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RUMOR: The Original Lineup Will Tour, Then Axl Will Retire

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Right, first off. In the world of GnR the ONLY right attitude is "I'll believe it once it's ACTUALLY happening".

As for the voice matter - seems plausible. Because let's face it - Axl has been on and off ever since 2001. The best years were probably 2006, 2007 and 2010 overall. But Especially the last few have been.... unreliable. Let's put it that way. From full micky to full step throat to decent. But never even near his 1993 level for a full concert. So that part, I could believe.

That said, I can't imagine it only being a small tour. I think a lot of people will feel MORE cheated by that than by not having a reunion at all. There'd be way too many people wanting to attend. If I'd be them, I'd probably just make sure it's stretched out carefully. With enough time in between to recover etc. That, and be fit. This is NOT the kind of deal that deserves to be done half-arsed. #lessBloated

And yes, I'd definitely go.

Not to mention that when Fernando/Fermanager/Damager/Magisme's best bud was here a few weeks ago, he said directly that Axl knows he sounds like Mickey a lot of the time. Axl knows how he sounds, so that chunk of it is totally plausible.

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It's true. They will reunite. In 2016 they will record a double album as well as have AFD remastered. In 2017 they will tour to support the release of a remasterd AFD for the 30th anniversary as well as the new double album.

Nice try Fred Durst.

You'll see and then you'll remember this day and think "Damn he was right"

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Okey,maybe a rumour but is what we have been talking about since 2011.

Axl voice was blown in 2011 we have at least 2 videos that probes that something is wrong in his throat, so it could be true that he wont do another big tour,maybe only 10 shows in all countries.

But at least...........we have a reunion.Maybe he thinks he can sing in that dates.

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It's true. They will reunite. In 2016 they will record a double album as well as have AFD remastered. In 2017 they will tour to support the release of a remasterd AFD for the 30th anniversary as well as the new double album.

Nice try Fred Durst.

You'll see and then you'll remember this day and think "Damn he was right"

GNR don't operate like that. It's 2015. If there were a big thing coming, there will be some info about it not coming from Mateus Dalmanso.

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If true, then maybe what's been long suspected is true - 2010 did some serious damage to his voice. The way he slips in and out of rasp these days suggests that he can technically still so it but opts not to. It seems if he truly wanted to go out with a bang on one final tour then he'd probably give it his all one last time just as he did in 2010. Everything adds up, but naturally all these rumours are just well-informed speculation.

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From Slash's brother on FB:

"You obsessed fans of guns n roses. Fuck a reunion. If you love guns enjoy what they made and move on. To dream of the opportunity that you could see them all together to me is like saying "I love the guys who invented my door in my apartment". I walk thru it all the time. I wish they would get back together and invent a new door. What's wrong with the door you have? It still works. You still use it. And you fucking fanclub page host need to get your own life to spend all your time figuring out what slash is doing first. And to act like you have an education degree of guns n roses and yet you have your own families but still you spend most of your day and life as an undercover fanboy serving up the gossip with an attitude like you have some power over other fanboys & girls is like if you never stopped wearing superman underoos and think as an adult your fucking superman. It's all so dumb to me. Not sure if I'm making myself clear. But grow up. Get a life. If I get one more fucker asking me will guns do a reunion tour I'm blocking them. Axl is a fat bastard and the reunion would only be a disappointment and an action that would result in criticism. Just sayin."

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From Slash's brother on FB:

"You obsessed fans of guns n roses. Fuck a reunion. If you love guns enjoy what they made and move on. To dream of the opportunity that you could see them all together to me is like saying "I love the guys who invented my door in my apartment". I walk thru it all the time. I wish they would get back together and invent a new door. What's wrong with the door you have? It still works. You still use it. And you fucking fanclub page host need to get your own life to spend all your time figuring out what slash is doing first. And to act like you have an education degree of guns n roses and yet you have your own families but still you spend most of your day and life as an undercover fanboy serving up the gossip with an attitude like you have some power over other fanboys & girls is like if you never stopped wearing superman underoos and think as an adult your fucking superman. It's all so dumb to me. Not sure if I'm making myself clear. But grow up. Get a life. If I get one more fucker asking me will guns do a reunion tour I'm blocking them. Axl is a fat bastard and the reunion would only be a disappointment and an action that would result in criticism. Just sayin."

