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The Tentative Release Date of March 6th


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So you won't be calling him to do lunch anytime soon huh..

Guess not. Seriously though... it's bad enough hearing countless stories and accusations over and over. It taints the music for me. I like to think people who write beautiful music are beautiful people. But circumstantial evidence suggests otherwise. There must be a reason why all these people in the industry have beef with him. Not every story you hear is bullshit... there is some truth to the negativity.

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So you won't be calling him to do lunch anytime soon huh..

Guess not. Seriously though... it's bad enough hearing countless stories and accusations over and over. It taints the music for me. I like to think people who write beautiful music are beautiful people. But circumstantial evidence suggests otherwise. There must be a reason why all these people in the industry have beef with him. Not every story you hear is bullshit... there is some truth to the negativity.

I agree. Axl Rose is a spoiled child who doesn't respect his fanbase.

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Remember back in 02 after Axl first toured without releasing the album? He dissapeared for a while right after that and wasn't really seen or heard from until his 2004 statement about Buckethead leaving the band. He hasn't "gone back into hiding" this time and has been seen out and about in Vegas and NYC. Call me optimistic, but I think the album is closer than ever to getting a legit confirmed release date. Maybe not March 6 close, but closer to release than say..............Libertad.

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Nobody's asking him to throw a parade in our honor. Nobody's even asking him to show up on time or release his album (though he'd be smart to do both).

All I'm suggesting is that he say SOMETHING, no matter how small. Do it every couple of weeks or something. Reassure us that he's not going back into Malibu hibernation for half a decade.

A couple of sentences every so often. That's it. He wouldn't even have to get out of bed to do it. Just have Beta type a "message from Axl" post every so often.

The worst thing about being a fan of Axl through all these years is being kept in the dark. It would take such a minimal effort on Axl's part to make all that bullshit go away. Please Axl, for Christ's fucking sake, think of your fans here. This ONE LITTLE TINY EFFORT on your part could make a world of difference to your fans.

well its could be great actually..

but we all know that he won't even going to see this reqest.

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Orginally, I thought March 6th might actually be the day CD is released. However, since February is almost here and there has been no promotion what so ever, I don't see this happening. But I'm so use to it now it does not even effect me much anymore. But I do think we are closer to it then ever before.

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I'm kinda glad he's not droppin us a line every couple of weeks, I mean really how interesting would those press statements be when theres virtually no activity and it would subtract from the notion that the braided one just might be crazy egough to pull this off.

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I was sure that by a month and a half after Axl's letter to the fans that there would be some communication by now. Almost a month left til' the supposed release date and still no confirmation, tracklisting, or news of any kind. Axl himself said that it takes about 8 weeks from the point it's handed in to the record company til the release. Has that even happened yet? Im starting to think his letter to the fans was mainly to save face with the media once the year ended with no album, not so much for the fans. I hate to agree with Kaneda, but until Axl proves otherwise (and I hope he does) we can pretty much kiss march goodbye.

Edited by sofine11
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I think we all feel that way right now.

I expected to hear something by the middle of January, whether it be news from the GN'R camp or word on a single...

From Axl's letter, he seemed to be implying he would keep in touch more regularly and that this really would be the final mile as far as the album was concerned. He spoke about announcing an official, non-tentative release date within the next month or so - and we have yet to even hear anything about that.

I don't think March 6th is realistic, but I'm hoping by the end of March or sometime in April something will come about. NIN's new single is going to be released in April so it would be nice to have both albums out around the same time, along with VR's in the following months.

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I was sure that by a month and a half after Axl's letter to the fans that there would be some communication by now. Almost a month left til' the supposed release date and still no confirmation, tracklisting, or news of any kind. Axl himself said that it takes about 8 weeks from the point it's handed in to the record company til the release. Has that even happened yet? Im starting to think his letter to the fans was mainly to save face in the media once the year ended with no album, not so much for the fans. I hate to agree with Kaneda, but until Axl proves otherwise (and I hope he does) we can pretty much kiss march goodbye.

u can be upset and still not agree with kenada...

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I don't know guys............we were all really pissed about the whole 2006 teasing and confusion (concerning the release of CD), but when Axl put his "open letter" on the GNR website people seemed to appreciate it and kind of forgave him. Now everybody's bitchin again. And again, all this bitchin could all be over tomorrow if Axl puts out another statement or actually announces an official release date. Think about it, when Axl and his label actually announce the official release date all will be forgiven and everyone will be pro Axl to the max. Its gonna happen.

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I don't know guys............we were all really pissed about the whole 2006 teasing and confusion (concerning the release of CD), but when Axl put his "open letter" on the GNR website people seemed to appreciate it and kind of forgave him. Now everybody's bitchin again. And again, all this bitchin could all be over tomorrow if Axl puts out another statement or actually announces an official release date. Think about it, when Axl and his label actually announce the official release date all will be forgiven and everyone will be pro Axl to the max. Its gonna happen.

Maybe so. But the reality is this. When CD is handed over to the record company, THEY WILL SAY WHEN IT SHOULD BE RELEASED. Which means we probably won't see anything until like May or June and that is just bullshit when you're talking about an album as fucking late as this one is. Also they need a video in place and that shit ain't happening any time soon and when that does, that'll take for fucking ever. I truely do not believe we will hear anything until the end of this year. So I'm starting to agree with people like kaneda when they express their utter disappointment in this whole fucking debacle called Guns n' Roses.

AND NO I am not leaving these boards because I still enjoy the music and still care to learn what happens next.

Edited by welcometothespunkle
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I'm shocked that there hasn't been ANY update of ANY kind whatsoever on the official website.

Doesn't take much effort. Just a simple "Hang in there" would suffice, or general news on the progress of the album.

Really disappointing. I thought it would be different this time.

I just hope it's out by April, when they start touring again...

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i think the fucker's done. we're getting festival tour dates for Spring, which i don't think they would schedule if the recording wasn't finalized. i know they've toured before with no CD, but they can't do it again after publically stating that they were cancelling shows to finish the record. i think it's finished and in the hands of the record company. we'll find out soon enough i guess.

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i think the fucker's done. we're getting festival tour dates for Spring, which i don't think they would schedule if the recording wasn't finalized. i know they've toured before with no CD, but they can't do it again after publically stating that they were cancelling shows to finish the record. i think it's finished and in the hands of the record company. we'll find out soon enough i guess.

fucking hope so


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