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06/04/16 - London, England - The Stadium, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park


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4 hours ago, tsinindy said:

There is no need to ask the guy, he is in a public place, what you do in public, you assume the risk.  If you don't want to be recorded doing something, don't do it in public.  

I'm sure I've done stuff in public I would be embarassed to have had recorded and that is on me, not the recorder.  

This guy should not be embarassed for having the time of his life at a concert and having it recorded, end of story.  

i didnt even watch the video of the angus-guy

for all i read it is supposed to be funny

thats not my point

my point is that you do not record someone that you dont know and post the video on the internet without asking this person first if he or she wants the video posted

thats my point

posting a video of somebody that you dont know without asking this person is offensive and disgusting

its really disrespectful

it can be harmless -- as seems to be the case with this angus-guy


it can also fuck with the person who appears on the video

once again, i hope no one ever does that to you

or to anybody on this forum

specially because when a video hits the internet the person who is on it never gets to say "end of story"

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Adding to the Drunken Angus debate ... or public filming of people.

The scary thing in a way is that people dont feel they do anything wrong... and thats probably due to the same phenomenon that makes it easy to kill from a distance....you cut out the intimite relation and feeling for the object subject ... it becomes something dead allready ... just an object you kan use or destroy as you wish ... theres never any in-your-face consequense ..so and because you never feel any direct relation to the person object ... theres no feeling of empathy for what the other might think or feel ..


its realy the fuckin society thats goin to straight to scary hell ... soon people gonna be able to physicaly hurt eachother from a distance ...and then they will ...

life becomes a video .... game

Edited by night prowler
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6 minutes ago, IncitingChaos said:

Don't put too much stock in what readers of the Daily Mail say though ?

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9 hours ago, night prowler said:

sounds excelent ... voice..

but he Axl  rushes back in black a bit... he sings it to fast ... the beat is sloppy and laid back .. and he.. is a bit off... needs to be more lazy ..

it was much better ... perfect in fact ... in leipzig (hate that spelling) ..  much more relaxed ... quess the boys were a bit... wound up ...

been much talk about this gig ... and they are after all ... only humans ...

Angus sounded a bit thight also at some parts ..but as he allways do .. he just pushes more and its like they gotta beat somebody or be beaten to death..

... so .. imo ...the whole thing at  times sounded a bit ... not-relaxed .. ....still awsome... but,,,well ... oppinions..

BUT!! ..and  and ive seen this many times at ac/dc concerts ... they make it great ... its working victory tonight in my oppinion .. not as easy flowing as leipzig ...

Axl sang good ... absolutely ... i just think Manchester will be better ... this was good though easy 8/10 .. but its a typical ac/dc show in a way ..

because bands allways have that some days ..(i know) ... when its not just right.. like a shirt that dont sit just right ..looks good but..

energy i think was there ..  and as a whole ... absolutely awesome ... because in the end its live music we are talkin about ... not a record.. and i am absolutely sure that there and then it sounded and felt amazing... but im also pretty sure if youd ask Angus for instance ... and you  got an off-the-record-answer so to speak ... he would say that it was though ..

a hard fought voctory ...

nevertheless.... a brilliant one... and to do that .... is what they are about... they dig deep ....and they almost never dissapoint...

bravo boys

All... good... points...

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Looks like this London gig was as important as the Lisbon one in terms of public reaction. I still imagine everyone has pitchforks ready for when he messes up a big show, but when you put on performances like this everyone just has to bow to you. 

I think the North Carolina gig will get some talk bc nobody is playing there anymore and then the next big review test for Axl will be Madison Square Garden in NY, I imagine a lot of big names in attendance for that including the press. 

Hopefully they don't plan on bringing Brian back for any of the US dates, nothing against him but there's no way you want anyone comparing the two bc the shows with Axl right now are carrying a great vibe, some electric energy, and he's showing off a range few singers have.  