Sounds like a pleasant kinda cunt. Not sure I care what his brother says though he is not part of it.

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So Slash will want divorce over before reunion. Because you know he would do stuff that Perla could divorce for on a GNR tour. So I was on tour with GNR...okay ive heard enough hand over your balls to the lady.

CA has no fault divorce. In other words, there doesn't have to be proof of wrongdoing on either side. There doesn't have to be mutual consent to divorce, either. In addition the community property 50-50 split is the law; they don't change those percentages based on anyone's actions.

I don't know if the clock stops on community property once the divorce is filed...I don't think so. So he would probably want that divorce to be finalized before he embarks on any sort of major project so Perla won't have any claim to his money. Especially something like a GnR tour that could bring in millions of dollars.

That makes sense. During or after the reunion she would become worse. She could take half his 20 mil for no particular reason.

Maybe Slash is trying to prove hes not mixed up with shady ladies.

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From Slash's brother on FB:

"You obsessed fans of guns n roses. Fuck a reunion. If you love guns enjoy what they made and move on. To dream of the opportunity that you could see them all together to me is like saying "I love the guys who invented my door in my apartment". I walk thru it all the time. I wish they would get back together and invent a new door. What's wrong with the door you have? It still works. You still use it. And you fucking fanclub page host need to get your own life to spend all your time figuring out what slash is doing first. And to act like you have an education degree of guns n roses and yet you have your own families but still you spend most of your day and life as an undercover fanboy serving up the gossip with an attitude like you have some power over other fanboys & girls is like if you never stopped wearing superman underoos and think as an adult your fucking superman. It's all so dumb to me. Not sure if I'm making myself clear. But grow up. Get a life. If I get one more fucker asking me will guns do a reunion tour I'm blocking them. Axl is a fat bastard and the reunion would only be a disappointment and an action that would result in criticism. Just sayin."

Sounds like a pleasant kinda cunt. Not sure I care what his brother says though he is not part of it.
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So Slash will want divorce over before reunion. Because you know he would do stuff that Perla could divorce for on a GNR tour. So I was on tour with GNR...okay ive heard enough hand over your balls to the lady.

CA has no fault divorce. In other words, there doesn't have to be proof of wrongdoing on either side. There doesn't have to be mutual consent to divorce, either. In addition the community property 50-50 split is the law; they don't change those percentages based on anyone's actions.

I don't know if the clock stops on community property once the divorce is filed...I don't think so. So he would probably want that divorce to be finalized before he embarks on any sort of major project so Perla won't have any claim to his money. Especially something like a GnR tour that could bring in millions of dollars.

That makes sense. During or after the reunion she would become worse. She could take half his 20 mil for no particular reason.

Maybe Slash is trying to prove hes not mixed up with shady ladies.

She wouldn't have to take anything; the State of California would hand it to her, free and clear. It's always 50-50.

I think CA's no fault divorce law is really great -- a lot of the time in divorce cases, if it's not no fault, one spouse will be a dick and drag things out indefinitely. However, the community property 50-50 automatic split law is horrendous. It basically means that someone can contribute 0% to the household income and still walk away with 50% or anything earned during the marriage.

I honestly can't understand why anyone, especially someone with a lot of money, would not make syure they had an ironclad prenup to avoid all this. In this day and age...you need one. Period.

Edited by stella
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So Slash will want divorce over before reunion. Because you know he would do stuff that Perla could divorce for on a GNR tour. So I was on tour with GNR...okay ive heard enough hand over your balls to the lady.

CA has no fault divorce. In other words, there doesn't have to be proof of wrongdoing on either side. There doesn't have to be mutual consent to divorce, either. In addition the community property 50-50 split is the law; they don't change those percentages based on anyone's actions.

I don't know if the clock stops on community property once the divorce is filed...I don't think so. So he would probably want that divorce to be finalized before he embarks on any sort of major project so Perla won't have any claim to his money. Especially something like a GnR tour that could bring in millions of dollars.

That makes sense. During or after the reunion she would become worse. She could take half his 20 mil for no particular reason.

Maybe Slash is trying to prove hes not mixed up with shady ladies.

She wouldn't have to take anything; the State of California would hand it to her, free and clear. It's always 50-50.

I think CA's no fault divorce law is really great -- a lot of the time in divorce cases, if it's not no fault, one spouse will be a dick and drag things out indefinitely. However, the community property 50-50 automatic split law is horrendous. It basically means that someone can contribute 0% to the household income and still walk away with 50% or anything earned during the marriage.

