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During the AFD/UYI Era, How Did You Expect Them to Be in 20+ Years?

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Those of us who were fans in their heyday, how did you expect them to be in 20+ years? Surely a thought or two came to your mind.

Maybe lots of album? Or did you expect them to break up like a lot of bands?

Back then, how did you expect them to look like in their 50s?

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Those of us who were fans in their heyday, how did you expect them to be in 20+ years? Surely a thought or two came to your mind.

Maybe lots of album? Or did you expect them to break up like a lot of bands?

Back then, how did you expect them to look like in their 50s?

i never thought for 2 seconds ever what they would look like 20 years later, but i didnt think that all the members would still be alive today that's for sure

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Quite frankly, I think few expected there to still be a band. The fact that all five original/classic members are still living 25+ years later would shock most who followed the band back then.

Perhaps it was just me, but I always felt there was an unending sense of doom with this band. When the band played its last show in 1993, I always presumed that one of them would end up dead and that would be the end of it. I didn't think the feud between Axl and Slash would become what it has come today.

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I figured one or more of them would've been dead by now of an overdose or something at the time. I bought AFD as soon as it was released before lots of my friends had ever even heard of them...

Yeah they've all done well to still be alive

Adler and Duff were insane , izzy too

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Such a weird sentiment to have towards a band. From all accounts, Motley Crue partied harder than GnR ever did - but you never read about their fans thinking they'd be dead in 20 years. Same with Ozzy - that guy has probably done more drugs than anybody.

I figured they'd act/perform just like all the other major bands. Release new amazing albums every few years

When the whole Slash is fired or quit thing, via fax, on MTV - I can't even remember now if that was a firing or quitting thing. But I remember watching that and just thinking they'd find another guitar player and GnR would put out albums every few years.

NEVER in a million years dreamed that Axl would wrestle control of the name JUST so he could put out one album in the next 20 years.

Such a waste of talent.

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Never really thought about it. I was raising two kids at the time and spending time with my family.

I only thought of GNR when MTV would show a new video. Then heard they had broken up and really didn't keep track of them until about 5 years or so. then coming on the pc and learning things about Axl's new GNR and seeing them live with my now adult kids.

GNR really didn't affect my life at all. I've lived through many of my favorite bands breaking up, so I don't dwell on it. Honestly, since GNR lived a frantic life back then I guess I'm surprised these guys are still alive.

We will always have the music.

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Well when I saw Matt during the illusions tour, I never liked him and felt that Steven should have been there, at that time I knew one of them would have been dead, but really im happy to see everyone of them making music, especially Steven, There were things about Izzy and Steven in the press from Axl and Slash which did make me feel bad, but I had some hope that the band would move forward with the illusions line up.

The band was touring like anything and I did expect them to take a break and was expecting an album in 1995, from bits and pieces I was excited that yeah they are working on a new GNR album and it would be so cool to hear them again, but well that dint happen, then in 1996 I hear that Slash left, then I was like well GNR is over, I din't follow them anymore, Slash released Snakepit stuff, I din't care to even listen to them that time, It was a huge success and people who liked GNR loved the snakepit stuff, but I wanted a GNR album and not some solo album, I din't even know when Duff or Matt left that time.

I was never a forum person, so I din't know about HGTTH, that time there was gnrweb.com or gnronline.com or something like that, I did visit that sometimes, but to be honest I lost all the interest in the band even though I used to listen to the songs everyday

Then in 2002, I watched the VMA's and saw the new band, I din't know Axl put a new band together as I dint see Rio 2001, When i was watching the Vma's I thought Buckethead was Slash cause of the curly hair and Fortus was Izzy, I was like Man they are back together but why the hell Slash has a mask and a bucket, then well later on I came to know about the new band and i was excited, Bucket is an incredible guitarist, he is very talented, so I kept on waiting for CD, the demo's of IRS and Catcher were awesome, so every year I kept on waiting for it to be released and it did make my blood boil.

Well I wish everyone of them all the best and I hope they keep on making music, I wont indulge in the topic of Classic GNR or NuGNR or a Reunion, But I hope all of them are happy in what they are doing.

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I figured after the UYI tour they were going to take a few years off and get back to being a tight powerful band and maybe give us one ballad.

Imagine someone built a time machine, brought Chinese Democracy with them to a radio station in 1992 and said this was going to be the next Guns N' Roses album??

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In 91 I didn't understand the concept of the longevity of The Stones. I saw GNR as like Pistols, Doora or Zepp and those bands were over. For me losing Steven and Izzy was them losing the mystique those bands had. It felt over in 94 when Spag inc came out. You Can't Put Your Arms Around a Memory felt like a farewell. Dust N Bones, pretty Tied Up and Dead Horse didn't bode well. When Pump came out saw what Aerosmith did or seeing The Stones in 95 and reading more about these bands I guessed maybe a reunion would happen but I'd broadened my musical horizons. I thought there was no life past 27 really. My grasp of time was limited. It was just now now now.

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I never expected anything, music tastes changed during the 90s, I got into other bands like other folk.

For me, there is genius in what Axl does, and I am happy to stick around to see what happens there.

The looks part I am not that fussed about.

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yeah i never thought about the future for a second

all I care about was getting MORE MUSIC from these guys anyway I could

by 1991/1992 i found the bootlegs (I had no idea they existed) and got completely addicted

i remember listening CBGBs 1987, RITZ 1988, RIO 1991, INDIANA 1991 and JAPAN 1988 NON STOP

And when I found unreleased stuff I just couldnt believe how good it was

I guess I thought they would keep making music forever

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I'm loving the topics for all of us "old-timers" on here lately. Of course we were all just fans then (except Marc Canter) and not insiders but it sure is nice to not be GNR-Educated by kids who were barely born when this stuff went down. When I saw them live in 92,even without Izzy and Steven ,I felt I was getting a good show and that in time,I'd get more great GnR albums like the Illusions. How wrong I was. Do you guys remember having to get news from Metal Edge and similar magazines? We couldn't just hop online and see what was up.

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I'm loving the topics for all of us "old-timers" on here lately. Of course we were all just fans then (except Marc Canter) and not insiders but it sure is nice to not be GNR-Educated by kids who were barely born when this stuff went down. When I saw them live in 92,even without Izzy and Steven ,I felt I was getting a good show and that in time,I'd get more great GnR albums like the Illusions. How wrong I was. Do you guys remember having to get news from Metal Edge and similar magazines? We couldn't just hop online and see what was up.

I do but it was Rip or Hit Parader or Rolling Stone and sometimes MTV for me...

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Oh yeah, like we can really get online and find out what's going on with GNR. It's 2015 and we don't know if there's an album, if there's a band, where Axl is or what he looks like.

Good point. Pretty sad really, when you think about it. Axl's not the only one though. Lots of other bands are pretty reclusive/quiet when not on tour too. But, one shouldn't talk the talk and then not follow through and walk the talk like this either. If you say you're going to do something, like release an album, then you should release that album in a decent and timely manner. And if you change your fucking mind and want to fuck off and retire or take a break, you should at least be nice to the fans that supported you for their whole lives and just tell them the truth about your plans. That would be the nice thing to do. Imho...

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Nice post. Pretty much the opposite happened- Slash and Duff turned lives around (for the better) and have continued to work/tour/make music. While Axl was the one who went downhill- became lazy, unmotivated, fat and basically a cliche. I figured he woulda been the one to evolve and release (a lot) of music.

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Back then I didn't think about the future of GNR at all - I just assumed they would be around forever. I think most people really only understand how life changes with time when they get old, so I bet most of the fans back then took it for granted too.

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