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Star Trek Beyond

Georgy Zhukov

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Star Trek (2009) and Into Darkness are two entertaining action movies, what they have to do with Star Trek and sci-fi I'm still unsure about, but they were entertaining. I still find the whole reboot thing weird because those actors had no TV show and nothing to me can replace that bond between the characters that was strongest on TNG and TOS.

Star Trek wasn't happening anymore in the early 00s. For me, the first death blow was "Enterprise", which decided to do the prequel thing (why?) and abandon the universe set up by TNG, voyager and DS9. I'm still glad I got to grow up with TNG, DS9 and Voyager on the tube as there were some excellent episodes. To have no Star Trek on television but a watered down slick looking action adventure version in the theatre every odd year feels like a missed opportunity. Which is why I laugh at the title "Beyond".

What they have to do with Star Trek or SciFi?

Well the theme is Star Trek with the ship and characters and all and they are SciFi movies as far as I can tell so you lost me there mate........ :shrugs:

Edited by classicrawker
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Star Trek (2009) and Into Darkness are two entertaining action movies, what they have to do with Star Trek and sci-fi I'm still unsure about, but they were entertaining. I still find the whole reboot thing weird because those actors had no TV show and nothing to me can replace that bond between the characters that was strongest on TNG and TOS.

Star Trek wasn't happening anymore in the early 00s. For me, the first death blow was "Enterprise", which decided to do the prequel thing (why?) and abandon the universe set up by TNG, voyager and DS9. I'm still glad I got to grow up with TNG, DS9 and Voyager on the tube as there were some excellent episodes. To have no Star Trek on television but a watered down slick looking action adventure version in the theatre every odd year feels like a missed opportunity. Which is why I laugh at the title "Beyond".

What they have to do with Star Trek or SciFi?

Well the theme is Star Trek with the ship and characters and all and they are SciFi movies as far as I can tell so you lost me there mate........ :shrugs:

Really are they the same characters? I have no idea what Zachary Quinto is playing, but it's not Nimoy's Spock.

As far as "fanboy revisionism" the film was negatively received by alot of the fans of the series(s) upon release. Is their opinion invalid, because people who had no interest before liked it?

That's like Slash doing an album with Justin Bieber. Sure we'd hate it, but it'd be well received among whatever his demographic is and probably make more money. So it would have been a good idea using that logic?

Edited by AtariLegend
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Star Trek (2009) and Into Darkness are two entertaining action movies, what they have to do with Star Trek and sci-fi I'm still unsure about, but they were entertaining. I still find the whole reboot thing weird because those actors had no TV show and nothing to me can replace that bond between the characters that was strongest on TNG and TOS.

Star Trek wasn't happening anymore in the early 00s. For me, the first death blow was "Enterprise", which decided to do the prequel thing (why?) and abandon the universe set up by TNG, voyager and DS9. I'm still glad I got to grow up with TNG, DS9 and Voyager on the tube as there were some excellent episodes. To have no Star Trek on television but a watered down slick looking action adventure version in the theatre every odd year feels like a missed opportunity. Which is why I laugh at the title "Beyond".

What they have to do with Star Trek or SciFi?

Well the theme is Star Trek with the ship and characters and all and they are SciFi movies as far as I can tell so you lost me there mate........ :shrugs:

Really are they the same characters? I have no idea what Zachary Quinto is playing, but it's not Nimoy's Spock.

As far as "fanboy revisionism" the film was negatively received by alot of the fans of the series(s) upon release. Is their opinion invalid, because people who had no interest before liked it?

That's like Slash doing an album with Justin Bieber. Sure we'd hate it, but it'd be well received among whatever his demographic is and probably make more money. So it would have been a good idea using that logic?

Well actually the actors are playing the same characters as the original show at a younger age. IMHO they did a pretty good job of capturing the spirit of the original characters while you don't seem to agree.

Your Slash analogy is not valid as you are comparing apples to oranges as music is not the same as movies or acting. If you had said Slash going on the stage impersonating Justin Bieber you would have a point.

These are new stories using new actors to play the parts. Considering the original actors are either really old or dead what do you expect?

And you have me mixed up with another poster as I never called anyone a "fanboy", said anything about the popularity of the reboot movies or criticized their opinion.....

I have no issue with anyone who does not like the new movies or are not looking forward to the new series in 2017 as to each his own......All I know is I have been a fan of Star Trek my whole life so I look forward to any new movies/ shows.......but then again I liked "Enterprise", even though I thought it was the weakest of the TV series, I still found things to enjoy....

