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Technological progress and a guaranteed basic income


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What do you do?

I don't think any human activity would be wiped out. They just become more like hobbies. Like those guys that dress up as knights and go out and reenact battles from medieval times.

I work for an irrigation district as a field surveyor/lab rat. Though I've brought up to my boss that we should buy a GPS drone with a camera to look at canals for us.
I'm sure that can be arranged.

The point is what if that happened and you just got some kind of liveable cash payment.

I know this is ripping off the band aid for people right now. We would need social re-training and cash compensation.

But like with ATMs if it could be done cheaper that way why pay a human.

And if you miss the actual job then maybe simulations would be available. Just like people wear vintage jeans now.

Of course if me or you were told your job is gone go home and sit on your ass and feel miserable. That would suck but what if slowly but surely that happens to 50% of people and we become more leisure, fantasy oriented.

I'm more on the against it side but it seems like it's happening. Like the Unabomber says it takes away the power and control from the masses. The plutocrats will probably want it to be like this.

It's just speculation. But who says you can't be happy without a job? It doesn't necessarily have to be a dystopia.

I mean canal survey sounds interesting but lots of people are stuck in work that is drudgery. I doubt they would mind a livable cash payment and not to have to stack cans of beans.

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To be honest driving a truck is basically being on the dole anyway. Not to talk down truck drivers but most people aren't doing much. I've washed dishes in a restaurant. If the they fixed the machine I was hardly needed. If you gave me a few hundred and not have to do that I'd be happy. Not mourning the loss of that agonising shit.

You could say people will feel worthless but I'm not sure I felt worth anything in the warehouse. More like a forgotten cog in a virtuality game.

I'm surprised supermarkets are still open you can order it all online or go to Burger King. Shops must be destroyed.

It is funny you say that because restaurants make up like 75% of Oklahoma City's economy.

We have to accept the fact that service jobs make up this country. It is retarded to send everyone off to college. There is no reason to believe this fixes the problem.

I strive for happiness and that is difficult in such an automated world.

I agree herewhole heartedly. You what what you have when everyone has a college education? India. And we all know how many of those PhD's try to stay there.
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I think that's what the US is being turned into. They hollowing out the middle classes. You have highly skilled workers in the US and then consumers who work to buy stuff. First it was out sourcing. Now how do you sell this stuff and make even more money? That's right automation, robots, drones, online shopping.

Instead of paying a lot of people a lot of money. Get the government to support them and take that money too. Where will the money come from? Wars and borrowing money until it eventually collapses with the 1-2% make a buttload of money and everyone rioting as they leave for Switzerland.

But before that our expectations will be lowered. For plutocrats to make more money we'll have to live on soda and 7-11 burritos.

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I'm definitely for an guaranteed income. They've done pilot projects which were resounding successes. And before people cast it as some leftist hippy dippy idea, it was an idea proposed by both Richard Nixon and Bob Stanfield.

It'd take a massive rethink of the tax code and the way social services are delivered, but I don't think those things are a bad idea either.

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Tax code? You mean how the gov takes half you're money then you pay tax on what you buy.

If we're going borrow money and generate cash from wars why should we work pretending like we generate money taking gov funded jobs. I pay taxes, no you don't you pay your taxes with our taxes.

Do we even need humans to run the country? 75% you have to go. There's far too many people who need wifi connections.

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The problem is that the only people who might have the power to do anything about this, will only propose "solutions" that maintain their power. Labor is in many ways the very basis of civilization. When the terms of labor change this dramatically, everything changes. It won't be managed by bureaucrats and academics.

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The problem is that the only people who might have the power to do anything about this, will only propose "solutions" that maintain their power. Labor is in many ways the very basis of civilization. When the terms of labor change this dramatically, everything changes. It won't be managed by bureaucrats and academics.

It's for that reason I'm drastically altering my appearance and physical form. My avatar is becoming more and more accurate with every passing day :P

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The problem is that the only people who might have the power to do anything about this, will only propose "solutions" that maintain their power. Labor is in many ways the very basis of civilization. When the terms of labor change this dramatically, everything changes. It won't be managed by bureaucrats and academics.

