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Daylight Saving Time


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So does that mean you are for or against it?

Then entire thing sucks for those of us in my state.

There was a great exchange on our morning radio talk show today. The host, a business man, was all for it. Saying it made it easier for him to do early morning business with those in other states.

The caller said that with all the problems with childhood obesity and people worried about how much time our kids spend inside playing video games, why would we want to make it get darker earlier in the day. The host said "You aren't losing an hour of daylight, sir, it's just that now it's in the morning."

The caller replied "I've never seen kids out playing baseball in the playground at 5:30 AM, have you?"

I would rather have more daylight when I get OFF work or when the kids get out of school - then have the sun come out at 4:30 AM.

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I'm just against moving the clocks at all.

However, if we were to change them, I'd actually argue it would be better to have clocks move forward through the winter rather than the summer. I don't need it to be sunny out at 8:30pm, but it sucks losing daylight at 5:00pm in the winter.

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The whole outrage over daylight savings is ridiculous. The only people it has any affect on whatsoever are those who have to work Sunday morning. Anbody and I mean ANYBODY who uses daylight savings as some excuse for how tired they are come Monday morning is so full of shit in my opinion. It takes place in the middle of the night for crying out loud. I can't believe people even bitch about it. One freaking hour and people aren't used to it by Monday? Bull-fucking-shit. Like Johnny Drama said bunch of fake ass pussies.

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The whole outrage over daylight savings is ridiculous. The only people it has any affect on whatsoever are those who have to work Sunday morning. Anbody and I mean ANYBODY who uses daylight savings as some excuse for how tired they are come Monday morning is so full of shit in my opinion. It takes place in the middle of the night for crying out loud. I can't believe people even bitch about it. One freaking hour and people aren't used to it by Monday? Bull-fucking-shit. Like Johnny Drama said bunch of fake ass pussies.

In all seriousness, it takes me about a week to fully adjust. It's not that I can't adjust to sleeping an hour less or an hour more in the fall, but it fucks with your system to have a sudden change in the pattern of increasing/decreasing sunset times. It fucks with your internal clock, which is totally for real.

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The whole outrage over daylight savings is ridiculous. The only people it has any affect on whatsoever are those who have to work Sunday morning. Anbody and I mean ANYBODY who uses daylight savings as some excuse for how tired they are come Monday morning is so full of shit in my opinion. It takes place in the middle of the night for crying out loud. I can't believe people even bitch about it. One freaking hour and people aren't used to it by Monday? Bull-fucking-shit. Like Johnny Drama said bunch of fake ass pussies.

It affects people, plenty, cock. There are plenty of studies about circadian rhythms you can google. The same way fucking with a staircase by a quarter inch can make people stumble, an hour off fucks with people a while, until they adjust. "Oh it's just a quarter inch, deal with it, pussies."

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Bullshit! You wake up, get ready, have a shower, eat some breakfast and holy fuck that extra hour of darkness that's causing people's lives to fall into turmoil is pretty much over. Seriously that extra hour of daylight in the late afternoon is a problem? The sun still sets by the time you go to bed. People are so full of shit and the studies are also fucking bullshit. It's one hour. It's just another sign of the pussification and fakeness of our society.

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Bullshit! You wake up, get ready, have a shower, eat some breakfast and holy fuck that extra hour of darkness that's causing people's lives to fall into turmoil is pretty much over. Seriously that extra hour of daylight in the late afternoon is a problem? The sun still sets by the time you go to bed. People are so full of shit and the studies are also fucking bullshit. It's one hour. It's just another sign of the pussification and fakeness of our society.

You tell'em, Bono. All these studies that show that daylight saving time causes heart disease, traffic accidents, stress, sleep deprivation, etc are just fucking bullshit. Who the fuck do these scientists think they are with their studies and statistics and numbers and shit? We got fucking Bono to tell us what is bullshit and what isn't bullshit. Fuck this fake society.

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Personally I'm not that arsed about the change but I'd prefer the clocks to go forward in winter and back in summer.

Yeah, but then sunrise'll be at 3:45am in June and rise at 09:10am around New Year's.

I do like a 3:45am sunrise though... Why not go back to pre WWII or whenever and forget about Daylight Saving's Time?

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I think you'll find you started it Kitty when you decided to skip your merry way down to the canal and start nudging inebriated poofters to their watery graves :lol:

Bullshit! You wake up, get ready, have a shower, eat some breakfast and holy fuck that extra hour of darkness that's causing people's lives to fall into turmoil is pretty much over. Seriously that extra hour of daylight in the late afternoon is a problem? The sun still sets by the time you go to bed. People are so full of shit and the studies are also fucking bullshit. It's one hour. It's just another sign of the pussification and fakeness of our society.

As long as there's hardmen like you about to put us all right we've nothing to worry about eh? :lol:

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Personally I'm not that arsed about the change but I'd prefer the clocks to go forward in winter and back in summer.

Yeah, but then sunrise'll be at 3:45am in June and rise at 09:10am around New Year's.

I do like a 3:45am sunrise though... Why not go back to pre WWII or whenever and forget about Daylight Saving's Time?

I meant we put the clocks forward in the spring then forward again in autumn before putting them back the following spring.

So basically we keep summer as it is but winter moves forward two hours.

Edited by Dazey
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Maybe it also depends on where you live.

A guy like Snake might like it getting lighter earlier in the morning. But for those of us with kids - it sucks.

Everybody is obsessed with childhood obesity.......yet we want to make it get darker EARLIER after they leave school, and make it get lighter in the morning when they are still sleeping? "Billy, let's get up and go outside and get some exercise. We'll shoot some hoops" - who says that to their 10 year old at 5 AM?

I'd rather have the extra day light when I got off work. Then at 4 or 5 AM.

I'm surprised that people have a hard time adjusting for sleep reasons. I don't get up the same time on the weekend as I do on work days and that doesn't throw my sleep cycle out of balance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It just dawned on me yesterday that the time difference between here and New York City is just 4 hours...

At the moment, until Europe put their clocks forward an hour.

I have it sort of set in stone in my head that it's 5 hours...

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