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Doing a combination of kickboxing, yoga and weightlifting sessions at the moment...trying to get my peak dancing body back while my schedule doesn't allow for actually getting to many dance classes :lol:

Kickboxing?!? Awwwwww, bless :lol: I gotta say though, hand on heart now, you do actually look rock hard...

*bursts out with hoots of laughter* :lol:

j/k! I think it's a good idea, help you out of a bit of grief on a night out if you ever encounter it, God forbid.

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I think I've posted this here before, but it was in the first couple of hundred pages of the thread that got archived. A powerlifter, storngman, weightlifter and bodybuilder - who can squat their own bodyweight the most times in 5 minutes?

I want to try doing it myself sometime. I weigh about 180 now, and I'm pretty sure I can get in at least 30-40 reps at that weight.

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Bodybuilders - they want to achieve the highest level of muscular hypertrophy at the lowest possible level of body-fat

Powerlifters - they compete in the deadlift, bench press and squat

Strongmen - the ones you see on TV lifting huge logs over their heads and dragging Boeing 747s across the runway

Weightlifters - the ones you see on the Olympics every four years who compete in the clean & jerk and the snatch

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I think it's about time to start getting shit done again. For months now, I've been half-assing it due to other priorities, but I'm feeling my motivation returning. I'm sure this is the year that I hit my long-time goals of a 500lbs deadlift and a 400lbs squat.

I've been slacking on a shitty schedule for awhile now too, but I started my comeback tour last week. Feels good to get back into things but I can tell I'm a little rusty with some things.

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I hate that feeling when weights that used to be light have suddenly become heavy.

thats me now, but somehow I managed to cut out deadlift's for 2 months and a few other things, but still gained about 4 or 5lbs and I look a little leaner. Still have a little belly. But i'm 174lbs.. I'm gonna bulk until May 1st.. Cut for a couple months and then bulk again.. If I can hit 185 by May first, i'll be happy. I'm deadlifting again, but only adding about 5lbs every 2 weeks, so I don't stress my tendons.

I really f'ed myself up in a few ways. My doctor thinks between working out and the my job, i messed myself up. I started doing these things called finger tip push ups, and i screwed up my wrists.. For some reason I hurt my ankles too. Its getting better but I've really been more careful about working out. I've learned how valuable your body is these past few months and don't take it for granted.

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After pretty much 3 weeks of on-off colds, nosebleeds, migraines etc, I am finally feeling like I have a bit of energy. Knee caused me some grief on my weekend run, but I felt so heavy and unfit - symptom of the half a stone i've gained this year.

Change of job meant a change of eating habits - way more snacking and eating crap now, but I have changed that around and it's all healthy from here. I have 5 weeks and I intend on losing between 5 and 10 lbs...

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I hate that feeling when weights that used to be light have suddenly become heavy.

thats me now, but somehow I managed to cut out deadlift's for 2 months and a few other things, but still gained about 4 or 5lbs and I look a little leaner. Still have a little belly. But i'm 174lbs.. I'm gonna bulk until May 1st.. Cut for a couple months and then bulk again.. If I can hit 185 by May first, i'll be happy. I'm deadlifting again, but only adding about 5lbs every 2 weeks, so I don't stress my tendons.

I really f'ed myself up in a few ways. My doctor thinks between working out and the my job, i messed myself up. I started doing these things called finger tip push ups, and i screwed up my wrists.. For some reason I hurt my ankles too. Its getting better but I've really been more careful about working out. I've learned how valuable your body is these past few months and don't take it for granted.

You're always injured, man :lol: Tighten up that form.

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Honestly, this time, both the doctor and I think its overuse, or I have some disease... Its getting better, and since I'm very active,we are leaning towards over use, but since its multiple joints, its kinda scary.

But it is a lot better, i'm about 80%, right now. Around the time I got hurt, I was working a lot more than normal and under a lot of stress from work and because my Mother is has an illness and hasn't been able to walk since September.. She is just now getting better and my sister was having problems with her pregnancy, and my very best friend was sick for a while AND its been nothing but an uphill battle trying to get into the Coast Guard.. Life kinda sucked for a few months. So I wonder if all that stress had something to do with it, because I was really stressed for a few months.

Enough of my life story, i'm gonna go deadlift.

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Great thread.

A year ago, I tore my rotator cuff from too much weightlifting. I'd been weight training for maybe 15 years at that point, as my primary workout method.

So, I tried a bunch of alternate exercises and landed in yoga class one day. Life changed.

Now, I do yoga several times a week, at a pretty traditional but tough class. No gimmicks, nothing extra, just hardcore repetitive and demanding movements.

I've never been fitter in my life.

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I've been slacking on the yoga, my ego had a tough time dealing with being immense pain from basic movements while other people were sticking their legs behind their heads and balancing on their fingertips :/ Will get back into it though as I'm feeling the need for it as I lift more, sometimes I'll do a basic snake pose between squats.

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I've been slacking on the yoga, my ego had a tough time dealing with being immense pain from basic movements while other people were sticking their legs behind their heads and balancing on their fingertips :/ Will get back into it though as I'm feeling the need for it as I lift more, sometimes I'll do a basic snake pose between squats.

My philoshpy, is, unless you die, tomorrows gonna come, September 15, 2020 is gonna come, Christmas is gonna come, whether you workout or not, time goes on, and if you keep with it and stay disciplined, sometime between now and a later date, you will be the one sticking their legs behind their head, or you can do nothing and still be wishing you could stick your leg behind your head.

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Bodybuilders - they want to achieve the highest level of muscular hypertrophy at the lowest possible level of body-fat

Powerlifters - they compete in the deadlift, bench press and squat

Strongmen - the ones you see on TV lifting huge logs over their heads and dragging Boeing 747s across the runway

Weightlifters - the ones you see on the Olympics every four years who compete in the clean & jerk and the snatch

Interesting article making the rounds:


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Yoga goal:


Today I managed to get my leg straight at about 120 degrees...even if only for a split second :lol:

My girlfriend does this sort of thing and I just cannot believe the angles her body can flex in. I swear I would end up with dislocations or torn ligaments with half of it.

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