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General Hospital and Other Soap Talk

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I wish I could say I enjoy the 50's but after a year of awful weather, we Alaskans deserve sun and warmth....but anyways. What can ya do? Travel! 

So it looks like the whole kit and kaboodle are going to Italy. This should be fun. :shock: As far as other characters all these soaps are the same. They bring characters in for a little bit then just magically forget about em. Sad. 

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well, going on location must be very cool.

And I don't know how much more I can take from Liam. Finally someone said there would be many people there not just Hope and Thomas.  B&B have to give Thomas a love interest already.

As for GH, Ned better live. GH wasn't on again yesterday because of stupid Trump. If they convict him, I will be shocked!  He is 77 today. lol

Oh, didn't know you didn't get much sun. yeah, 50's isn't bad but you do need sun. We will be in the 100's next week. Oh joy. They are talking about the Texas grid holding up. I hope so. We can't lose our electric. Many people would die. I hate the Texas summer.

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About to watch GH now....yeah here we go with Liam complaining about Thomas yet again....but at least we had some nice candy lol. Tiniest outdoor gym ever. It was too funny! You gotta love soaps. :lol: and now it seems like Liam will jet on a plane to Italy. OH, the drama of it all!

100* is no bueno. Yuck. We are supposed to get sun on Sunday and Monday and then back to same old cloudy rain....

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Do you want me to send you some sun and heat? We're going to be in the 100's all next week. The poor people who work outdoors will suffer the most. I wil stay inside.

I know, but the people doing yoga was funny. My brother is a yoga instructor and believe me that's not how it's done. lol

Yoga classes have rooms all to themselves and are "hot" too.  He's going to Colorado this summer to scout out places for yoga retreats for his classes. His friend just got back from St. Locia and she had a blast. I never released how huge the yoga world really is.

When you find out about Ned, I can tell you about it. My mom has been watching GH since the early 80's and she knows all about it's history. I'm hoping Rena Sofer can return, but who knows? It would be a blast.

Have a good weekend. Hope you get some SUN.

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Sooooo, speaking of Rena, I read that she is going back to Bold! Now I only read it from one source....but maybe! That would be cool to see her back especially since her son Wyatt is on more. 

Yeah, Will need a crash course on Ned's alter ego Eddie Maine cause I got no clue haha. This will be one interesting storyline but at least Ned's got one now. 

And yeah, the yoga outside next to the 3 shirtless guys talking about Italy and Hope and Thomas. It was all so much, my eyes were glued to that scene. So much going on! :lol:

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Saw a Preview of Bold and Liam catches Hope kissing Thomas. Not sure who goes in for the kiss first, but I bet it's Hope. Something happens to Brooke too and Ridge has to ride to the rescue.

Well, Eddie was married to Lois, who was played by Rena, so who knows? it would be cool to see her again. Good actress. then would she go back to Carter? Not enough men to go around for the women. lol

I also read that GH is using scab writers and some people are pissed. I wish the strike was over. give them the money they want. without them there's no tv nor movies. Come on now.

Texas is in the 100's now, so that means I'm inside 

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Oh, I'm sure it will be Hope that started the kiss. I remember she said in an interview she would hate if this is how the storyline is going to go so I bet that was pretty awkward when she handed her script for the day!

GH is using scab writers? Yikes, that is not good. I also heard too that if soap starts don't turn up for work, they can get fired. They are put into an awful position! 

I wonder how long Ned will be Eddie for? I felt bad for Leo, poor kid....bet he is very confused. Such a sweet kid.

Edited by marlingrl03
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I know the whole Eddie Maine story is stupid. I would love if it brought Rena back as Lois but who knows? With the writers't strike things can get weird. I think most actors sided with the writers, so the whole cast might not show up? I wonder how long it'll be before they tell that Bobbie has died. On Days of our lives, John Astin has been dead for months now and he's still on, but off screen.

Well, Liam will be getting shocked soon enough. How can this go on like this? All the families work together and if Hope does want to be with Thomas, how will this go? I'm pretty sure stupid Ridge and Brooke will be back together before long too. Don't care they are boring. lol

No one on GH seems to be happy these days.  Maybe the scab writers are already writing because lately the show seems different. I don't like that therapist Sasha is seeing. I think he might mess with her head for Gladys sake. I'm not liking where any story is going lately.