It's for that reason I'm drastically altering my appearance and physical form. My avatar is becoming more and more accurate with every passing day :P

Obama is funding the procedures, isn't he? :lol:

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The problem is that the only people who might have the power to do anything about this, will only propose "solutions" that maintain their power. Labor is in many ways the very basis of civilization. When the terms of labor change this dramatically, everything changes. It won't be managed by bureaucrats and academics.

It's for that reason I'm drastically altering my appearance and physical form. My avatar is becoming more and more accurate with every passing day :P

Obama is funding the procedures, isn't he? :lol:
Isn't downzy Canadian? Then yes. Lousy Canadians receiving all this foreign aid. Freeloaders.
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What the hell is a guaranteed income? Sounds like communism to me. <_<

It's a basic income, enough to pay for food, rent, and a little extra.

The irony of capitalism, with its drive for greater efficiencies and productivity, is that it might render most human development irrelevant. At that point, governments will have to install some form of communism as a bulwark against anarchy and chaos.

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Yeah, where do people think the money comes from for these guaranteed wages? It's such a sign of the times that we think there's an unlimited supply of money for us to tap into if we just have the political will. :lol:

Primarily through the removal of other services that the government currently provides - welfare, unemployment, old-age benefits, etc.

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Yeah, where do people think the money comes from for these guaranteed wages? It's such a sign of the times that we think there's an unlimited supply of money for us to tap into if we just have the political will. :lol:

Primarily through the removal of other services that the government currently provides - welfare, unemployment, old-age benefits, etc.

That's not nearly enough money. Hell, those programs don't have enough money to keep themselves going, let alone take on a task like this.

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But how much you need is dependent on how much stuff costs. Technology makes stuff cheap. Aren't there sugar mountains that's why soda is cheap? But basically people around the world live far cheaper than people do in the west.

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They've kind of got us addicted to cheap processed food. Water I don't know it seems to keep falling from sky.

But the key to happiness is Big Macs and entertainment. Technology involved in fast good industry, all the chemicals and storage. Canned food is technology isn't. I'm sure they could make it worse.

We already eat genetically modified vegetables but there are ways of processing waste food like corn husks. We already do it so I guess more processed cheap food. With fibre supplements.

I've just seen people eating in 7-11. Dollar burritos. It's an illusion of a burrito.

I doubt we'll be fine dining on filet steaks.

People have lived on very little meat. You don't die. People just maybe aren't aware of how much less they need. Life is a bowl of rice in some places. In the US maybe it's a 100% chicken fat strawberry flavoured milkshake.

Prescription drugs could be the final solution.

Legalise weed watch everyone shut the fuck up bout they jobs and shit food.

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Yeah, where do people think the money comes from for these guaranteed wages? It's such a sign of the times that we think there's an unlimited supply of money for us to tap into if we just have the political will. :lol:

Primarily through the removal of other services that the government currently provides - welfare, unemployment, old-age benefits, etc.

That's not nearly enough money. Hell, those programs don't have enough money to keep themselves going, let alone take on a task like this.

I don't feel like you're really giving this much thought before dismissing it so I don't particularly want to go down the rabbit hole and dig up numbers to post...

Needless to say, taxation schemes would need to be altered significantly, and there are a number of proposals people have put forward for how this could take place. Look, I get that these ideas might seem utopian/impossible at a casual glance - but when entire white-collar industries start disappearing within the next 10-20 years and we're in desperate need of a radically different economic system, they really won't seem so out there.

Great article I remembered about from last year: http://www.abc.net.au/religion/articles/2014/07/17/4048180.htm

A good FAQ here for those who are new to the concept (also a "How would you pay for it" section): http://www.reddit.com/r/basicincome/wiki/index

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There will always be demand for human labor. I work at a gas station. There's no possible way that can be automated in our lifetimes.

But at the same time, these positions generally don't pay well.

If you want to see the big bucks, I'd go to school to become a lawyer or a doctor. Shit. Hospitals are booming up all over the place around here. People are fat and sick, and they need doctors to heal 'em and lawyers to sue 'em for malpractice.

The system is just changing.

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