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Just now, IncitingChaos said:

Looks like this London gig was as important as the Lisbon one in terms of public reaction. I still imagine everyone has pitchforks ready for when he messes up a big show, but when you put on performances like this everyone just has to bow to you. 

I think the North Carolina gig will get some talk bc nobody is playing there anymore and then the next big review test for Axl will be Madison Square Garden in NY, I imagine a lot of big names in attendance for that including the press. 

Hopefully they don't plan on bringing Brian back for any of the US dates, nothing against him but there's no way you want anyone comparing the two bc the shows with Axl right now are carrying a great vibe, some electric energy, and he's showing off a range few singers have.  

YOu couldnt (probably) be more right in that ... they are soooo ready to kill this at first opportunity ... and this was one of those gigs wher they were ready   .. the haters and the knowers..

so ... and thats the basis for my feeling that the gig was.. it was great .. probably the best so far ... but at times .. just  abit ...well you could feel that they knew this was BIG.... the world was watching allmost .... i think and hope that manchester will be .. more sort of .. just gion at it full blast ... it was allmost as they thought about it all the way this time...

and.. i mean ... they did right... it was more controlled...axl was more humble in stage apparence and .. it just felt like ...well perhaps they were shootin ..filming...but again i think they dod that with every gig so ...

But as you say ... they will be ready ... to shoot it down ... in flames... but i dont think they get the opportunity though... couse as i said here before... i dont there ever was such an ac/dc gig... a bad one.... realy ... i dont think ... but they will try fo sure...

...let them

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"I hope Axl stay in that chair for the whole tour man.. If he stand up will never be the same. Actualy he will sound Mickey again."


Absolutely amazing. History witnessed again! London surelly affects Axl in a way.


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39 minutes ago, Gibbo 27 said:

If you want to know what people thought of the show go on the acdc fb group postitive all down the page :headbang:



I've been going through all those comments and the replies to each since you posted - the overwhelming majority of those are pro-Axl, praising him for a top notch performance. The few that are negative are people who are likely never going to have liked him anyway, but their comments are being countered by those had a positive experience. It's also great to see many people who were skeptics admit that Axl proved the doubters wrong. This was always going to be a really important gig and Axl really brought his A-game.

Also, here's the original post for those who want to open it up and view it -


Edited by The Archer
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3 minutes ago, The Archer said:

I've been going through all those comments and the replies to each since you posted - the overwhelming majority of those are pro-Axl, praising him for a top notch performance. The few that are negative are people who are likely never going to have liked him anyway, but their comments are being countered by those had a positive experience. It's also great to see many people who were skeptics admit that Axl proved the doubters wrong. This was always going to be a really important gig and Axl really brought his A-game.

I seen one person said it was up there with the show he seen in donington 1991

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9 hours ago, IncitingChaos said:



best video ever haha Shoot to Thrill and alas they were dancing in the halls 


This fella does a pretty good take on Angus :lol:




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9 hours ago, Gordon Comstock said:


full song:


sometimes I have to put into perspective how great Axl has been for ACDC, and as disrespectful as this post is it needs to be said, going back to Brian would be a huge downgrade in terms of quality...this was only 3months ago and the band looks dead, the sound feels dead, but then you watch the performance in London last night and it sounds like the band is back at Donnington playing in their prime...if we get a pro shot of an Axl gig it will only make it more stunning. 

If I'm a big ACDC fan then I can't go back...they sound too good right now. ACDC has never been a band for the nostalgia fans, it's never been about one album, it's always about the next move, the next tour, the next album and if you want to keep moving forward then Axl should be your third true lead singer (yea I know there was a 4th) 

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3 hours ago, Axls_Moustache_Rules said:

What time did it finish? What time are they starting? Asking ahead of Manchester 

I saw on Facebook last night the apparent stage times for London.

Tyler Bryant & the Shakedown hit the stage around 7pm and AC/DC hit the stage around 8:15pm. As for how long they play for I don't know (I'm guessing two hours at least).

Edited by ChineseDemocracy2004
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