I honestly can't understand why anyone, especially someone with a lot of money, would not make syure they had an ironclad prenup to avoid all this. In this day and age...you need one. Period.

does he have to pay alimony too?
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So Slash will want divorce over before reunion. Because you know he would do stuff that Perla could divorce for on a GNR tour. So I was on tour with GNR...okay ive heard enough hand over your balls to the lady.

CA has no fault divorce. In other words, there doesn't have to be proof of wrongdoing on either side. There doesn't have to be mutual consent to divorce, either. In addition the community property 50-50 split is the law; they don't change those percentages based on anyone's actions.

I don't know if the clock stops on community property once the divorce is filed...I don't think so. So he would probably want that divorce to be finalized before he embarks on any sort of major project so Perla won't have any claim to his money. Especially something like a GnR tour that could bring in millions of dollars.

That makes sense. During or after the reunion she would become worse. She could take half his 20 mil for no particular reason.

Maybe Slash is trying to prove hes not mixed up with shady ladies.

She wouldn't have to take anything; the State of California would hand it to her, free and clear. It's always 50-50.

I think CA's no fault divorce law is really great -- a lot of the time in divorce cases, if it's not no fault, one spouse will be a dick and drag things out indefinitely. However, the community property 50-50 automatic split law is horrendous. It basically means that someone can contribute 0% to the household income and still walk away with 50% or anything earned during the marriage.

I honestly can't understand why anyone, especially someone with a lot of money, would not make syure they had an ironclad prenup to avoid all this. In this day and age...you need one. Period.

does he have to pay alimony too?

That would be one of the things that would be hashed out in court; as far as I know there's no set formula for that in CA divorce law. The things that seem to take the longest in the courts here are negotiations and disputes about alimony, child support and how the community property that isn't straight cash (such as houses and cars) will be handled so it can be divided 50-50.

The only thing Slash WILL be on the hook for, without a doubt, is child support. No judge will let a man with millions in the bank walk away from his kids -- and that is fair. The kids are still his financial responsibility. A lot of the time these days, the child support orders won't just be cash; they will be about how to pay for the kids' schooling, sports, etc. So the money someone pays in child support may not go directly to the ex's account, at least in part...instead it might go to buying specific things for the kid.

Edited by stella
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So the source is the fermanator a.k.a. Fernando al Brazilo? Then: credible. If Jarmo confirms, it is true.

No, the "source" is a person/site well known for just plain making stuff up.

My guess is that they're in a constant state of hoping that one day something they make up will come true.

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So the source is the fermanator a.k.a. Fernando al Brazilo? Then: credible. If Jarmo confirms, it is true.

No, the "source" is a person/site well known for just plain making stuff up.

My guess is that they're in a constant state of hoping that one day something they make up will come true.

aka- if you throw enough shit on the wall some of it's bound to stick

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Local radio station in Winnipeg briefly covered this article this morning. Also mentioned Stinson (who they called Tony Stinson, for starters) saying he has no idea what's going on and that he hasn't heard from Axl since their last show in April 2014.

Peoples level of un-informness with Guns stuff bothers me.

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So the source is the fermanator a.k.a. Fernando al Brazilo? Then: credible. If Jarmo confirms, it is true.

No, the "source" is a person/site well known for just plain making stuff up.

My guess is that they're in a constant state of hoping that one day something they make up will come true.

Thats not the case. The Fã Clube has had a few correct guesses over the years. They do have their sources. Im not saying they are trustworthy or anything. This rumour here is probably bullshit indeed, but they don't just make stuff up. One of their sources was well known...

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Local radio station in Winnipeg briefly covered this article this morning. Also mentioned Stinson (who they called Tony Stinson, for starters) saying he has no idea what's going on and that he hasn't heard from Axl since their last show in April 2014.

Peoples level of un-informness with Guns stuff bothers me.

You're not the only one

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Why the fuck would anyone rich get married without like 4 miles thick legal red tape protecting the fortune I'll never understand.

Of course, whether a rockstar has 30 mils or 60 mils on bank acc prolly doesn¨t really change the quality of your life.

Spread your legs to a rockstar->get married->divorce->earn millions.

I wonder how much money that is/sex act. Recon not many whores are as expensive as a good gold digger.

Edited by LTD
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