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Which song has grown on you most over the years?

The Sandman

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Now, there will always be the stand-out tracks on any album. But, for you, which song has been a "grower" and not a "shower"?

For me, it would probably have to be Rocket Queen. I used to like it, but I'd never appreciated how good it is to end an album, nor the lyrics. I can safely say that it ranks as one of my more favoured tracks, and really do enjoy it live (sans sex noises).

So - Guns fans...

Which song has grown on you most over the years?

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Maybe a little weird, but it is Estranged.

I always liked AFD the most and the faster ones on UYI's. Last couple of years that song really grew on me and now it's one of my favorites, but it has taken 20 years to do so.

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Now, there will always be the stand-out tracks on any album. But, for you, which song has been a "grower" and not a "shower"?

For me, it would probably have to be Rocket Queen. I used to like it, but I'd never appreciated how good it is to end an album, nor the lyrics. I can safely say that it ranks as one of my more favoured tracks, and really do enjoy it live (sans sex noises).

So - Guns fans...

Which song has grown on you most over the years?

TIL has grown on me since november 2008. axl's phantom vocals. robin's EPIC guitar solo. it's the perfect combo. magic rock stuff!

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If The World. I always liked it, but it clicked with me one day when I had it stuck in my head. I also like Madagascar a lot more after hearing it live, it takes on a whole new vibe in a live setting

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"Reckless Life": I threw away a lot... for 20 years of death and destruction; a wife, and a lot of close friends... for heroin. Opiates does that to a person. If you are sick, find treatment. There are MMT facilities, everywhere. The point is that there is life after methadone. I have been non-opiate since '04. You can do it, too.

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