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Well the theme is Star Trek with the ship and characters and all and they are SciFi movies as far as I can tell so you lost me there mate........ :shrugs:

All they are is shoot 'em up space adventure movies. Star Trek is suppose to be about big ideas, its true theme is 'exploration' not 'devastation'; its best episodes and movies are those that touch on actual events and challenges; the extinction of whales in Voyage Home, the fall of the Russian empire in Star Trek VI. The historic significance of a "First Contact" or the morality tale of Insurrection (granted Insurrection was cheesy but at least tried). Yes, Wrath of Khan was an epic space battle movie but we've kinda had the super-villain-with-the-super-weapon/ship-that-destroys-planets/worlds plot too many times; Generations, even Insurrection, Nemesis and of course both JJ Abrams Star Trek movies. It's become too formulaic space opera that to me it feels like JJ is on his third Star Wars already.

Edited by Bumblefeet
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Well the theme is Star Trek with the ship and characters and all and they are SciFi movies as far as I can tell so you lost me there mate........ :shrugs:

All they are is shoot 'em up space adventure movies. Star Trek is suppose to be about big ideas, its true theme is 'exploration' not 'devastation'; its best episodes and movies are those that touch on actual events and challenges; the extinction of whales in Voyage Home, the fall of the Russian empire in Star Trek VI. The historic significance of a "First Contact" or the morality tale of Insurrection (granted Insurrection was cheesy but at least tried). Yes, Wrath of Khan was an epic space battle movie but we've kinda had the super-villain-with-the-super-weapon/ship-that-destroys-planets/worlds plot too many times; Generations, even Insurrection, Nemesis and of course both JJ Abrams Star Trek movies. It's become too formulaic space opera that to me it feels like JJ is on his third Star Wars already.

I do agree with you but that is the case with most movies today I think....How many action movies really are that deep these days. It is all about non-stop action and speccial effects now....and lets be honest not all those original cast Movies were winners...But for me the new movies are still Star Trek so I can always find something to like. I also think the actors in the new movies are keeping in the spirit of the original characters which I like.... and how many reboot franchises have ever lived up to the orginals? Terminator? Alien? Star Wars? The Bond movies? you could debate all of them I think.....

I think we have a better chance of getting the old Star Trek feeling with the new series as they can take more time to develop the characters

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It needs the right amount of brains and action. With Star Trek : The Motion Picture, it was too much like the TV show except with a bigger budget. When they made The Wrath of Khan they started ad more action scenes.

We still don't know enough about Beyond, but if they are already avoiding the mistakes of Into Darkness, then it might turn out to be the better film of the three.

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Star Trek (2009) made more money than any other Star Trek film (even with inflation) except for Star Trek: The Motion Picture which I think made a little more. These films never drew large crowds.

The trailer shows poor marketing. Simon Pegg who is one of the stars of the film, writers and I think executive producers voiced dissatisfaction with the teaser. The teaser suggests some action and fun, but Pegg says it is much more than that. Hopefully they will change their marketing tactics because so far it isn't working.

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  • 4 months later...

Actually a good trailer. I think the movie will be fun. Simon Pegg is one of the main writers, he has a lot of respect for the TOS. So we will have a Star Trek that will attempt to give us the substance the TOS had and balance it with the sci-fi action. Hopefully it will be a success.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Just now, rocknroll41 said:

It has just been announced that Anton Yelchin, the new Checkov, died today in a car crash at age 27.

Saw the news as well, bit of a freak accident with him getting pinned between his car and his mailbox at his home (!).

Looking over his imdb, I had no idea he was also the kid in Hearts in Atlantis. Liked him a lot in the Fright Night remake and star trek of course. RIP. 

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18 minutes ago, Bumblefeet said:

Saw the news as well, bit of a freak accident with him getting pinned between his car and his mailbox at his home (!).

Looking over his imdb, I had no idea he was also the kid in Hearts in Atlantis. Liked him a lot in the Fright Night remake and star trek of course. RIP. 

I haven't read too many details. Do they know whether or not someone was actually driving the car when it hit him? Or had he just left it in neutral or something?

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51 minutes ago, rocknroll41 said:

I haven't read too many details. Do they know whether or not someone was actually driving the car when it hit him? Or had he just left it in neutral or something?

Apparently he was alone and the car was in neutral with the engine still running. He got out and it rolled backwards. The police detected no suspicious circumstances.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Currently a news item. In the latest movie, Sulu is


a homosexual. Ironically the director and Simon Pegg wrote him that way as a tribute to George Takei, who reacted disappointingly that they changed Gene Roddenberry's character from straight to gay.


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