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Everything posted by MaskingApathy

  1. That's what I'm thinking too. I don't think she's lying since it's been mentioned at different times before.
  2. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/axl-rose-sexual-assault-lawsuit-1234892817/#recipient_hashed=dda09a6cc91b6dd1d5303bbb82f8c11264757f28350a03e6b79986acc8926c04&recipient_salt=867f5ab571d445519f3dcec01f27aebb7a56f126de1970d3dba3a42d027277e7
  3. It was more than "a few shows." That was quick, it wasn't that long ago that he had gotten married.
  4. That's how most big bands operate. In the US they use the buses to travel from city to city. I worked a ZZ Top show once (about 5 or 6 years ago) and Billy, Dusty, and Frank each had their own bus.
  5. And then it turned out that MM was a bit of an abuser himself... I think you're right, Slash and Duff have their own families and people with them on the road.
  6. I think she meant that Izzy stayed away when he saw that he would have to deal with TB and Fernando and didn't want to waste his time with amateurs. Would be great if a real manager is brought in and TB can just be Axl's assistants. They need real pro management to clean things up. I'm sure they don't because it's not their responsibility to worry about contracts etc. And I think the only ones who knew about the harrassment are Fernando and Kat herself. I wouldn't be surprised if Kat never saw Duff & Slash and their families except during the shows. Wonder if Slash & Duff will say anything about this. That's what I think too. That's what I think too, esp since it's not mentioned in the suit that Kat tried to reach out to Slash Duff etc. And I'm sure they didn't know anything about the contracts, that's not their job.
  7. Last one was AFD100, that was intended to be a limited run though. I don't think he was wanting to make another signature amp just to have one out there though.
  8. Which amp? And it's already been mentioned that he's not leaving Marshall.
  9. Well the M80 that he tried is basically a Marshall style amp already.
  10. He's never been exclusive to just Marshall. He simply tried a Magnatone once and liked it, then talked to them when Fortus introduced them. Simple as that. Has nothing to do with new ownership. And they'll do anything for him that he asks for, they're not going to say no to Slash.
  11. Update https://guitar.com/news/gear-news/slash-switches-to-magnatone-amps-marshall/ UPDATE: Slash has confirmed in a statement released to Guitar.com that he will in fact be continuing his relationship with Marshall while also working with Magnatone. “To clear up any misconceptions that might arise,” Slash writes in the statement. ”Although Magnatone and I have been working together to create a new amp, I still maintain my long relationship with Marshall and look forward to continued collaboration with their incredible team.”
  12. At least the US tour he used them, Meegan had posted pics in her story at one point and you could see them in the rack. No he was using Jubilees on the last 2 SMKC tours.
  13. He'll be back eventually, and Marshall won't terminate their relationship with him. He's at the level where he can play whatever he wants and isn't tied to anything exclusively.
  14. Yeah he had Magnatones in his rig for the US tour that just ended. It was when he did the Schenker recording.
  15. He hasn't left Marshall officially, I think they'll still be used here and there.
  16. And he played on most of their catalog and on their most legendary tour too, that's not insignificant.
  17. @Ralphelmosays there's going to be another album later. I think Myles was uncertain because they didn't have concrete plans at the time. Yeah so after that. That would be cool, although idk how well Axl would be able to do back to back nights.
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