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Alice In Chains To Open For GNR Vegas Shows!!

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What Alice In Chains? there is no AIC. Jerry and his band is great old fashioned sludge though. Great news and sorry to be the cunt that points out there is no AIC without Layne and he's gone. That's like Pantera without Dime. I like their new lead singer, not much in the lyrics department but he's cool and fits and with Jerry's lyrics they recorded BGWTB. New album was uninspired with only a few cool moments.

But this band is a great match for an opener for Guns. Hopefully they won't look pathetic going after Jerry's Chains cause if Axl comes up fat and confused it won't be pretty but let's hope for the best.

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1 minute ago, Rovim said:

What Alice In Chains? there is no AIC. Jerry and his band is great old fashioned sludge though. Great news and sorry to be the cunt that points out there is no AIC without Layne and he's gone. That's like Pantera without Dime. I like their new lead singer, not much in the lyrics department but he's cool and fits and with Jerry's lyrics they recorded BGWTB. New album was uninspired with only a few cool moments.

But this band is a great match for an opener for Guns. Hopefully they won't look pathetic going after Jerry's Chains cause if he comes up fat and confused it won't be pretty but let's hope for the best.

I think most older fans know this isn't really AIC but as I said earlier the Jerry Cantrell band wouldn't get such high profile gigs. It will probably be an hour of hit after hit. 

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4 minutes ago, Attlas said:

never heard a song, maybe I know a couple but I'm not aware they're from that band

They have a ton of radio hits from when Layne was alive. YouTube Man In the Box,Rooster,Down In A Hole, Would?,Heaven Beside You and I'll bet you know a few of them.

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7 minutes ago, grogmug said:

This means Axl comes out at 11?

That's what I was thinking.  AIC probably gets til 10:30, then Guns will probably play 11-2ish.  Gonna be some late nights....

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I was thinking Duff might pull rank and put The Pink Slips on the bill. I will say that even if this is the Faux AIC,you won't get too many fans complaining about the opener. I think it'll just be an hour of straight hits and even the casual fans will know more songs than they think they do.

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