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Everything posted by Rovim

  1. I'm not surprised. This is exactly the kind of shit Kiss would do. Well, Paul and Gene to be exact. They always had zero class, but the classic albums are still great and the live shows so it doesn't really bother me. This hologram shit isn't for me though. I think it sucks.
  2. I think Slash took it personally enough to not want to work with Gilby for a long time.
  3. I think he sued Slash as part of a lawsuit against Gn'R for using his likeness/and making profit from his name and image on the UYI tour and TSI
  4. I think in a potential scenario where Brian struggles too much, the band with Brian will deal with it but I don't think finding a replacement for Brian instead of taking a break/delaying or canceling the remaining dates is going to happen. I hope it won't come to that, my guess is that it's not going to be easy for Brian to do these shows but also that the AC/DC fanbase has lowered its expectations.
  5. I don't think Axl entered a studio with AC/DC. iirc, Axl just offered, but it ended there.
  6. Brian doesn't really need to do justice to the material cause he's Brian. Already gave my reasons for why I don't think it'll happen. Like always, I could be very wrong, it's just that I don't believe Angus is ever going to replace Brian with Axl again, even if Brian couldn't do it.
  7. just a small correction: it was really Axl that approached Angus if I'm not mistaken.
  8. I don't believe most AC/DC fans are interested in hearing it, I don't think Angus would approach Axl again, and I don't think Axl can still do justice to the material.
  9. probably cause Gilby sued Slash. I can understand why he didn't want to collaborate with him for a long time.
  10. who's in charge? who has the power to change how this band operates? musicians are people too. In this case, it's a very rich guy who exprienced great success and was never what you'd call a "well adjusted human being". He seems much better now, but he still has enough power to live his life the way he wants to live it, and in his own pace. I'm not saying it's fun for me as a fan to not get more, but is it really confusing after all these years? Axl's actions show that he has his own priorities and approach as a person and musician and he doesn't seem to be interested in taking advice from anyone unless he asks for it. Some artists/musicians are very different compared to most and Axl is one of them. this is why how other bands operate is not relevant cause Axl is not the one calling the shots in Iron Maiden or The Rolling Stones or RHCP or Metallica or whoever. It's been like this for decades now, it's probably not going to change, no matter how cool/so much better we think it could have been if Gn'R was more like a "normal" band. If you want prolific, Gn'R isn't it. Not specifically aimed at you btw, just sharing my opinion.
  11. a big chunk of the Gn'R sound is present in Izzy's solo albums imo.
  12. yeah, I know how Angus works, I meant more Brian and not someone from the rhythm section. If Brian wouldn't be able to do it, my opinion is that Angus won't go with Axl again or anyone else to replace Brian.
  13. is it confirmed that it was the publisher that wanted it edited? iirc Matt said that "he didn't want to come off as jaded" or some shit.
  14. I just listened to it again, it sounds like Eric is on lead vocals to my ears
  15. but the studio version of Monkey Chow is sung by Dover.,.
  16. I love AC/DC, but if I was in a position to attend a show (they're not going to come to my country anytime soon and I'm not flying to another country to attend a concert) I would rather get a refund if it was just a cover guy instead of Brian or Axl, someone who is a pro that I like. For me, Angus is the main attraction, but still.
  17. part of the reason of why I think it won't happen again with Axl, even if Brian couldn't do it mid tour, is that the AC/DC fanbase doesn't seem interested in Axl stepping in again to help out.
  18. yes, I also think Oklahoma/Berlin has a lot of potential. Even if they did rerecord or will, it's probably going to be a long time until we get to hear, if at all. in general, I think that just cause Axl sat on these tunes for decades, doesn't mean he won't release at least some of it in the future. Seems like it could be a "big gun".
  19. in any case, I don't believe we won't get The General on streaming platforms. That would be too ridiculous even for Gn'R imo.
  20. I believe there are still finished and unfinished material with vocals that Axl might still want to release, who knows? it's possible that Slash and Duff could rerecord more Chinese era tracks, but no one knows what the plan is when it comes to what Axl wants to do (that is if they're planning to release more tunes from that era or that it ends with what we have now, which I don't think will be the case)
  21. I think it must be nice for most musicians to know that the hardcore fanbase is into it. I don't think Axl's main motivation is if the fans like it or not, he released Absurd as the first single of the reunited lineup after all, but it might influence the decision if he is still on the fence when it comes to releasing it, which I don't think he is anyway (just a guess) agreed about the last part of your post, it's nice to now have Absurd, Atlas, SOG, HS, Perhaps, The General, and Monsters in some form. Eye On You as well plus OMG and Chinese the album. 23 tunes from Chinese era with vocals. Could have been worse.
  22. no way to really know, of course, but I think Monsters will be officially released eventually. Would be a shame if Axl decided to not do it cause it's a very strong track imo, and most fans in here seems to really like it. I'm sure the band is aware of that.
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