any of the money we stockpile to fix any problems before they cause trouble to us long-term. Sure, we live in complex societies where a lot could go wrong, but I also think there are many failsafes and back-up systems in place to prevent situations where people wouldn't be able to get their hands on the bare necessities.

In my type of country the only plausible scenario I can think of would be something like Kathrina in St. Louis, where people were stranded for days in their houses just waiting to be rescued. But such events are so very, very rare. In Norway I can imagine similar situations for people living in more remote places, but I live in a larger city and I can't even imagine a natural event that would prevent us from reaching rescue. So again, no, I choose to worry about things that is actually plausible.

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I have money and a teenage son - so my kitchen is always full of tons of food.

Growing up I always loved my friend's houses who had tons of food for us to eat - so I tried to provide that same avenue for my son and his buddies.

I'm going to have three teenage sons very soon. My whole house will probably become an emergency food pile soon. If I want to keep a real emergency food supply I might have to rent another house.

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I've got a lot of candles around the house just because I like candles, but they've come in handy during power outages. I have a few cases of bottled water always on hand because I'll stock up when they're on sale. I have a pantry filled with canned foods, cereal, pastas etc. because I find grocery shopping a chore and try to do it as little as possible.

I don't consider it a stockpile, preparing for the end of the world, it's just stuff that I have available everyday.

After 9/11, after several blizzards and hurricanes, the subject always comes up in the media advising people about having emergency supplies on hand. I don't live in the middle of nowhere so I've never really had a problem finding food, etc. Maybe more places are less resilient than others. New York is pretty hardcore when it comes to surviving. :lol:

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I live in the USA. So when I support our troops and our globalization, I am supporting my not needing to have a stockpile. (Among many other things) That's pretty much the entire purpose of it all, in case many of you weren't aware. ;)

Edited by Kasanova King
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I live in the USA. So when I support our troops and our globalization, I am supporting my not needing to have a stockpile. (Among many other things) That's pretty much the entire purpose of it all, in case many of you weren't aware. ;)

I love you, KK, but are you unaware of how simple-minded and offensive this is or do you just not care?

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The only thing I stockpile is fabric. I have enough of it on hand that in the case of an emergency I will be able to whip something up and have a new outfit for whatever occasion or situation is at hand. Food is really neither here nor there for me. If I found out that I could live on grass for a substantial period of time I could probably do that quite easily if I had to. Apparently it's quite difficult for humans to digest though and it will quickly wear down your teeth, so I probably won't go there.

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The only thing I stockpile is fabric. I have enough of it on hand that in the case of an emergency I will be able to whip something up and have a new outfit for whatever occasion or situation is at hand. Food is really neither here nor there for me. If I found out that I could live on grass for a substantial period of time I could probably do that quite easily if I had to. Apparently it's quite difficult for humans to digest though and it will quickly wear down your teeth, so I probably won't go there.

Priorities :lol:

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