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I hope so because my cousin read Rena was going back as Quinn. either way I'm good. lol

And Bold was epic today. lol For some not for others. Anyway, let's move on already. It was nice to see Zende and Paris for a second the other day. lol and I guess Wyatt 's fiance FLo is gone for good. That's just weird.

GH is getting too crazy these days. It seems everyone has a secret, but we get no answers. Who the hell is Austin working for and why should we care? I hope some of these stories end soon. And if Drew goes to jail, will Carly be next? I heard Sam might sacrifice Carly for Drew? Would Sonny stand for that?

have a good weekend. it's super hot. Won't be outside much at all.

Abbot just made this stupid law that the outside workers can't take too many water breaks and handicapped people can't vote by mail. I really hate this guy so much.

No matter how many shootings we have he says nothing.

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Ha! You are not the only one who is actually rooting on Hope and Thomas because of whiny down and out Liam! A lot of fans are all done with him. and he has cheated with Steffy soooooo many times over the years, he has NO business being upset. None. Such a hypocrite. I wonder if Liam will even admit to Hope about the kiss with Steffy? Probaby not....

and wow, poor Olivia. That has gotta be hard for her. Eddie Maine has no recollection of anyone he loved as Ned. I wonder how long this will go on for?

and Abbott is an evil bastard plain and simple and doesn't care who gets killed under his watch.

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I agree with Hope and Thomas getting together. after today's episode, when you watch it you will be screaming I was! lol

What a bastard Liam really is! Meanwhile, yeah, killing Steffy. I hope Steffy tells Finn and Finn tells Hope and then punches Liam.

I mean he slept with Steffy so he can't talk. Can't stand him after what he did to Hope today. Just not right. And honestly, I hope this whole Ridge and Brooke dies down until they get married again. lol Taylor should go after Bill. That would piss them both off.

And yeah, Nina is still trying to manipulate Ned, Eddie into leaving PC.  And Tracy is really being a bitch. My mom told me back in the day, Tracy was really terrible. She did withhold her dad's heart pills when he was having a heart attack. He was faking but still lol

Abbott doesn't care about anyone but the NRA and the rich people of Texas. I honestly don't know who voted for him. 

And the whole Trump thing meanwhile he's still campaining and running for President? What is happening in the US? lol

Texas is in the 100's I'm in most days. Praying the grid holds up. They swear it will meanwhile they are telling people to put their a/c on 78. are they kidding me?

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I want to kill Liam. lol He's being unfair to Hope. After all the crap he has pulled on her and he again kissed Steffy. What the hell is wrong with him? I was so pissed at how he's making Hope feel and saying he can't forgive her? Come on. He had sex with Steffy and Hope forgave him. I think she needs to dump his ass and give Thomas a chance. So sick and tired of Liam thinking he's so right.

And GH! Making me nuts right now! Who is Austin working for? I wonder if it's Cyrus because he was on today.  I hope GH raps up some story lines these days. Gladys has to go. Sonny is so wrapped up with Nina he's going to lose his business and possibly his family and his life.  I don't know GH feels different. Maybe they do have other writers right now. Not sure?

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Yeah, Liam is the biggest hypocrite of them ever. I am glad that Hope threw in his face how she had forgiven him for his indiscretions, but honestly she should not be begging him for forgiveness.....especially after screaming at her like that. I was like oh hell no! and of course he still hasn't mentioned him kissing Steffy and I am sure he won't! What a pathetic loser.

and the whole Austin thing I just am not too interested in it because GH can't keep the story going so I lose interest. Because I bet in a week it will be forgotten for a month and then brought back again. They really need to stop doing that. Out of the 3 soaps I watch, GH is by far the worst with how they do their stroylines.

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Well, I thought I couldn't hate Liam anymore but wait until you see today's episode. And then he does something that made me scream at the tv. lol It's the same old same old. Anyway, I wasn't happy about Hope begging him either. He is a loser and I hope he knows all the Bold fans want to kill him after this week.

Well, Austin and Ava sleeping together. Not feeling that either. I don't know who the big boss is that he is afraid of, but I'm sick of it. Ava needs to meet  Sonny and tell him the whole story. He won't say anything about Nick so I think he needs to be in on this whole fiasco.

I feel GH has no idea what to do with Austin so they come up with this crap. It only makes me annoyed. He was great as Franco. This guy not so much. And I'm not liking Zeke either. Portia's brother. annoying. lol

Have a good weekend.  It is very hot here. I stay in most of the day. It's like if you stay out too long you can't breathe. Very hard on the poor workers who work outside. it's like Dallas is working on every highway at the same time. lol

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Finally we have a Bold where I'm like, now that's what I'm talking about! I wish Steffy had slapped Liam after that unwanted kiss....but at least she told him straight and hopefully he will get the hint! He is so whiny and pathetic. I just can not with him.  Hope, leave his whiny ass. Come on girl.

I heard that Cyrus was coming on and that guy from AMC should be starting soon too. And now Spencer is leaving. The actor got a TV gig on Netflix I believe...he said he is coming back but probably not.

Yeah the heat is crazy down there. I'm not looking forward to that. Normally I never ever go to TX in the summer but my dad who lives in Mexico recently had to go to San Antonio *where my brother lives* to seek medical treatment for a condition he has. And my brother needs me to come down for a few days to help and provide moral support. So I will be there in the 3rd week of July. Oy vey. 

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Girl it is very hot here. Just try to stay inside most of the time. It's brutal. Not unusual for Texas in the summer months.

I read that Spencer will play one of those Melendez brothers that killed their parents. it's a special tv show by Ryan Murphy. He does the American Horror story shows. I hope he comes back because he is such a good actor. Guess we'll see. Yeah, Walt who was on AMC is his same character. He was a lawyer on AMC. I wonder who he'll work for? 

I hope your dad will be okay. 

Cyrus was on yesterday's episode. He wants to protect Drew. Sonny also said he had people to watch Drew. I still hope somehow Drew will get out of jail soon.

No new soap episodes today except for Days. Since it's on peacock they don't miss any episodes.  

Hey you never know we might get a cool front by the time you come to Texas. lol Might drop to the 90's. 

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My 4th was very quiet, I don't really celebrate it....trying to prepare myself for the TX weather.  Dreading it! I have been down in September and it was alright. November was perfect for me though. 

Just saw Bold. Wow, another intense kiss between Hope and Thomas with some lip biting.  They are going for it now....but I don't blame Hope, after Liam treated her like that. What a freakin hypocrite.

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I agree about Liam. If he goes after Steffy I hope Finn gets involved. He's such a lame ass. lol Hope is right about having a man who thinks only of her. I hope Thomas and Hope become a couple for good.

Well, someone gets shot at the Metro Court. I hope it's not Sonny again. lol How many times has that man been shot? Unless it's a trap to bring out whoever is after him. I still say it's Selena. I don't trust her and what that so called doctor and Gladys are doing to Sasha. I think she will be going into a mental hospital before long so she can go on maternity leave. She had a boy, I think. Oh well, I do hope someone finds out about Gladys. Cody needs to confide in Sam and she needs to tell Sonny. This has gone on too long.

Well, it's still very hot here. We've had some storms, but it only makes it more humid. hate that.

Visiting your family will be good though. Most of my family is gone. Have an uncle on Long Island but he never visited us and probably never will. Doesn't like to fly. I have cousins but we're not close anymore. Oh well. My mom has a close cousin in Florida, but she has her daughers and granddaughters that keep her super busy. 

I don't celebrate the 4th either. Stayed in and watched movies.

Have a good weekend.

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Yeah, they all aim at Sonny but it will someone else that will be shot. Probably Dex again! and I think it is absolutely horrible that GH is making Sasha go through this pill storyline yet again....she deserves better! So horrible, I just can't. But I am glad that Brooklyn didn't let Maxie take the blame for taking the flashdrive, but she and Tracy will both get caught soon and it won't be pretty. 

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